Hayward’s Pit BBQ

11051 Antioch Rd.

Overland Park, KS.

March 16, 2013


The monthly chapter meeting of the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Links, Incorporated was called to order on March 16, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. by the chapter President, Link Tammy Edwards. Notice of the meeting was distributed electronically. Link Gwen Swoope, Recording Secretary, was present.


Link Tammy Edwards, President, led the membership in our Pledge and Hymn.


Links Betty R. Anderson, Ailene Booker, E. Sue Bradfield, Serese Cannon, Phyllis Chase, Stefan Chase, Thelma Crawford, Yvonne Crow, Angela Curry, Sheilahn Davis-Wyatt, Tammy Edwards, Dana Evans, Lucille Forester, Shaunda Fowler, Juana Hishaw, Yvonne Houston, Karla Houston-Gray, Verona Hughes, Leigh Jackson, Anne Johnson, Nadine Johnson, Carole Ladd, Paula Livingston, Mia Madison, Rebecca McKeel, Shelly McThomas, Jeannine Midgett, Linda Murray, Terri Redden, Patricia Rowles, Malika Simmons, Cheryl Snorgrass, Cristina Starks, Gwendolyn Swoope, Shirley Thaw, Phyllis Washington, June V. White, Karisse Whyte, Everlyn Williams, Vicki Young.

·  APPROVAL OF MINUTES Link Gwen Swoope moved that the minutes of the February 16, 2013, chapter meeting of the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, be approved as written. The motion was seconded. The motion was adopted.


Link Tammy Edwards, President, thanked the March hostesses. Link Tammy reported on the status of the following members:

  • Link Mary Barnes and Connecting Link Jessie Barnes lost their Grandmother; remember them in thoughts and prayers.
  • Link Sherri Leeks has had undergone brain surgery; remember Link Sherri in our prayers.
  • Links Nadine Johnson and Rebecca McKeel are present today after a brief illness.
  • Link Ailene Booker is returning to her home (Memphis, Tennessee); today is her last Chapter meeting. Link Ailene has served as Parliamentarian for the past three years. She is transferring her membership to River City, Chapter in Memphis. Link Malika Simmons has agreed to serve as Parliamentarian at President Link Tammy’s request.
  • Link Tammy thanked the HBCU Committee, Yvonne Houston, Chair, for organizing a successful and fun“Link-a Tini” Happy Hour on Friday, March 15.
  • A reminder to members to set up individual profiles on the Chapter website. Beginning in May, all reports will be sent electronically to individual members via Chapter Website.
  • Link members who are taking photos of program events, please send these photos to Link Mia Madison to be placed Photo Gallery (website). These photos can also be used by the Archives, Website and Program Committees.
  • Central Area Director, Link Alice Simmons, reported that nearly 350 candidates have been nominated for membership intake in the Central Area. Central Area has the largest number of nominees for membership.
  • The “Call to the Central Area Conference” will be sent out to the Membership soon; Registration: $495; $75.00 for the White Rose Banquet.
  • Chapter Exhibits – Central Area Director, Link Alice Simmons asked chapters to vote on returning “exhibits” to the Area Conference. Link Tammy voted “yes”; the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Links, Inc. will participate with a Chapter Exhibit. Link Leigh Jackson, Program Chair, concurred. Prizes will be awarded: 1st Place- $1200; 2nd Place - $1000; 3rd Place - $650. During Central Area Conference, there will also be a Community Outreach; members are asked to bring personal hygiene items. The goal is to prepare 2,500 bags for donation to the American Red Cross. a
  • SISTER SPOTLIGHT for March – Link Terri Redden. Congratulations extended to Link Terri.


Link Patricia Rowles, Chair, recognized those Link Sisters who are celebrating birthdays during the month of March. Gifts were presented to the members. The Chapter extended congratulations.

Service Hours are due now to Link Joanne Bluford. Monday is the deadline for submitting additional service hours.

Membership Update: Membership Chair Patricia Rowles reported that she has received a Request for Leave of Absence from Yvonne Crowe for 2013-2014. It is the recommendation of the Membership Committee that Link Yvonne Crow be granted a Leave of Absence. Link Patricia moved that the Chapter accept the recommendation of the Membership Committee and grant Link Yvonne Crowe leave for 2013-2014. The motion received a second. Motion adopted.

Link Patricia reported that the Membership Committee received a Request for Reinstatement of Membership from Link Bonnie Johnson. It is the recommendation of the Membership Committee that the Chapter accepts her request and grant reinstatement of membership. Link E. Sue Bradfield moved that we accept the recommendation of the Membership Committee and grant Reinstatement of Membership to Link Bonnie Johnson. The motion received a second. The motion was adopted.

Letter of Resignation – Link Patricia Rowles read a letter of resignation from Link Dana Combs. It is the recommendation of the Membership and Executive Committees that the Chapter accepts Link Dana Combs’ letter of resignation.

Induction Update:

March 9th - Prospective Members Informational Meeting/ Meet and Greet

April 24th – New Member Information Session II (Hostess: Link Juana Hishaw)

May 7th - New Member Orientation III (Santa Fe Elementary School)

June 8th – Induction (Place: TBA)

Save the Date: Central Area Conference – June 12-16 (Little Rock, Arkansas)

National Assembly – July 2-6, 2014 Washington D.C.

Presentation: Connecting Link John Bluford, CEO of Truman Medical Centers, Inc. Connecting Link John Bluford spoke briefly to the members of the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Links, Inc. on supporting an upcoming Health Levy Tax (Question #1) during the April 2, election. This tax is a continuation of an already existing tax. Approximately 40,000 people use the services of the Truman Medical Centers. In this endeavor, Connecting Link Bluford is asking for the support, advocacy and action from this membership.


Link Leigh Jackson, Chair reported that during the February 16, 2013 Chapter meeting it was announced that the GKC Chapter of Links Inc. was the recipient of a grant award ($2000.00) from the Black Community Fund. These funds can only be used by the programs (facets) designated in the grant request. Those three programs are: 10 1) International Trends: “Dot Girl Program” 2) National Trends: HOPE Program 3) Health and Human Services: Childhood Obesity. Link Jackson also reported that the line item ($500.00) for Awesome Ambitions will not be appropriated to Awesome Ambitions, but will be divided among the 5 Facets. Awesome Ambitions is defined as a Signature Program, and falls under Services to Youth. It is not a Facet.

Link Leigh reminded Committee Chairs (and members) to consult with Facet Chairs before making a commitment to spending. Chairs must receive approval from Facet Chairs. Receipts and vouchers are required before funds are approved. Several objections and questions were raised regarding the “$500.00 line item”.


Link Rebecca McKeel, reported that Burke Elementary School attended the Theater League’s performance of “Chicken Little”. Seven schools (693 students) have attended thus far. $685.00 remains in the Theater League funds. Awesome Ambitions will not be participating in this year’s Job Shadowing.


Link Rhonda Reddick, Chair, reported that she has letters written by Allen Village 4th grade girls (Dot Girl Program participants) to 4th grade girls in Haiti. The letters are available today for members to read during lunch.


Link Anne Johnson reported for Chair Barbara Graham, Chair, (no formal report). Link Anne commented that the Committee has identified the students for “Classics through the Ages”. During the Central Area Conference there will be a workshop on “Classics Through The Ages”.


Link Karisse Whyte extended birthday congratulations to the following Link Members: Betty R. Anderson; Serese Cannon; Angela Curry; Juana Hishaw; Yvonne Houston; Leigh Jackson; Melaka Simmons; June White; and to Platinum Link Member Link Eloise Fletcher. Link Karisse referenced the Courtesy Report for additional information.


Link Janine Midgett, Chair reported on the status of the upcoming April 13, Dinner Theater fundraiser. She asked members to notify her if they have any unsold tickets.

She reported that select pieces of art will be available for sale (at the entrance of the theater); this is an effort to generate additional revenue. Members may also contribute art pieces for sale. These art pieces belong to International Trends. A table will also be available for the purpose of “Will Call” and “Fund-a-Need”. Patrons may contribute and make pledges to “Fund-a-Need” as they exit the Theater. The signature drink “Link-A Tini” will be available for sale; GKC Chapter of Links, Inc. will receive one (1) dollar for each Link-A-Tini sold. Link Tammy will announce the Fund- a- Need effort before the New Theater show begins. The Special Events Committee continues to explore new and different fund raising efforts.


Link Gwen Swoope, Recoding Secretary, reported to the Chapter on the following 2012-2013 Webinar Series (February 27, 2013): “A Minute for Minutes and Necrology Reporting” (AAA Role of the Chapter Secretary: Accessibility, Accountability, Alignment. The two areas that impact chapters greater are:

1)  Updating necrology information of Links, Connecting Links and heir-O-links in the Membership Management System (MMS).

2)  Summarizing reports briefly and attaching reports to minutes.


Link Everlyn Williams reported on the priorities and goals for this event: Priority 2, Goal #4: “We are to enhance members’ services and engagement”. Link Williams reported on the March 2, 2013 meeting:

Seven Chapters are participating, in addition - the Jackson County Chapter and the GKC Chapter.


·  Link Cheryl Snorgrass, Treasurer, reported also for Link Pat Mitchell, Financial Secretary. Link Cheryl presented revised budget to Chapter. Link Patricia Rowles moved for the acceptance of the 2013 -2014 budget. The motion received a second. The motion was adopted (receiving a majority chapter vote).


Link Karisse Whyte (see attached Courtesy Report), extended birthday congratulations to those Links who were celebrating birthdays in March including Platinum Link Eloise Fletcher.


Link Paula Livingston, Chair, (see report) stated that the Committee is working diligently to find a school from the Kansas City, Kansas area to work in collaboration with the


Link June White reported that the Chapter has received two (2) items of correspondence: Links Nadine Johnson and Rebecca McKeel.


  • President Link Tammy Edwards presented a proposal with three options for dividing chapter membership into groups for the purpose of serving as hostesses for chapter meetings. A vote was taken and the majority voted for t Option #2: The membership will be divided into eight (8) Hostess Groups; there are six (6) members assigned to each group. Each group is responsible for serving as hostess for (8) Chapter meetings. For the June meeting, each member will assume responsibility for his own meal. Hostess schedule will be sent out to all members.
  • “Link Restore” – a consignment sale proposal from Link Alice. The proceeds from this sale will net 40% to Chapters; 60% to Central Area. Link Alice Strong-Simmons wants to know if Chapters are interested.
  • Awesome Ambitions – Chapter members discussed budget line item. Link Leigh, Program Chair noted that budget for Facets was approved on March 16, 2013.
  • Link Yvonne Houston expressed appreciation to all chapter members for supporting the “Link- a Tini” fundraiser for HBCU.


Link Serese Cannon was elected as President of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists.

Link Dana Patterson, minister, facilitating workshop entitled “Are You Still Thirsty?”

Link Shelley McThomas is reminding members to vote on April 2, 2013.

Meeting Adjourned.

Link Gwen Swoope, Recording Secretary