Mr. Womack – Utah Studies

452-4600 Room 23E

Materials Required to be Successful in the Classroom

1.  Pencils/Pens 3. Notebook or loose-leaf paper 5. A positive attitude

2. Textbooks 4. Small portfolio folder to organize work

Academic Grades

A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = Below 60%

Excellent Very Good Average Fair Poor

Category 1 Assignments = 20% of your grade. These include current events, bell ringers, and learning logs.

Category 2 Assignments = 30% of your grade. Made up of Classroom and Homework assignments.

Category 3 Assignments = 40% of your grade. Includes Quizzes, Exams, and End-of-Unit Projects.

Class Participation/Preparation = 10% of your grade. Willingness to participate in class and group discussions and coming prepared to class.

I will frequently update grades in the online system.

Attendance, Tardies, and Citizenship

I expect that students will attend class on a regular basis. It is difficult to make up assignments when class discussions and group activities are missed. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what was missed, and what they need to do to catch up. However, there are some activities that can be done only in class and cannot be made up. Students are also required to be to class on time. Class begins that moment the tardy bell rings. If students are tardy, it will affect their citizenship grade.

Late Work/ Retesting

All due dates will be posted in the classroom and on my blog. If a student misses an assignment they can turn it in at any time during the term for ½ credit. The cutoff date for turning work in each term will be the last day of the term. I reserve the right to work with all students on an individual basis. I am very excited to work with your student. I am committed to creating an environment in which student will have every opportunity to be successful. With the help of your student and you as a parent I know that we will have a successful year. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or check my blog for daily updates as to what is going on in class. The address is: Thank you.

**I will occasionally show “PG” movies that include a small amount of violence and language. Please let me know if you have an issue with this and I will make alternate accommodations for your student.

Mr. Womack’s Disclosure Statement Signature Sheet

Please keep the disclosure statement that I have provided, and return only this form as soon as possible so I know that you had the opportunity to learn more about this class and its procedures.

Parent Signature:______Date______

Student Signature:______Date______

Parent Contact Information

Please list telephone #s or e-mail addresses where you would like me to contact you if needed.

Telephone #1______Telephone #2______

E-Mail #1______E-Mail #2______