November, 2009
Course Number:2251
Semesters Hours:Three
Limitation on Enrollment25
Required course for BA in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences major
Catalog Description:
Study of the nature, etiology, diagnosis and remediation techniques associated with speech, language, hearing, communication and swallowing disorders.
N.B. In order to ensure full class participation, any students with a disabling condition requiring special accommodations (e.g., tape recorders, special adaptive equipment, special note-taking or test-taking procedures) will be strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the beginning of the course. For the student’s convenience, both the professor’s office hours and telephone number will be listed on the syllabus.
Introduction to Speech, Language and Hearing Disorders
- Course Objectives:
Students will achieve growth toward becoming informed, dynamic professionals, as evidenced by demonstration of proficiencies in knowledge comprehension, disposition development and skill application. Students will:
- List the credentials needed to become a speech-language pathologist and audiologist (K)
- Define and differentiate speech, language, hearing and communication (K)
- List the structures and functions involved in speech production (K)
- Delineate the milestones in typically developing speech, language and hearing. (K)
- Outline the nature, etiologies, assessments and general strategies for treating disordered speech production in children. (K,S)
- Outline the nature, etiologies, assessments and general strategies for treating disordered language in children. (K,S)
- Describe nature, etiologies, assessments and general strategies for treating speech disorders in adults. (K,S)
- Describe the typical and disordered swallowing. (K)
- Describe the nature, etiologies, assessment and general strategies for treating language disorders in adults. (K,S)
- Outline the nature, etiologies, assessments and general strategies for treating voice disorders. (K,S)
- Outline the nature, etiologies, assessments and general strategies for treating stuttering. (K,S)
- Describe the nature, etiologies, assessment and general strategies for treating or compensating for disordered hearing. (K,S)
- Compare and contrast deaf/Deaf cultures and their educational philosophies. (K,S,D)
- Course Content:
A. Certification and license requirements
1. National certification requirements for a speech-language pathologist or
2. State certification requirements for a speech-language pathologist or
3. Local school-based requirements for a speech-language pathologist or
- Basic terminology in speech, language and hearing sciences
1. Speech
2. Articulation
3. Language: receptive and expressive modalities
4. Communication
5. Hearing and auditory processing
- Anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing
1. Structures and functions associated with respiration
2. Structures and functions associated with phonation
3. Structures and functions associated with resonance
4. Structures and functions associated with articulation
- Developmental stages of communication
1. Prelinguistic stage and babbling
2. Linguistic stage and the first word
3. Phonological development
4. Syntactic/semantic/pragmatic development
5. Later developing speech and language components
- Disorders of speech production in children
1. Nature of articulation disorders
2. Nature of phonological disorders
3. Possible causes of speech production problems
4. How speech production skills are assessed
5. General principles of intervention for speech disordered children
- Disorders of language in children
1. Nature of expressive/receptive language delays and disorders
2. Possible causes of language delays and disorders
3. How language skills are assessed
4. General principles intervention for language disordered children
- Motor speech disorders in adults
1. Types of dysarthria
2. Causes of dysarthria
3. Principles of intervention for dysarthria
4. Augmentative/alternative communication
a. consideration of component skills
b. consideration of communication partner characteristics
c. community (re)integration
H. Disorders of swallowing (dysphagia)
1. Phases of the normal swallow
2. Sources of difficulty and their consequences
3. How swallowing is assessed both formally and informally
4. General principles of intervention for improved swallowing.
I. Language disorders in adults (aphasia)
1. Types of aphasia and individuals with aphasia
2. Causes of aphasia
3. How aphasia is assessed
4. Principles of aphasia rehabilitation
5. Dementia and the role of the speech-language pathologist
- Voice disorders
1. Variations in pitch
2. Variations in loudness
3. Variations in quality
4. Variations in resonance
5. General principles of voice rehabilitation
- Stuttering
1. Auditory and visual characteristics of stuttering
2. Possible causes of stuttering
3. How speech fluency is assessed
4. General principle of treatment for individuals who stutter
- Disorders of Hearing
1. Conductive versus sensori-neural hearing loss
2. How an audiologist assesses the sense of hearing
3. Possible causes of hearing loss and deafness
4. Interventions for improved hearing
- Deaf/deaf culture
1. The uniting philosophy regarding individual who are Deaf
2. The uniting philosophy regarding individual who are deaf
3. Educational choices for deaf/Deaf children
III. Methods of Instruction
A.Lectures, supported by PowerPoint
- Case presentations and discussions
- Multimedia presentations to supplement lectures
IV. Methods of Evaluation
- Examination (K, S, D)
- Oral presentations (K, S, D)
- Class participation (K, S, D)
V. Suggested Text:
Justice, L (2010). Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Contemporary Perspective. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
VI. Bibliography
Current Works
Bauman-Waengler, J. (2008). Articulatory and Phonological Impairments: A Clinical Focus. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bauman-Waengler, J (2009). Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology: From Concepts to Transcription. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bennett, E. (2006) Working with People Who Stutter: A Lifespan Approach.Boston, MA: Charles Merrill.
Berko-Gleason, J. & Bernstein-Ratner, N. (2009). The Development of Language.
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bernstein, D. & Tiegerman-Farber, E. (2009). Language and Communication Disorders in Children. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Body, R & McAllister, L. (2009). Ethics in Speech and Language Therapy. Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley John & Sons, Inc.
Boone, D., McFarlane, S., Von Berg, S. & Zraick, R. (2010). The Voice and Voice Therapy.Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Brice, A. & Brice, R. (2009). Language Development: Monolingual and Bilingual
Acquisition. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Chapey, R (2008). Language Intervention Strategies in Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders. Chicago, IL: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Davis, A. (2007). Aphasiology: Disorders and Clinical Practice. Boston, MA: Allyn &
DeBonis, D. & Donohue, C. (2008). Survey of Audiology: Fundamentals for Audiologists and Health Professionals. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Fogel, P. T. (2008).Foundationsof Communication Sciences and Disorders. Florence,
KY: Cengage Learning.
Gregory, H., Campbell, J., Gregory, C. & Hill, D. (2003). Stuttering Therapy: Rationale and Procedures. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Guilford, A. M., Graham, S.V. & Scheuerle, J. (2006). The Speech-Language
Pathologist: From Novice to Expert. Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing.
Haynes, W.O., & Pindzola, R.H. (2008). Diagnosis and Evaluation in Speech Pathology. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Hegde, M.N. & Maul (2006). Language Disorders in Children: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Hegde, M. N. & Davis, D. (2010). Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.
Hicks, P. L. (2007). Opportunities in Speech-Language Pathology Careers. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
Hulit, L.M. & Howard, L.R. (2006). Born to Talk: An Introduction to Speech and Language Development. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Kent, R.D. (2009). Plural Handbook of Speech & Language Disorders in Children. San
Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Kuder, S.J. (2008). Teaching Students with Language and Communication Disabilities. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Langdon, H.W. (2008). Assessment & Intervention for Communication Disorders in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Populations. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning.
Martin, F. & Clark, J. (2009). Introduction to Audiology. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
McAllister, L. & Lincoln, M. (2005). Clinical Education in Speech-Language Pathology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley John & Sons.
McCutcheon, M. & Phillips, M. (2005). Exploring Health Careers. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.
Murdoch, B. & Theodoros, D. (2005). Speech and Language Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley John & Sons, Inc.
Murdoch, B (2009). Speech and Language Disorders Associated with Sub Cortical Pathology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley John & Sons, Inc.
Murdoch, B.E. (2009). Acquired Speech and Language Disorders. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley John & Sons, Inc.
Nelson, N.W. (2010). Language and Literacy Disorders: Infancy through Adolescence. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Owens, R. Metz, D.E. & Haas, A. (2007). Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Owens, R. (2008). Language Development: An Introduction. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Owens, R. (2010). Language Disorders: A Functional Approach to Assessment and Intervention. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Pappas, N. W. & McLeod, S (2009). Working with Families in Pediatric Speech-Language Pathology. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Pence, K. & Justice, L. (2008). Language Development: From Theory to Practice. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Plante, E.M. & Beeson, P.M. (2008). Communication and Communication Disorders: A Clinical Introduction. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Roseberry-McKibbin, C. (2007). Language Disorders in Children: A Multicultural and Case Perspective. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Schraeder, P (2008). A Guide to School Services in Speech-Language Pathology. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Seif-Workinger, M. (2005). Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing.
Seikel, A., King, D., & Drumright, D. (2010). Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language and Hearing. Florence, KY: Cengage Leaning.
Shipley, K. G. & McAfee, J. G. (2004). Assessment in Speech-language Pathology. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.
Snowling, M. J & Stackhouse, J. (2006). Dyslexia, Speech and Language. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley John & Sons.
Tanner, D. (2006). Case Studies in Communication Sciences and Disorders.Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Tiegerman-Farber, E. & Radziewicz, C. (2008). Language Disorders in Children: Real Families, Real Issues, and Real Interventions. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Seminal Works
Brice, A. (2002). The Hispanic Child: Speech, Language, Culture and Education.
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Conture, E. (2001). Stuttering: Its Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment. Boston, MA:
Allyn & Bacon.
Hall, H., Oyer, W. & Haas, B. (2001). Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders: A Guide for the Teacher. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Kahn, A. (2000). Craniofacial Anomalies: A Beginner’s Guide for Speech-Language
Pathologists. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.
Lloyd, L.L., Fuller, D. & Arvidson, H. (1998). Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Handbook of Principles and Practices. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Love, R.J. (2000). Childhood Motor Speech Disability. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
McCormick, L., Loeb, D. & Schiefelbusch, R. (2003). Supporting Children withCommunication Difficulties in Inclusive Settings: School-Based Language Intervention. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Nicolosi, L., Harryman, E., & Kresheck, J (2003). Terminology of Communication DisordersSpeech-Language-Hearing. Chicago, IL: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Rondal, J. & Buckley, S. (2003). Speech and Language Intervention in Down Syndrome. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Johns & Sons
Silverman, F. H. (2003). The Essentials of Speech, Language and Hearing Disorders. Mason, OH: Atomic Dog Publishing.
Tanner, D. (2003). Exploring Communication Disorders: A 21st Century Introduction through Literature and Media. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Tanner, D. (2003). The Psychology of Neurogenic Communication Disorders: A Primer for Health Care Professionals. Boston, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
Vold, F. C. & Kinsella-Meier, M.A. (2001). Signing With Your Clients. Washington, D.C.: GallaudetUniversity Press.