Spanish 2A Final Project: Mi Rutina Diaria (My Daily Routine)

Due: November 09, 2015 (p.3, p.5); November 10,2015 (p.2, p.4) No Exceptions!

Directions: You will create a poster, PowerPoint Presentation, Google Slides presentation, a Prezi , or a video of your daily routine. (If you create a video you do not have to present again, just play the video for the class. If you create a video I need a copy of your written script. If you are creating a video you can either show pictures in the video as you are saying what you are doing or you can film yourself while doing the activities. Please upload the video to YouTube.) You must explain your daily routine from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. You must use reflexive verbs where needed. Don’t forget the reflexive pronoun “me” before you conjugate the verbs. ALL VERBS WILL BE CONJUGATED IN THE PRESENT! You must title your project Mi Rutine Diaria

You must include:

●  What time you wake up

●  What time you get up

●  What time you wash your face/brush your teeth

●  What time you take a shower/get dressed

●  What time you eat breakfast

●  What time you leave for school

●  What time you arrive at school

●  What time you go to class

●  One thing you do at school and what time

●  What time you leave school

●  One thing you do after school and what time you do it

●  What time you eat dinner

●  What time you get ready for bed

●  What time you go to bed/ go to sleep

ALSO, for every activity or part of your daily routine you must include a picture if you are creating a poster or a PowerPoint Presentation/ Google Slides Presentation/Prezi. If you are creating a video but are not filming yourself as you are doing the daily activities then you must also add pictures for each activity.


What time I wake up: Yo me despierto a las seis y media.

What time I get up: Yo me levanto a las siete menos veinte.

Final Project Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Visual / ●  Polished visual!
●  Colorful and attractive to the eye
●  Extremely neat/organized
●  Student pushed own ability
●  TYPED / ●  Product meets expectations
●  Variety of colors
●  Neat
●  Project is done according to student’s ability
●  Space is filled with interesting pictures and Spanish text
●  TYPED / ●  Project reflects lack of planning
●  Some mistakes
●  Sloppy or messy work
●  Lack of color and/or organization
●  Does not fill space / ●  Many mistakes
●  Sloppy or messy work
●  Lack of color and/or organization
Written Information / ●  Writing is organized, detailed, and well thought out / ●  Minimal to no grammar or spelling errors that do not interfere with understanding / ●  Some grammar and or spelling errors may interfere with meaning / ●  Many errors
Accuracy / ●  Student challenged himself to include extra, rich information
●  Accurate information / ●  Included all information
●  All information accurate / ●  Missing some information
●  And/or some information inaccurate. / ●  Significant information missing