PRESENT: Suellen Wilkinson and Mickey Thompson. Warren Nash was not present.

ALSO PRESENT: Chris Gardner, Michael Hall, Joe Ham, David Hall Major Whitlow, Police Chief Knight, David Duggins, Colonel Pennell, Fire Chief Juliot, Deputy Fire Chief Gadd and Vicki Glotzbach

Mrs. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Mr. Duggins stated that there was a contract for services from Axis Architecture in their packets to look at the façade improvement project for downtown New Albany.

Mrs. Wilkinson stated that the sum is $25,000.00 and asked where that would come from.

Mr. Duggins stated that it would come from professional services.

Mrs. Wilkinson asked what they would be working on.

Mr. Duggins explained that they will be using it to look at specific buildings and specific areas of the downtown to give ideas for window uses and façade work. He stated that they have a façade program with Urban Enterprise Association and they will be partnering with them to look at it on a larger scale.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #1 - Kelly Feiock re: signs on personal property and in the right of way

Not Present.

Item #2 - Amanda Wiggington re: Roadblock for the March of Dimes on August 17th, 25th and September 1st.

Ms. Wiggington requested a roadblock on from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Spring and Silver to raise money for the March of Dimes.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the roadblock for March of Dimes, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #3 - Jack Holt, St. John Presbyterian Church re: street closure for Oak and 13th Streets on September 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Mr. Holt requested a street closure for their annual neighborhood celebration with the Spring Street Neighborhood Association and presented a map of the closures to the board. He stated that the festival would be on the September 15th from 10:00-2:00 p.m.

Mrs. Wilkinson asked if they had done this before.

Mr. Holt stated that they have done it for about 7 years.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #4 - Pastor Nolan Leavitt with Advent Christian Church re: Street closure on September 15th between Indiana and Beeler. 945-8348

Pastor Leavitt stated that they are having a neighborhood festival on September 15th and they would like to close it from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. He explained that they would like to close the section of Indiana from Shelby to Beeler

Mrs. Wilkinson asked if they have done this before.

Pastor Leavitt stated that they did it last year for the first time on their own.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #5 - Pepper Cooper with Neace Lukens re: Employee benefits

Table until next week.

Item #6 - Dan Lavort re: shooting a scene downtown for a movie

Dan LaBorde explained that he is a television and film location scout and stated that he is working with City on a Hill Productions from Louisville and they are looking to shoot segments of a film which is the modern day tale of Solomon. He explained that they want to shoot a short scene in a downtown area of a small city and he recommended New Albany.

Mrs. Wilkinson asked when they wanted to do it.

Mr. LaBorde stated that they did not have an exact date but it would be sometime in the September. He explained that he wanted to get the information to them as soon as possible and maybe come back to the board when he has an exact date and location. He stated that they wouldn’t be blocking any streets but would ask to block the parking on that side of the street from about 5:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. He stated that they will get in contact with all the businesses along that block to make sure it is okay with them. He explained that there would be a total of 20-25 people, 4-5 equipment trucks, and they often hire a couple of police officers for the shoot.

Mrs. Wilkinson stated that she would like for him to be in touch with surrounding businesses and possibly work around that schedule.

Mr. LaBorde stated that when he had more information on times, locations and permission from the surrounding businesses he would bring it back to the board.

Item #7 - Vicki Glotzbach re: Hitching Post request to use city parking lot for a birthday party on Saturday, September 22nd 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mrs. Glotzbach presented a request on behalf of the Hitching Post to use the Caboose Lot next to their building for a birthday party on September 22nd from 8:00-11:00 p.m.

Mr. Thompson stated that they always clean up after they use the lot for any of their functions so he doesn’t have a problem with it.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #8 - Vicki Glotzbach re: Road block request for Veterans Task Force Saturday August 8th from 10-2 PM at Spring & Silver and State & Elm

Ms. Glotzbach presented a road block request for the Veterans Task Force for Saturday August 8th at both locations from 10-2 p.m.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.


Mr. Schickel stated that he looked at the patched potholes on E. Main Street and as he was standing on the sidewalk when a large truck traveled over it and it actually shook the sidewalk. He explained that he thinks a lot of that has to do with the speed that the heavy trucks are traveling. He stated that he has investigated the cracks in Mr. Hawkins house and they are very visible and the closer the house is to Main Street the more damage it will have to it. He explained that the speed limit really needs to be enforced because he thinks that is what is causing the problems with the larger trucks.

Charlie Carroll with Vectren presented the board with a request for street cuts at 208 Denny Drive and 211 Pearl Street. He explained that they will be 3’X4’ cuts to renew the gas service.

Mrs. Wilkinson asked when they are going to start.

Mr. Carol stated in the next couple of weeks as soon as they get the permits approved.

Mr. Thompson moved to approved, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Mr. Hawkins distributed photographs to the board of the patches on E. Main Street in front of his house. He stated that he has spoken to a lot of his neighbors and they have also noticed the vibrations and explained that this is a preservation issues. He stated that he has requested appointments with the mayor and has gotten no response and he requested that his council person attend the meeting but he is not present. He stated that there are other homeowners that could not be here but they also recognize the problem and it is a quality of life issue. He stated that Mr. Thompson made a unilateral decision to do nothing about the conditions of the street and he respectfully requests that they reconsider.

Laura Renwick stated that she was here in support of the issues with the Main Street and as a past resident of the neighborhood she is concerned about and has experienced the vibrations from the heavy truck traffic. She also stated that she has observed the cracks in some of the bricks at Mr. Hawkins home last week and these are types of things that you don’t see with normal settlement of the house. She stated that this is the greatest collection of historic homes in New Albany and she would urged hem to help do with they can to make sure these buildings are protected and preserved.

Eric Bray stated that he is a resident on E. Main Street and he has also experienced the shaking of the foundation of his home from the heavy trucks traveling over the patches. He requested that the issue be addressed as soon as possible.

Donna Stepp stated that she has had plaster fall from the ceiling and windows crumble because of the vibrations from the passing heavy trucks. She explained that the Police Department does a wonderful job stopping the cars but she has yet to see them stop a big truck and they barrel down Main Street. She stated that this does do damage to the homes and if they could get the trucks to slow down that would help.

Mr. Thompson stated that he did not unilaterally decide that they were not going to do anything about the issue. He stated that he went out and met with Mr. Hawkins and stayed for over an hour and didn’t experience any of the issues that were brought forward by him. He explained that the decision was based upon what he experienced while he was out there. He stated that the Mayor has been to Mr. Hawkins house as well as John Rosenbarger and a few others from the city to take a look at the problem. He explained that they had the paving contractor come back and address the patches and smooth them out which they were told made it better. He stated that he thinks that the only thing that is going to make this better is going to be to pave the street from curb to curb and that is something that is in the works for the Main Street Project but the money is just not there yet.

Police Chief Knight stated that her officers have been consistently trying to enforce the speed limit on Main Street and within the last two weeks the fastest truck caught on radar was 36 mph. She explained that they can’t target just truck traffic when working a traffic detail.

Mr. Bray stated that he has noticed in other places that heavy trucks will have a slower speed limit than regular vehicles.

Mr. Thompson stated that is something that they can look into.

Chief Knight stated that if that change is made it is something that they would definitely enforce. She explained that they will continue their enforcement issues in that area as well as the other reported areas throughout the city.

Mrs. Wilkinson asked who sets the speed limit on E. Main Street.

Mr. Thompson stated that there has to be a traffic study done in order to move forward with that.

Mrs. Wilkinson stated that it looks as though the only permanent fix for this issue is the repaving of Main Street and that is something that is in the works but will take time and money. She explained that in the interim they can look at the process for changing the speed limits for heavy trucks. She stated that they can’t stop commerce on that part of Main Street but the police department will continue to enforce the speed limit.


Item #1 - Stephen Schmitt re: Request roundabout being named after father; Anthony Schmitt

Mrs. Wilkinson stated that they haven’t heard anything on this.

Mr. Thompson stated that Mr. Rosenbarger stated that this is something that they haven’t done in the past and wouldn’t recommend it.

Item #2 - “Children at Play” and “Neighborhood Watch” signs

Mr. Thompson stated that they did install the one on Crestview but they need the correct address on the one for Matt Lorch.

Item #3 - Drain pipe disconnected at 1118 Clark Street

Mr. Thompson stated that he met with Mr. Cardoso to discuss his options and he is going to handle it.

Item #4 - Graffiti stop sign at stop sign at Scribner and Moser

Mr. Thompson stated that the sign has been replaced.

Item #5 - Potholes in the alley between McDonald’s and McDonald Lane

Mr. Thompson stated that this location is on their list but they are having budgeting issues right now.


Item #1 - Irv Stumler re: Location of benches from the Street Department


Item #2 - Scott Wood re: Local roads and streets



Mrs. Glotzbach presented a request for a political fundraiser hosted by Steve and Connie Sipes on September 25th at Grable Court and are requesting to block off the cul-de-sac for this event from 3:00-9:00 p.m.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Mrs. Wilkinson stated that the Carnegie Center is asking that the Live@Five be held at a different location on September 7th.

Michael Hall stated that he would see what he can do.




Mr. Wilkinson moved to approve the July 24, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m.


Suellen Wilkinson, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk

5 Board of Works
August 7 2012

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office