Name: Date: Hour:
Cinderella – France
1. What are the names of her two faithful companions?
2. What is Cinderella’s nickname?
3. Give three examples of what Cinderella did for her sisters before the ball.
Chile – Cinderella
4. What are the names of this “Cinderella” and her step-sister?
5. What two things does the woman give Maria when she cleans her house?
6. Instead of a ball, where do the step-mother, step-sister, and Maria go?
Nigeria- Cinderella
7. Why do the frogs love her?
8. Who is the fairy god mother?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, Cinderella. After watching the three different Cinderella stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
France / Chile / Nigeria“Cinderella”
“The Family”
“The Ball”
“Fairy Godmother”
“The Shoe”
Name: Date: Hour:
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty – France
1. How is the curse changed by the Queen of the Fairies?
2. How long will the princess sleep?
3. What is the name of Sleeping Beauty’s two children?
4. What happens before “happily ever after”?
Sleeping Beauty - India
5. While in the dessert, the prince stumbles upon another kingdom. What does he discover?
6. What has happened to his kingdom while he’s been gone?
7. How did he heal the destruction in his own kingdom?
Sleeping Beauty - Italy
8. Why does the Prince marry Francesca?
9. How is Sleeping Beauty awakened?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, “Sleeping Beauty.” After watching the three different stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
France / India / Italy“The Girl”
“The Curse”
“The Evil Fairy”
“The Prince”
Name: Date: Hour:
Rapunzel - Germany
1. What does “Rapunzel” mean?
2. What did Rapunzel do to lift her spirits?
3. What caused the prince’s blindness?
Rapunzel - Malta
4. How old will the child be when she is given to the witch?
5.What does the witch turn herself into? Give at least 3 answers.
6. What does Fenchelchen turn the Prince into?
Rapunzel - Israel
8. Why does King Solomon put his daughter in a tower?
9. How long was King Solomon gone?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, “Rapunzel.” After watching the three different stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
Germany / Malta / Israel“The Tower”
“Magical Person who puts someone in a Tower”
“The Girl”
Name: Date: Hour:
Hansel & Gretel
Hansel & Gretel - Germany
1. What is Hansel & Gretel’s father’s occupation?
2. What are Hansel’s instructions to Gretel?
3. What does the witch plan to eat?
Hansel & Gretel -Syria
4. How many children did the woodcutter have?
5. What fights with the monster?
6. How does the woodcutter treat his wife?
7. Who is the “smart” one in this story? How is this different that the other fairy tales we’ve watched and read?
Hansel & Gretel - Philippines
8. What was Pedro’s fear?
9. How did the monsters finally die?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel. After watching the three different stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
Germany / Syria / Philippines“The Family”
“The Witch”
“The Moral”
Name: Date: Hour:
Rumpelstiltskin - Germany
1. What did the miller boast about?
2. What does the daughter give to the man who spins the straw?
3. What does the little man want for spinning the straw the last time?
Rumpelstiltskin -Norway
4. What does every troll love?
5. What happens if you say a troll’s name aloud?
6. What is the troll’s name?
Rumpelstiltskin - Israel
7. Describe Goliath’s younger brother.
8. What is the question King David must answer?
9. What miracle do the soldiers witness?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, Rumpelstiltskin. After watching the three different stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
Germany / Norway / Israel“The Villian”
“The Secret Name”
“What Happens when Name is Spoken”
Name: Date: Hour:
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast - France
1. What does Beauty want her father to bring home?
2 What is Beauty’s first wish once she is in the Beast’s castle?
3. What causes the Beast to change into a prince?
Beauty and the Beast - China
4. What did the sorcerer turn people into?
5. What s so unique about the parrot?
6. Describe the dream Yung-Su has.
Beauty and the Beast - Arctic
7. Where does the hunter take Sedna?
8. Where did the seals, walruses, and whales come from?
9. What is Sedna’s name on the ocean floor?
Below is a chart of common characteristics for the fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. After watching the three different stories, fill in the chart with a description or explanation for each topic.
France / China / Arctic“Beauty”
“The Beast”
“The Curse”
Fairy tales were written down from an oral tradition. There are no “official” original versions. They have been changed, adjusted depending on the culture, etc.
Definition of Fairy Tale: Folk tales and fairy tales are old, old stories, passed down by word of mouth for hundreds of years, and nobody knows who the original author was."
Characters: Fairy tales usually feature one-dimensional iconic characters and settings such as peasants, witches, royalty, villages, forests, and castles. While fairy tales often pit good characters against evil ones, moral teaching is not necessarily inherent in the stories. Peasants, abandoned children, and simpletons attain wealth and happy marriages as often through sheer luck and the fortuitous intervention of magic as through cleverness or good actions.
Misogynistic - adjective: having or showing a hatred and distrust of women
Show students pictures from books and magazines of a variety of settings including those that are typical of fairy tales (castles, cottages, mountains, rivers, and forests) and those that are not typical of fairy tales (apartment buildings and city streets).
Invite students to make a wand-waving motion when they see pictures typical of fairy tales and a truck-driving motion when they see pictures that are not typical.
Make a set of cards with magnetic strips on the backs. On the cards, write brief phrases, some describing typical plot elements of fairy tales and others describing plot elements that are not typical.
Fairy tale plot elements might include:
Hero (or heroine) heroine has bad luck
Hero (or heroine) must perform impossible tasks
Hero (or heroine) must fight a villain
Hero (or heroine) meets magical helpers
Hero (or heroine) is treated badly
Hero (or heroine) is in danger
Magic spells
Villain is punished
Hero (or heroine) is rewarded with wealth
Hero (or heroine) is rewarded with a happy marriage
Things happen in threes (three battles, three tasks)
Recognizing the Commonality of Emotions Expressed in Fairy Tales Throughout the World
Activity:Write down a list of emotions and ask students to share memories of experiences they have had with these feelings:
love hate fear loneliness sadness joy surprise
Distribute paper to the students with a grid of 12 squares on the paper. (Four rows of 3 squares). The words from the above list should be written in the squares, one per square. This leaves some empty squares for the students to add more words if they wish. Ask the students to make a small drawing illustrating each word. They may add more words and drawings to the empty squares if they wish.
In small groups, have the students re-read some of the fairy tales already read aloud as a large group or, for more able students, read some new fairy tales. Ask each child to place a check mark inside a "feeling" box whenever they encounter that feeling in the story. Have the students gather as a whole group and report back to the larger group some of the feelings they found in their stories.
Fairy Tale Elements Rubric
Use this rubric to help assess your fairy tale. Do you have all the elements of a fairy tale?
(Teachers can use this for assessment, Students use this to help evaluate your writing before you turn it in to your teacher.)
4 / The play begins with "Once upon a time…"
"A long, long time ago..." / The play has at least one good character with actions that support those characteristics. / The magical occurrence will be an integral part of the plot with characters involved with the magic. / The play ends with characters resolving their problems, being rewarded and living happily ever after.
3 / The play has a good character and an evil character. / Something magical occurs, it may relate to the plot. / Characters resolve their problems and live happily ever after.
2 / The play has either a good character or an evil character. / Something magic occurs. / The characters live happily ever after.
1 / The play does not begin with "Once upon a time…" etc. / The roles of the characters are undefined. / No magic occurs. / There is no apparent ending to the story.
Fairy Tale Story Starters
Write a fairy tale using one of the following story starters.
1. Once upon a time......
2. Long, long ago....
3. In a distant land....
4. Many years ago in a small village....
5. There once was a ...
6. In a faraway land....
7. The princess was sad this day because...
8. Once there was a prince who....
9. The magical kingdom of ....
10. It was the summer of the....
An Alliteration is a phrase or sentence that starts with the same letter sound. They are often tongue twisters. Using characters and ideas from the Fairy Tales you have read, write some tongue twisters. They are often silly. Be ready to read some aloud.
Examples:wicked witches want wriggling worms
dangerous dragons dragged distressed damsels
Now it is your turn. Try to write a few alliterations. Remember to use the same beginning sound or consonant. Use a dictionary and your Fairy Tale books to help you find words.
Draw a picture in the space below that illustrates one of your alliterations.
Purpose: To demonstrate understanding of news articles by using prior knowledge and creativity.
1. Students will be able to apply previously learned concepts of identifying the parts of a newspaper and the parts of a news article.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the components of a news article.
3. Create a news headline.
4. Write a news story and illustrate a picture related to the story.
Resources: List of Fairy tale headlines and news story ideas.
Activities and Procedures:
1. Introduce lesson and review parts of a newspaper.
2. Students will choose a fairy tale topic to write a headline story.
3. Oral presentations of student's news article.
4. Give students this example or teacher created example.
Bad Fall Injures Children
It was reported by a reliable source last night that Jack and Jill Jones both fell down slippery hill. The twelve year old twins were sent by their mother to get a bucket of water. In returning, Jack fell down, hit his head on a rock and received a slight concussion. Jill apparently tripped over Jack, and in falling down, received a skinned knee. The two were taken to county hospital. Jill was treated and released. Jack remains in satisfactory condition and will probably be released tomorrow.
Give these topics as examples or the students may come up with their own:
Little Red Riding Hood / Charlotte's WebSnow White / The 3 Little Pigs
Jack B. Nimble / Harriet, the spy
Cinderella / Old Mother Hubbard
Mary Had A Little Lamb / Curious George
There Was An Old Woman / Humpty Dumpty
Goldilocks and Three Bears / Little Miss Muffet
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Students will present the finished news article by sharing in class presentations.
1st Day: Copied “Story Elements” (from Sally’s packet) and brainstormed possible settings, conflicts, & characters.
Divided into groups of 3-4
2 - 4 Day: Handed each group a story starter (there is a list of 10 in Sally’s packet) I also had them have their “common elements in fairy tales” notes out to use.
(I had each section be 4-5 sentences and had the group write their group number next to the section they wrote.)
Section #1: Introduce the antagonist in the story. Be sure to give the “good guy” a name and describe this character. Explain if this character has magical powers
Section #2: Describe the setting of where this story will take place.
Section #3: Introduce and describe the protagonist. The “bad guy” needs a name, a description, an explanation of why they are angry with the protagonist, their magical powers, etc.
Section #4: Conflict #1…I explained how there are several conflicts in each story and some resolution…so here they describe the conflict that happens and the resolution for this conflict.
Section #5: A new conflict.
Section #6: Last and final conflict.
Section #7: Happy Ending – Resolution
I used 7 sections because I had 7 groups…so do what works for your class.
Day #5: Groups get their papers back with all of these parts of a story. It is now their job to re-write the story combining all the parts and forming a cohesive story. When they have done this, they will write them on butcher paper and read them to the class. (I’m thinking we’ll sit in a circle and listen???)