AISD ePlanERate Year 13

AUSTIN ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 13
2010 - 2013

Submitted online for TEA and eRate compliance


ESC Region: 13
City, State Zip: AUSTIN, TX 787035399
Phone: (512) 414-1700
Fax: (512) 414-1486

Number of Campuses: 120
Total Student Enrollment: 82181
District Size: 50,000 and over
Percent Econ. Disadvantaged: 60.80%

Technology Expenditures: $40,240,000.00
- Teaching and Learning Budget: $4,530,000.00
- Educator Preparation and Development Budget: $10,100,000.00
- Leadership, Administration and Support Budget: $7,020,000.00
- Infrastructure for Technology Budget: $18,590,000.00

Technology Expenditure Per Pupil: $489.65
Number of Campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 120
Percentage of Campuses with Direct Connection to Internet: 100.00%
Number of Classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 6000
Percentage of Classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet: 100.00%
Computer/Student Ratio: 5 student(s) for every computer
Computer/Teacher Ratio: 1 teacher(s) for every computer
Number of campuses that need to complete the Texas Campus STaR Chart: 119
Percentage of campuses that have completed the Texas Campus STaR Chart: 99.16 %

Technology Planning Committee:
Dave Sanders
Melody Parrish
Bill De Dufour
Catherine Englander
Elaine Bohls-Graham
Alan Stevens
Doug Hall
Cindy Sanders
Leigh Lunsford
Sonya Bianco
Jan McSorley
Carye Edelman
Piret Sari-Tate
Elizabeth Polk
Debra Buffington
Mary Angel
Rachel McNeil
Viviana Lopez
Michele King
Annette Gregory
Lucas Loughmiller
Debra Buffington
Sheila Anderson

The purpose of this document is to articulate a vision and road map for Austin ISD Technology. The identified Goals, Objectives and Strategies exploit technology to improve student success. Literate technology proficiency in the context of a rigorous curriculum develops high level thinking skills that are essential for academic progress, college readiness and workplace success. Building the capacity of teachers and all staff to utilize technology is vital. This plan does not completely solve funding issues, but it does provide a context for the development of a financially sustainable model. In other words, this plan makes the case for “Where we want to be….and how to get there.”
From the National Education Plan Update – 2010

Specifically, we must embrace innovation, prompt implementation, regular evaluation, and continuous improvement. The programs and projects that work must be brought to scale so every school has the opportunity to take advantage of that success. Our regulations, policies, actions, and investments must be strategic and coherent. ...The opportunities are limitless, borderless, and instantaneous.
This plan is based on information drawn from many sources including:
- Austin ISD Strategic Plan 2010
· The State of Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020
· National Educational Technology Plan 2010
- National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Teachers
- Texas Technology Applications TEKS and Educator Standards
· District Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC)
· A review of the literature to identify best practices
· A survey of school site hardware and instructional media
· Ongoing dialogue related to the needs of teachers and administrators.
· School site meetings
· Online discussions

This Long-Range Technology Plan is driven by the state curriculum standards and supports the educational mission and instructional goals of Austin ISD and by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Specific attention is given to addressing student standards for technology as defined by the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), required in the Texas Education Code, Section 28.002. The Technology Applications TEKS found in 19 TAC Chapter 126 describe what students should know and be able to do using technology. As a part of the enrichment curriculum, these TEKS are to be used as guidelines for providing instruction. The goal of the Technology Applications TEKS is for students to gain technology-based knowledge and skills and to apply them to all curriculum areas at all grade levels. The plan stresses the importance of ongoing and sustained staff development in the integration of technology into the curriculum for teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center. It also is consistent with the recommendations for LEAs as defined by the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology in the areas of
Teaching and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Administration and Instructional Support, and Infrastructure for Technology, as well as the e-rate applications guidelines, and other state standards, such as Technology Applications Standards for beginning Teachers.

Assessment Process:
A variety of processes have been (and continue to be) used to determine the district technology needs that are addressed in the Austin Independent School District's Technology Plan.
A diverse group of AISD stakeholders (Educational Technology Advisory Committee) have given input and reviewed the contents of this suggest revisions, Suggestions have been made to include new initiatives to support student achievement, teacher productivity and professional development, and to improve the technology infrastructure and support systems. Another group that has helped shape the plan are the the Instructional Technology Resource Contacts (ITRCs), group composed of campus technology leaders
Austin ISD reviews campus data in a variety of formats to assess overall and campus-specific needs. Foremost among these data is the Texas STAR Chart. The District requires that every campus discuss,
submit, and review a Texas STAR Chart based on the Teacher StaR Chart as part of the technology planning process for both the campus and the District. Furthermore, additional data is collected from an annual employee survey that measures staff attitudes and reports of technology implementation and integration. These data are comprised of a variety of surveys collected, compiled, and disseminated through the Austin ISD Department of Program Evaluation.
In addition to staff input, student needs are directly measured in two ways. An online Technology Literacy Assessment is administered annually in May to all 5th and 8th grade students. This assessment developed in a partnership with assesses technology proficiency. It is an interactive online assessment that includes authentic software simulations as well as multiple choice items. Another source of student data is the student exit survey given to 12th grade students. There are a number of items related to technology on the survey.

Existing Conditions:

Current Status of Teaching and Learning with Technology
From the current Austin ISD Strategic Plan -(Adopted 2010)
Strategy 3: Ensure that every classroom has a high quality, effective educator, supported by high-quality, effective administrators and support staff.
Action Step 3.6 Provide teachers with relevant data, current technology and training, and online access to an array of classroom resources to improve instruction and classroom management.
Strategy 4: Align resources to accomplish priorities within a balanced budget.
Action Step 4.5 Develop and implement long-range plans for facilities, transportation, libraries and technology that align infrastructure with the district's educational plan.
Action Step 4.8 Provide sufficient resources to support effective technology, library, and media services at all campuses.
What digital resources are currently available?
Hardware and Network
-Internet/Network connectivity in every classroom
-Computers in every school at an average of 4.5 students per computer
-All teachers and principals have a laptop computer
-Computer labs and/or mobile labs in every school
-Wireless network in all facilities
-Networked printers
-Server storage space for teachers and students
-Video conference capability
-Projectors, digital cameras and other pereipherals
-Student Response Systems
-Austin ISD Innovation Stations: Classroom multimedia presentation system. Projector, computer, document camera, speakers, microphones, integrated networked control system. (Being rolled out in phases of 1000 classrooms.)
What level of technology support is available?
In 2009 the number of District Techs directly supporting campus technology was increased from to 30 positions. This increase was made possible with Tech Allotment funds. Each District Tech is responsible for approximately 5 campuses. This increase in support positions is dramatically impacting the campuses in a positive way. Some campuses have managed a full time or part time campus based tech, but in most cases a classroom teacher serves as a volunteer technology specialist. Usually this person also serves as the ITRC. The Department of Instructional Technology in the Curriculum Department, has 11 Technology Facilitators who provide teachers with staff development on technology integration.

What software do students use?
Software including tools for document creation and publication, expression and visualization, communication and collaboration, online research, drill and practice and integrated learning systems.
-Microsoft Office
-Web Browser (IE, FireFox, Safari)
-iLife Suite(Mac: iPhoto, iMovie HD, iTunes, iDVD, GarageBand)
-MovieMaker and PhotoStory (Win)
-Comic Life
-Adobe Digital School Collection
-Adobe Creative Suite - (High Schools Only)
-Imagination Suite -Pixie, Image Blender, Web Blender (Elementary only)
-Operating Systems: Mac OSX and WinXP/Vista/Win7
Campuses and departments have also purchased limited licenses for:
-Read 180/Reading Counts
-Rosetta Stone
-Accelerated Reader
-Success Maker
-Fast Math
-Vernier Probe Software
(There are numerous additional software titles purchased in small quantities at the campus level.)
What online resources do students use?
In addition to the many free web sites with valuable educational content, these services are used:
-Nettrekker - Student Search Engine -Online technology applications curriculum K-8
- Discovery Network Streaming Digital Content
-Atomic Learning - Online technology tutorials (High School)
-Custom Typing - Web based Keyboarding program
-Online Library Databases - Large collection of online sources
-Brain Pop (K-8)
-A variety of free web 2.0 tools and "cloudware"

What software and online applications are available for teachers?
In addition to the student applications listed above, teachers use:
-GradeSpeed - Web based gradebook
-Teacher Web Site - Hosted on District Server.
-Teams - Student Information System
-AIMS - Student Assessment Data Collection and Reporting
-Lotus Notes - Email/Calendaring
-HEAT - Online Technology Trouble Ticket System
-eCampus - Online Professional Development catalog and registration.
-Telephone/Voice Mail
-Adobe AcrobatConnectPro - Online meeting software
What are students expected to know about the use of technology?
-K-8 Texas Technology Applications standards (Tech App TEKS)
Foundations, Info Acquisition, Problem Solving, Communication
-ISTE/NETS - National Standards for Educational Technology
-Adopted K-8 textbook is online ? Easy Tech -
How are students doing?
An interactive online assessment is given to all 5th and 8th grade students each spring. The results show that approximately 55% of the students are at a proficient level. Strengths were evident in internet use and word processing while there was less proficiency in spreadsheets and database use. Core technology activities for each grade level are being developed and aligned with the core content IPGs.
What are educators expected to know about the use of technology?
All teachers are expected to master the K-8 Tech TEKS (Foundations, Info Acquisition, Problem Solving, Communication) plus the additional strand dealing with pedagogy and professional development. Teachers plan, organize, deliver and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates the effective use of technology for teaching and integrating the Technology Applications TEKS into the curriculum. Also the
ISTE National Standards for Educational Technology (NETS for Teachers) guide our professional development and use of technology for teaching and learning.
How are educators doing?
Campus StaR Charts indicate that most campuses are between Level 2 and 3 on the 1 to 4 scale. In 2009 all teachers received a laptop which has increased personal technology use. More teachers are beginning to use rich media like Discovery Streaming to deliver digital content to the classroom. There is a surge in the use of Web 2.0 tools for online publishing and collaboration. However there is is often a sense that there is not time for student centered technology because of the emphasis on increasing TAKS test scores. Some teachers are reluctant to use technology because of the shortage of campus based tech support.
What professional development opportunities do teachers have?
A variety of technology staff development is offered for teachers through eCampus. Productivity application courses are available to staff through a partnership with the Austin Community College. The Instructional Technology Facilitators with the campus ITRC (Instructional Technology Resource Contact) to provide campus based training opportunities. A subscription to Atomic Learning provides online tutorials for most district applications. In house online staff development is also emerging.
What other events or programs occur?
-Austin Digital Student Film Festival
-New Tech High
-iInnovate Network
-Austin Partners in Education
-CTE/Technology Pathways
-Techno Scientists
-Virtual Field Trips
The vision for Information Systems is to provide a secure, accessible repository for the District’s data and the tools to successfully store and mine that data. This will allow use of data to support meeting the District’s stated goals of providing an environment where all children can learn. Data supports instructional decisions, business decisions, grant proposals, and to some extent, even the environment in which we work. A district the size of Austin Independent School District must have a vision for the future and a roadmap for attaining that vision. Today's technology supports easier, faster access to secure data. Newer software applications take advantage of the technology to make data access and maintenance available to staff when they need it, how they need it, and where they need it.
Data Warehouse Construction
AISD currently has student and human resources data in over 30 different softwares. MIS currently collects data from these systems and pieces together the majority of reporting needs at the local, state, and federal levels. Austin ISD has begun building a data warehouse, which consolidates all data elements in a common database, provides mining capability, and will provide a user friendly web interface/dashboard for end users. Data Warehouse will begin implementation in the summer of 2010 and is a three year project.
Document Management
Documents are filed and stored in filing cabinets that take up massive floor space both at the campus and at the central offices. Staff time is used to file, pull and re-file information on a regular basis. Warehouse space is taken to archive older files that may prove impossible to access after any length of time. The security and preservation of materials is questionable. AISD has just completed a document management study and a plan of action will be put into place to convert paper processes to digital systems This provides the capability to manage hard copy archives and electronic active records to comply with retention laws as well as opening up much needed space. It also allows easy access to records needed.
Student Information System
Implementation of a new student information system (TEAMS) has begun. This software houses all grades, attendance, discipline, student schedules, any student information that must be collected for reporting purposes. Implementation of a new student system will require 9-12 months of planning and selecting a new software, and 18-24 month rollout to campus and district users. AISD is implementing the new TEAMS software by August 1, 2010.
AIMS - Austin Instructional Management System
This web based program provides a tool for collecting and reporting student assessment data. Benchmark assessments are scanned at the campus and immediately uploaded to servers where reports can be accessed by staff. In the future AIMS will also contain the Austin ISD online curriculum Instructional Planning Guides (IPGs) .All curriculum resources will be available to teachers online via AIMS.
Austin ISD Custom In-House Applications
AISD Management Information Systems has developed over thirty applications that meet the end user requirements based on student and/or business requirements gathering. AISD end users have access to these web- based applications, and enter necessary data needed for reporting both state and federal regulations. Data are then pulled electronically into the correct system. This eliminates the need for dual entry, and allows AISD to monitor the accuracy of the data prior to reporting deadlines. Areas where applications have been developed are: Special Education, Bilingual Education, Discipline, e504, parent access, staff evaluations, staff leave, multi-language progress reports, report cards, and attendance letters, fitness tracking, personal graduation plans, personal intervention plans, electronic transcripts, and an instructional management system. Information Systems has also developed over 80 web-based reports to support teaching and learning.
Collaboration Tools
AISD is investigating collaboration tools that could be used by district and campus staff as well as students. AISD will participate in a pilot this spring, evaluate different collaboration tools, and select a tool that satisfies our needs.