1331 Bedford Drive #103

Melbourne, FL32940

(321) 777-7575



FEBRUARY 23, 2010

This meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.

A quorum was established with 5 of 5 Directors in attendance.

Reading or Waiver of reading of the previous meeting was tabled.

Recognition of the new Architectural Review Committee: Doug Dixon introduced Lisa Shoemaker, Jeff Dempsey and Ashley Weis as the members of the ARC committee for the 2010 term. Lisa Shoemaker and Jeff Dempsey will Co-Chair the Committee. Lori Barrella of Fairway Management will sit as an alternate. Cheryl McCrosson motioned to accept the Committee as presented. Carl Sanderson 2nd. No discussion. All were in favor.

ARC Report: Seven applications were presented for review:

4929 Rosewood Lane – approved to place a 4’ picket style fence in the rear portion of his property.

2794 Caitlin Court – approved for the removal of a sago palm in the front of the home, 4 pine trees located in the rear of the property and removal of a fence in rear portion of the home.

4928 Erin Lane – approved for painting the home. Colors were chosen from the pre-approved paint palette.

2909 Tara Court – approved to enclose the screen porch. Finished stucco paint must match existing paint and roof shingles must be the same as or match existing shingles.

4909 Rosewood Lane – approved for the removal of 4 trees in the rear portion of the home. Stumps must be ground down to grade and sod replaced.

2834 Mariah Drive – approved for painting the home. Colors chosen form the pre-approved paint palette.

4913 Rosewood Lane – disapproved for the installation of French Drains in the rear portion of the home. Owner needs to submit a survey clearly showing placement of drains.

Presidents’ Report – will present under New Business.

Treasurers’ Report – As of January 31, 2010, the operating account had a balance of $26,324.09 and the Reserve account had a balance of $31,282.61.

Management Report – Lori Barrella reported that quotes were being obtained for

repair/replacement of the culverts in all the retention ponds. Late notices have been sent to owners who have not paid their 2010 Semi-Annual Assessments. Receivables for 2010 total $3,961.82. There are currently 7 homes in bank foreclosure. Lori reported that 3 homes with notice of intent to lien for unpaid assessments from 2009 have expired and all three have not paid their 2010 Assessment. Board action would be needed to file the liens. Kevin Tinsley motioned to proceed with lien actions against 4881 Erin Lane, 4963 Erin Lane and 4882 Erin Lane. Dave Marks 2nd. There was discussion regarding the lien procedure and the time line of such proceedings. Doug Dixon made a call for a vote. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Due to the recent freeze, homeowner violations were limited to mailbox repairs/replacement and cleaning issues. A few homes were noticed for mold and/or mildew on their home. The front entrance post housing the electrical meter and breaker box is in need of repair. Fairway has obtained quotes for replacement, the lowest quote was $500.00. Dave Marks made a motion to replace the post and breaker box at the entrance. Carl Sanderson 2nd. No discussion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Strategic Planning for 2010: Doug would like the Board to be prepared for the Document revisions currently being worked on by Lori Cardew. He asked the Directors to read the Governing Documents and highlight areas they think should be updated, amended or deleted all together. Once all Directors have made their recommendations, Doug will submit to the Attorney to make sure the changes are allowed, according to the Florida Statutes. Doug would like to have ready for presentation to the Members by summer. Doug reminded the Board that the most changes will be to the restrictions of the Association.

Individual Member Responsibilities: Doug would like each Director to oversee certain areas of responsibility the Board is charged with. Dave Marks will continue to monitor the crime activity in the development; Carl Sanderson will monitor the lakes and the service provided by The Lake Doctors, Inc. (with the assistance of Dave Marks); Doug and Cheryl will work on the document revisions with final editing by Dave; Kevin Tinsley will review the financial reports, as submitted by Fairway Management.

Spring Block Party: Doug would like Fairway to post the date and time of the Spring Block party on their website. Doug will submit the necessary information the website should contain. There was general discussion regarding the party which included: food, entertainment, volunteers and the decision not to have a Port-a-Potty at this event.

Traffic/Parking issues: There was general discussion regarding the speeding in the development and the parking of vehicles in the street. Fairway will call the City of Melbourne to see if they could monitor and issue tickets in the development. If they no longer provide this service, Fairway will explain the process for obtaining off duty police officers to monitor and enforce the speed limit at the next BOD meeting.

Finally, there was discussion as to the frequency of the newsletter. It was decided that a quarterly edition would suffice. Newsletters will be sent in March, June (with the 2nd assessment notice), September and December (with the Budget for 2011 and the 1st Assessment notice).

With no further Business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.