AppendixJ – Tender assessment report template

Transport Infrastructure Project Delivery System

Volume 2 - Tendering for Infrastructure Works



Document title, Transport and Main Roads, Month Year

Volume2: AppendixJ: Tender assessment report template

Project Tender Assessment Report

Project name
Project number
Brief project description
Project Manager / Name:
Project Manager contact details / Phone:
Tendering Manager
Tendering Manager contact details / Phone:
Tender Assessment Panel

Transport Infrastructure Project Delivery System, Transport and Main Roads, December 20161

Volume2: AppendixJ: Tender assessment report template

1Tender communication

Attach documents:
  • FormC6502The Register of Tender Correspondence
  • FormC6503Register of Notices to Tenderers
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Note the forms referenced in this section can be found in AppendixE unless otherwise referenced.
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2Record of tenders submitted

Attach FormC7817Details of Tenders Received (Administrative Forms Transport Infrastructure Contract (TIC)).
Also attach any minutes or notes from the tender opening (the record, the date, time, venue, openers/examiners, and so on) and any other forms or inspection checklists.
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Type summary here

3Dealing with non-compliances and discrepancies

Attach FormC6504Adjustment for Discrepancy Conditions and Assumptions.
Also attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to support information in the above form. Note only "tender number" and "discrepancy" column to be filled in so far.
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4Sensitivity analysis

Attach FormC6508Sensitivity Analysis List for each tender.
Also attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to support information in the above form.
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Type summary here

5Unusually low bids and responses

Attach documentation outlining the decision to identify a tender as an Unusually Low Bid.
Also attach documentation outlining any actions to support decision to accept or reject tender.
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Type summary here

6Consideration of alternative tenders

Attach FormC6505Adjustments for Alternative Tenders. Also attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to support information in the above form.
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Type summary here

7Dealing with conditions and assumptions

Refer back to FormC6504Adjustment for Discrepancy Conditions and Assumptions. Also attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to support information in the above form.
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Type summary here

8Adjustment of tender prices and working tender list

For ‘Price Only’ assessment
Attach FormC6506Working Tender List for Price Assessment. Complete form.
For ‘Price and Non-Price Tender Assessment’
Attach FormC6507Working Tender List for Price and Non-Price Assessment. Complete form.
Attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to support information in the above form.
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Type summary here

9Tenders in contention and ‘best’ tender

Attach any peripheral documentation outlining any actions or decisions taken to select the tenders in contention and the ‘best tender’.
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Type summary here

10Reference documents

Attach any documents not directly related to the tender evaluation but giving insight to the decisions made in the tendering process. At a minimum the Tender Evaluation Plan, plus for example:
  • any communications between the Tender Assessment Panel and the Project Manager
  • excerpts from the Business Case, Project Plan or Project Delivery Strategy.
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The Tender Assessment Panel (TAP) agreed and confirm the contents of this Tender Assessment Report
Name: (insert name of TAP Member 1)
Official position: (insert official position – refer AppendixB1Section2.1 of the TEP)
Date: / /
Name: (insert name of TAP Member 2)
Official position: (insert official position – refer AppendixB1Section2.1 of the TEP)
Date: / /
Name: (insert name of TAP Member 3)
Official position: (insert official position – refer AppendixB1Section2.1 of the TEP)
Date: / /
Name: (insert name of TAP Member 4)
Official position: (insert official position – refer AppendixB1Section2.1 of the TEP)
Date: / /

Procurement Delegate Endorsement

As a Procurement Delegate with the appropriate level of delegation, I am satisfied that:
  • the procurement option selected is appropriate and sufficient justification has been provided
  • the Invitation documentation meets the requirements of the departmental procurement standards
  • the evaluation criteria and Conditions of Contract are appropriate for this procurement
  • the Invitation method selected is appropriate
  • the supplier market selected to invite is appropriate
  • the Invitation will provide value for money for the department.
I am aware of my responsibilities under the probity and accountability provisions of the Queensland Procurement Policy and I acknowledge that I am accountable for this decision.
Invitation name:
Invitation number:
Position Title:
Procurement Delegation: / ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 ☐5
Additional Comments:
Signature: / Date:

Transport Infrastructure Project Delivery System, Transport and Main Roads, December 20161