


Cells Benchmark #2

Cell Energy and Reproduction

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which of the following is composed of autotrophic cells?

a. / frog / b. / grass / c. / mushroom / d. / insect

2. Which cells cannot create their own energy from sunlight and depend on other organisms for a food supply

a. / trophic / b. / metatrophic / c. / autotrophic / d. / heterotrophic

3. A protist named Euglena contains chloroplasts and swims freely in water. What type of cell is Euglena?

a. / autotrophic / b. / heterotrophic / c. / both / d. / neither

4. Which process releases energy from glucose, for use by plants cells?

a. / cellular respiration / c. / radiation
b. / photosynthesis / d. / metabolism

5. Which macromolecule is produced during photosynthesis?

a. / nucleic acids as DNA / c. / carbohydrates as glucose
b. / proteins as cellulose / d. / lipids as steroids

6. Which of the following is a reactant in the photosynthetic reaction?

a. / sugar / b. / carbon dioxide / c. / oxygen / d. / heat and motion

7. Which process allows energy to enter a food chain?

a. / photosynthesis / b. / respiration / c. / water cycle / d. / combustion

Use the following information to answer the next 3 questions.

A snail and elodea (an aquatic plant) are placed in a sealed aquarium and placed in an area that receives regular sunlight

8. What is entering this system?

a. / oxygen / b. / carbon dioxide / c. / water / d. / light

9. When would the least photosynthesis be occurring?

a. / at night / b. / in the morning / c. / noon / d. / evening

10. At which point in a 24 hour period would there be the greatest production of oxygen?

a. / at night / b. / in the morning / c. / noon / d. / evening

Use the following diagram to answer the next 2 questions

CO2 + H2O + Light Energy C6H12O6 + H2O + O2

CO2 + H2O + Useable Cell Energy C6H12O6 + H2O + O2

11. At which point does photosynthesis occur?

a. / A / b. / B / c. / C / d. / D

12. What happens to the stored energy as the cycle moves from B to C to D?

a. / increases / b. / decreases / c. / stays the same / d. / changes to potential energy

Use the following information to answer the next 2 questions.

Two test tubes contain a water plant and water. Several drops of bromthymol blue are added to each test tube. The bromthymol blue has carbon dioxide added to it and is a greenish color. Tube A is placed in a sunny window and tube B is placed in a cupboard.

13. Carbon dioxide creates a weak acid in bromthymol blue which makes it green. The test tube A turned from green to blue. Where did the carbon dioxide go?

a. / it turned into oxygen
b. / it was absorbed by the water
c. / it was combined with the bromthymol blue
d. / it was used by the plant

14. The water in test tube B turned yellow indicating more carbon dioxide was added. What processes were taking place in tube B.?

a. / respiration / b. / photosynthesis / c. / cohesion / d. / adhesion

15. Where do new cells come from?

a. / from the lymph glands
b. / from pre-existing cells
c. / from food molecules in the digestive tract
d. / from the blood

16. Which process provides new cells for growth and replacement of body cells?

a. / metabolism / b. / respiration / c. / digestion / d. / mitosis

17. What part of a cell must be duplicated exactly during mitosis?

a. / cell membrane / c. / chromosomes
b. / nucleus / d. / mitochondria

18. The cell cycle describes the life activities of a cell. Which of the following describes the cell cycle of a typical cell?

a. / growth, preparation for mitosis, mitosis
b. / resting stage, mitosis
c. / mitosis, resting stage, reduction phase
d. / cell formation, growth, resting stage

19. What does mitosis allow organisms to do?

a. / fight off disease / c. / metabolize
b. / grow / d. / move

Use the following diagram of a cell with 4 chromosomes to answer the next two questions

20. This cell is starting to undergo mitosis. What will happen next?

a. / it will pinch into two / c. / the nuclear membrane will disappear
b. / the chromosomes will double / d. / the cytoplasm will thicken

21. What will be the result after mitosis?

a. / four new cells, two chromosomes per cell
b. / two new cells, two chromosomes per cell
c. / two new cells, four chromosomes per cell
d. / two new cells, eight chromosomes per cell

22. In which stage of interphase is the DNA copied?

A. G1

B. S

C. G2

D. Both A and C

23. What is binary fission?

A. The process by which plant cells divide.

B. The process by which animal cells divide.

C. The process by which mushroom cells divide.

D. The process by which bacterial cells divide.

24. What is the first phase of mitosis?

A. Telophase

B. Anaphase

C. Metaphase

D. Prophase

25. What occurs during cytokinesis?

A. The cytoplasm divides.

B. The nucleus divides.

C. Cells fuse together.

D. The cytoplasm doubles.


1.Use arrows to show at what points H2O, CO2 and O2 are entering or leaving the cycle. Include the following terms and concepts in an explanation of why you added the items where you did. (Photosynthesis, Respiration, Autotroph, Heterotroph, Glucose)

2. Describe the cell cycle of a typical cell and what happens during the phases of mitosis.