Assignment 12.1 Front Sheet

Learner name / Target / Assessor name
Ms Fensome
Date issued / Completion date / Submitted on
22/02/2016 / 11/04/2016
Unit number and title
Unit 12: Physiology of Human Regulation and Reproduction
Assignment title / Regulation of the body fluids
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / Task No. / Evidence
P1 / Describe the main sites of re- absorption in the kidney
Dissection of the kidney / 1
Poster on the kidney / 2
Diagrams of ultrafiltration and selective absorption / 3
P2 / Outline the importance of regulating body fluids in the body
Diffusion practical / 4
Osmosis practical / 5
Urine testing / 6
M1 / Describe how re- absorption occurs in each of the main sites / 7
Worksheet on electrolytes
D1 / Explain how the body maintains the correct acid-base balance / 8
Worksheet on acid-base mechanisms
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learner signature: / Date:

Assignment 12.1 Brief

Qualification / BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology)
Unit number and title / Unit 12: Physiology of Human Regulation and Reproduction
Start date / 22/02/2016
Deadline / 11/04/2016
Assessor name / Ms Fensome
Assignment title / Regulating body fluids
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how bodily fluids are regulated, by studying the urinary system.
You are working as a research worker and have been asked to produce a report on regulation of the fluids in human body as part of an application for a research grant.
Task 1 / P1 Describe the main sites of re- absorption in the kidney
You are going to perform a dissection of a kidney. You will be required to identify the different parts of the kidney. Your teacher will observe the dissection and complete an observation task assessing your dissection skills.
Due date: This provides evidence for P1
Task 2 / P1 Describe the main sites of re- absorption in the kidney
Produce a poster on the kidney. Your poster needs to show a labelled diagram of the gross structure of the kidney and a labelled diagram of a nephron.
Due date: This provides evidence for P1
Task 3 / P1 Describe the main sites of re- absorption in the kidney
M1 Describe how re- absorption occurs in each of the main sites
Produce a series of diagrams explaining how ultrafiltration and selective absorption occurs in the kidneys. Your diagrams show clearly show the following:
·  An introduction explaining the function of the kidney
·  What ultrafiltration is and where it occurs
·  What substances are filtered from the blood
·  How selective reabsorption occurs
·  How water is reabsorbed in the Loop of Henle
·  How the structures within the kidney interrelate to allow them to function.
Due date: This provides evidence for P1 + M1
Task 4 / P2 Outline the importance of regulating body fluids in the body
You are going to investigate practically a method of transport across a membrane.
The effect of size on uptake by diffusion. You are going to carry out the investigation and will be assessed on your practical skills during the experiment. You are going to investigate how the SA:Volume Ratio of an organism affects its uptake. You then need to complete the questions on the bottom of the sheet.
Due date: This provides evidence for P2
Task 5 / P2 Outline the importance of regulating body fluids in the body
You are going to investigate practically a method of transport across a membrane
Osmosis. You are going to investigate the solute potential of cell sap of plant epidermal cells. You will investigate how sugar solution affects the plasmolyses of cells. You need to present your investigation in the form of a written investigation following the given structure.
Due date: This provides evidence for P2
Task 6 / P2 Outline the importance of regulating body fluids in the body
You are going to carry out an investigation looking at urine from different patients. You are going to perform a series of tests on each of the samples and draw conclusions based on what is wrong with each of the patients. You will be required to write a brief report on each patient stating your findings.
Due date: This provides evidence for P2
Task 7 / D1 Explain how the body maintains the correct acid-base balance
You need to demonstrate your understanding of electrolytes in the body and how changing levels of certain electrolytes affect the balance within the body. Complete the worksheet to show the function and levels of the following
√  Sodium
√  Potassium
√  Chloride
√  Bicarbonate
Due date: This provides evidence for P2 + D1
Task 8 / D1 Explain how the body maintains the correct acid-base balance
Following your lesson on acid-base mechanisms you need to complete the worksheet demonstrating an understanding of the following areas;
√  What a buffer is, where they are found in the human body, what they do to assist in the maintenance of homeostasis and some examples of buffers within the body.
√  How hydrogen ions are produced during metabolism and the relationship between hydrogen ions and pH.
√  How the following act as buffers
o  Haemoglobin
o  Carbonic acid
o  Proteins
o  Phosphate
Due date: This provides evidence for D1
Evidence checklist
[Summarise evidence required, e.g. ‘leaflet’, ‘presentation notes’ etc.] / [tick boxes]
Dissection of the kidney
Poster on the kidney
Diagrams of ultrafiltration and selective absorption
Diffusion practical
Osmosis practical
Urine testing
Worksheet on electrolytes
Worksheet on acid-base mechanisms
Sources of information
Adds J et al – Respiration and Coordination (Nelson Advanced Science: Biology Series) (Nelson Thornes, 2005) ISBN 9780748774890
Boyle M et al – Human Biology (Collins Advanced Science Series) (Collins Educational, 2002)
ISBN 9780007135998
Johnson M D – Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues, 3rd Edition (Benjamin Cummings, 2005) ISBN 9780805372014
Pickering W R – A-level Advanced Human Biology Through Diagrams (Oxford University Press, 2001) ISBN 9780199141968
Tortora G J – Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (John Wiley & Sons, 2005) ISBN 9780471718710
The Journal of Physiological Sciences
The Journal of Physiology – Published on behalf of the Physiological Society
Websites Biology site Health and safety guidance on blood borne viruses Human anatomy online The kidneys and how they work Disorders of nutrition and metabolism Menstrual cycle Social biology revision Fertility tests
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Assessor / Ms Fensome
Signature / Date / 06/07/2015
Internal verifier / Mrs Turner-Smith
Signature / Date / 06/07/2015
Assessor's comments
Qualification / BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science / Assessor name / Ms Fensome
Unit number and title / Unit 12 Physiology of human regulation and reproduction / Learner name
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / Achieved?
P1 / Describe the main sites of re- absorption in the kidney
P2 / Outline the importance of regulating body fluids in the body
M1 / Describe how re- absorption occurs in each of the main sites
D1 / Explain how the body maintains the correct acid-base balance
Learner feedback
Assessor feedback
Assessor signature / Date
Learner signature / Date