Welcome to Dance 9/10 – 2015/16!

Welcome toour Grade 9/10 Dance classroom! I am looking forward to a fun and successful year with each of you.

My contact info:

Mrs. Hotell

Our class website will be updated regularly with homework assignments, and upcoming dates regarding field trips, school events, etc. If you are absent, you will be required to check this website so that you can catch up on any missing work. Keep in mind that there may be times when I am away and unable to update the website. Students must ensure that they use their planners dailyto record homework and important information for the day.

Grade 9/10Dance Course Outline 2015/16:

Unit 1: Elements of Movement

-The Brain Dance

-Principles of movement: Alignment, balance, strength, flexibility, breathing)

-Principles of health, safety and fitness


Unit 2: Creation and composition

-Movement as a response to stimuli, abstract ideas, feelings, emotions

-Metaphors/analogy’s and movement


-Revision and refining (group and individual)

-Constructive feedback

Unit 3: Presentation and Performance

-Genre’s: Modern/contemporary/Hip hop/Jazz/Ballet/other


-Creation for the “stage”

Unit 4: Dance and Society

-World Dance

-Dance and culture

-Dance as a career

Evaluation and breakdown

The letter grade you receive for Dance 9/10 will consist of formative and summative assessment broken down into the following categories:

Daily participation20%



Final Dance project20%

Each class, students receive a mark out of 5. If you are absent, you must make up this mark, or it will result in a zero. You can make it up by creating your OWN choreography (30 seconds per day missed) or by writing a reflection/write up on a dance genre of your choice (1/2 page single spaced per day missed)

This mark is based on the ability to:

a) demonstrate the skills and attitudes necessary to participate as a dance

performer within society:

- showing growth

- being self-directed

- accepting direction

- giving and receiving constructive criticism

- taking appropriate risks

- setting and revising personal goals for performance

- practicing individual and group rights and responsibilities in dance


- respecting diversity

b) demonstrate skills and attitudes appropriate to the role of the

choreographer in presenting dance:

- ability to lead a group effectively

- respect for others’ contributions

- commitment to the rehearsal process

- ability to seek and apply constructive criticism

- giving and receiving constructive critisism

- showing leadership (offering to lead warm-up)


You will be keeping a journal/portfolio in which you can collect and present your journey as a dancer. Reflections are a way to monitor your own progress. As people, especially artists, it is a skill to be able to reflect on ones growth in their art, to analyze and critique ones strengths and weaknesses, and to adjust ones goals and aspirations in the field. It is a place to note the “aha” moments and the difficulties. It is also a place to communicate with the instructor and allow insight into how you are feeling about your progress. It can also be used to write out your choreography or stage placing/spacing, draw pictures, write poems etc.

Grade 9/10 Dance Expectations

All students are expected to adhere to the school rules provided at the front of their planners. Additionally, students need to be aware of the following.


Students are expected to come to class with the materials required to be successful. Students should be prepared to dance by the START of the block. Tardiness will reflect in participation marks for that day.

Students are to come to class ready to actively participate to their fullest.

  1. Clothing – Wear proper and appropriate dance clothing. Clothes must be moveable and form fitting to show posture, alignment and legs without being too revealing. No spaghetti straps, low cut tops, or short-shorts. No jeans!
  2. Feet – Bare feet are used to heighten the sense of grounded and stability. NO SOCKS!
  3. Water – Everyone should bring a water bottle to class for hydration.
  4. Agenda & Binder – There will be class assignments, reflections, notes, and important dates to remember. We are an educational class.

Studio Etiquette

The dance studio is a safe place to explore and express oneself. Respect, positive and encouraging attitudes towards learning and the learning of others is imperative.

-street shoes are to stay outside the studio

-water is the only drink/food permitted in the studio

-quiet and attentive learning

-watch each other dance to apply corrections to self

-stand ready to move/dance


It isexpectation that assignments will be completed on time and to the best of each student’s abilities. Homework will be assigned and marked regularly, and it is important that it be completed on the assigned due date.Students will be provided with updated missing work reports on a regular basis. It is important to hand in late and missing assignments as soon as possible. (Check the homework website).

It is very important for student’s to understand that it is their sole responsibility to get the necessary handouts/assignment guidelines etc to complete their homework/projects on time. It is also the student’s sole responsibility to complete schoolwork/homework/projects by the assigned due date. It is not fair for student’s to expect anyone else except for themselves to take on this responsibility, especially in high school. It is very important for students to develop these work habits now.

Attitude and Respect

Each student is expected to come to class with a respectful attitude towards their peers, teachers, and support staff. Bullying and put-downs will not be permitted at school. Your teachers want this to be an awesome year, so any student who chooses to treat others with disrespect, will be kindly asked to leave the room. Students should treat the property of others and the property of the school with care. This is a safe place where all are welcome!

Final Thoughts

I am looking forward to a wonderful year! If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. Please include your email address (if you have one) at the bottom of the form.

Please complete and sign the form below and return to your homeroom teacher.


Student: I, ______, have read and understand the above expectations. I realize that it is my responsibility to follow those expectations as they are for my benefit and the benefit of my classmates and teachers.

Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian: I, ______, have read and understand the above expectations. I will support my child in reaching his/her goals.

Signature: ______

My email address is: ______

Comments/Questions: ______