July 15/16, 2017 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 8:12 “So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.” We owe the flesh, the world, and the devil nothing at all. We are not debtors to these enemies: we are freed by the blood of Christ. We are joyful servants in Christ’s kingdom – servants that He calls friends. We share our Lord’s plans and purposes – and this gives direction and purpose to our lives.
A MEASURE OF OUR LOVE Attendance: Attendance: Saturday 6 p.m. = 51; Sunday 8 a.m. = 60; Sunday 10:30 a.m. = 99; Total for the weekend = 210; Sunday School (2’s) = 4; (PK. to 6th grade) = 11; Jr. High Bible Class = 2; High School = 2; Adult Bible Class = 32; Moms Morning Mingle = 3; Thursday Bible Class = 6.
Contributions: Envelopes $5,218; Plate $309.83; Connect $240; ECC Tuition $4,267; Total General Fund Deposit = $10,034.83. Other Designated Giving: Missions $30; Scholarship $50; Total Designated Fund Deposit $80.
GF/Connect Financial Update AS OF July 12, 2017
Income Update / 15/16 YTD Actuals / 16/17 YTD Actuals / % Change / 16/17 YTD Budget / Projected DifferenceEnvelope and Plate Offerings / $421,341 / $ 432,848 / 2.7% / $463,475 / $(30,627)
Connect Envelopes / $67,845 / $62,438 / -8.0% / $71,237 / $(8,799)
*FY 16/17 Increase of 10% on Envelopes/Plate and 5% Increase on Connect.
150th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE is composing a Booklet commemorating St. Paul’s 150 years. We need your help in gathering information! If you have any photos or documents from the last 50 years that we can use; please bring them to the church office. We are in need of photos of the construction of the Ministry Center. Make sure they are labeled, so we can return them to you. Thanks for all your help!
ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE is also looking for volunteers to create and make a float for the Troy Homecoming parade; the theme this year is City of the Century. For more information please contact Erica Sipes 581-8288.
YOUTH ACTIVITY: The Youth Group will be going to the St. Louis Zoo on Wednesday, July 19, leaving from the church parking lot at 9:00 a.m. In order to have enough drivers, please contact Rachael Beckemeyer to let her know that you would like to go along. Deadline is next Sunday, July 16.
Those involved in the Ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.New, interested in a particular function or getting involved?
Have a question? Here’s who to talk to at St. Paul’s:
Pastor: Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, 553-3133
Church Secretary: Kathy Brumm, 667-6681
School: K-8 – Dr. Bruce McLaughlin, Principal, 667-6314;
School Secretary: Linda Craig, 667-6314
Early Childhood Center (Day Care): Michelle Warner, 667-2173
Church Council Chairman: – Jacob Doyle, 618-334-3871
Board of Elders: Jeremy Lagerhausen, Head Elder, 1-217-821-3468
Board of Stewardship & Finance: Jason Kesterson, 407-0304
Financial Secretary: Rebekah Norris, 267-9781
Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chrusciel,
Board of Evangelism:
Board of Christian Education:
Board of Christian Day School: Todd Kenison, 980-5656
Board of Trustees: Todd Moore, 779-3444
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): Kathy Nehrt
Youth Group: [7th-12th grade] Rachael Beckemeyer, 367-2463
Head Usher: Seth Schaefer, 345-6487
Altar Guild: Jeanette Gindler, 667-6852 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357
Choirs: Family Choir – Ted Fedder, 667-6250
Glorious Day/Praise Team – Tom Rampold 667-8771
Men’s Ministry: Pastor Schuessler,
Holy Smokers: Dave Meyer, 667-1347
Confirmation Class: Pastor Schuessler, 553-3133
Helping Hands [funeral dinners, social ministry needs]: Grace Cottingham 667-6552, Shirley Rood, 667-9256.
St. Paul’s PTL: Karen Kilzer, 667-8263
Prayer Chain: Adeline Amen, 667-2549 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357
LITTLE LAMBS PRESCHOOL, MARYVILLE is seeking applicants for Director/Teacher for the school year 2017-18. Send resume to . Call 618-344-2399 for further information.
OPEN HOUSE – on July 22 at 3:30 p.m. This is for Bill Schanuel 90th Birthday at Meridian Village Care Center, 27 Auerbach Place Glen Carbon. Everyone is welcome!
16 / 8:00 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Voters’ Meeting
17 / 6:30 p.m. School Board Meeting
18 / 10:00 a.m. Mom’s Morning Mingle
19 / 9:00 a.m. Youth Trip to St. Louis Zoo
6:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting
20 / 2:00 p.m. Bible Study
21 / 6:30 p.m. Troy Homecoming Parade
22 / 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast
6:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion
6:30 p.m. Troy Homecoming Parade
23 / 8:00 a.m. Worship
9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship with
Holy Communion
Saturday, July 15 – 6:00 p.m.: Acolyte: Hannah Norris; Elders: ; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe, Randy Jones Seth Schaefer; Greeters: Pianist: Tim Wittenberg; Altar Guild: Mary Ann Bonneville Bonnie Levo.
Sunday, July 16 – 8:00 a.m.: Acolyte: Anna Reese; Elder:; Ushers: Jason Powell, Mike Salanitro & Joe Walls; Greeter: Yvonne Rieger; Pianist: Tim Wittenberg; Altar Guild: Mary Ann Bonneville Bonnie Levo.
Sunday, July 16 - 10:30 a.m. Acolyte:; Ushers: Ryan Kaffer, Rachel Lange, Tony Sipes & Dave Thomas; Greeters: Mike & Irene Merchant; Pianist: Tim Wittenberg; Bulletin Collator: Darrell & Debbie Wittenberg.
Saturday, July 22 – 6:00 p.m.: Acolyte: Owen Corder; Elder: ; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Randy Jones, Seth Schaefer Kyle Sipes; Greeters; Larry & Kathy Brokering; Organist: Claudia Loethen; Altar Guild: Jennifer Mallette Wendy Sievers.
Sunday, July 23 – 8:00 a.m.: Acolyte: Hannah Norris; Ushers: Mike Hampton, Jim Kesterson, Mark Leitschuh Kyle Norris; Greeter: Edna Meier; Organist: Jo White.
Sunday, July 23 – 10:30 a.m.: Acolyte: Abby Kesterson; Elder:; Ushers: Ryan Kaffer, Jason Kesterson, Mark Schlemer and Tim Wittenberg; Greeters: Fran Busekrus Jackie Jackson; Organist: Jo White; Bulletin Collator: Kelly Felax; Altar Guild: Jennifer Mallette Wendy Sievers.
July 15: Scott Rose, Beau & Wendy Sievers, Brett Sollberger,
Matt & Joy Tschudy
16: Dennis & Gloria Kueker, Kendall & Shelley Lading,
Bryce Merkel
17: Kaitlyn Ford
18: Lynn McKean, Heather McKean, Heather Rood
19: Erin Criley, Philip Weatherspoon
20: Kevin Campe
21: Aaron & Erin Criley, Dustin Rhymer
PRAYERS FOR: Carl Benning, Gerard Bierman, Aaron Bohnenstiehl, Clark Bowen, Theresa Campe, Larry Carthy, Bill Clark, Bob Cook, Patrick Davidson, Jim Diemer, Michael Ebl, Dawn Ezell, Vicky Fischer, Doug Fitzgerald, Ashley Fitzler, Sarah Frey, Freddy Gonzalez, Bill Hamilton, Shawn Kitowski, Patience Kitowski, Bill Kohl, Jim Lucas, Christine McLaughlin, RJ McKeown, Judy Morgan, Roger Pense, Alicia Raynor, Alane Renner, Linda Roschnafsky, John Salanitro, Carla Samson, Shirley Schnoeker, Shirley Seib (hospice), Neal Schmitz, Kim Shores, Lyle Suedmeyer, Darrell Titus, Stella Vivod and Christy Youngblood.
PRAY FOR ALL those that are serving in the military: Nate Alvis, Aimee Alvstad, Carolyn Brynildsen, Jared Brynildsen, Austin Counts (Bahrain), Natalie Emmons, Kaleb Kampwerth (Mongolia), Jacob Kohl, Nathan Kohl, Cole Long, Chris Payne, Kelly Sawielski, Jason Schlechte, Daniel Schorfheide and Ian Sikes.
We are always glad to pray for the needs of your family, friends, co-workers and others in our worship services. Normally, we will include a request for four weeks. If you would like prayers to continue beyond four weeks, please renew your request. You may call or email the church office.
MELHS is having a USED BOOK SALE on Saturday, July 22nd from 8:00am until noon in the media center at Lutheran High. Fiction, non-fiction, novels, literature, reference, and many more books as we clear out our library of books. Bring bags or boxes and leave with as many books as you want.....a free will donation will be taken for the books you find.
LWML MEETING: JULY 24, 7:00PM, We will be revealing our yearly prayer friends and choosing new ones for next year. We will begin planning for the next year. This is your chance to sign up for servers and devotions and have input on activities, speakers and ingatherings for the next year. Please come and participate in your service ministry of our church!
Devotions: Grace Cottingham; Servers: Carol Wilderman and Janie Roehl; Ingathering: School Supplies.
OnDeck This Week at Saint Paul’s
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, School and ECC Troy, Illinois Church Phone: 618-667-6681 School Phone: 618-667-6314
July 15/16, 2017
WE WELCOME ALL WHO WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL’S. We pray that God will bless your worship with us. Please register your attendance on the pad at the end of the pew after the offering. As a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), St. Paul’s practices close communion. We believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper together shows a common confession of faith in all areas of doctrine (not just in Communion).
If you are a member of a LC-MS congregation in good standing, you are invited to receive communion. If you are not a member of a LC-MS congregation, please talk with the pastor or an elder prior to the service. The elders are the gentlemen that are wearing the “ELDER” badges.
We offer both the common cup and individual up to those who commune. The center individual cups are white grape juice for those who are not able to have wine. Children are welcome to come forward with their family to receive a blessing. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every Saturday service, in the Sunday 8:00 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday, and in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.
New or visiting today? Please be sure to sign our Guest Register in the narthex. You’ll find plenty of useful information in this OnDeck (published weekly). You may also go to www.saintpaulstroy.org and find the monthly newsletter and other information about the church, school and daycare.
QUARTERLY VOTERS MEETING: The next Quarterly Voters Meeting is Sunday, July 16 at 11:45 a.m. (following the 10:30 a.m. service). Printed updated agenda and reports will be available at the meeting.
HELP US GAIN RECOGNITION IN THE COMMUNITY, WALK WITH US! Troy Homecoming “Centennial Celebration”. Parade July 21 & 22 @ 6:30 p.m.
We invite all our St. Paul’s family to walk in the parade with us and pass out pencils and smiles as we get our church and school information out to the community! Bonus points for those dressed from the past 150 years since we are also celebrating St. Paul’s 150 years as a congregation. “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Future!” Prize for best “Blast from the Past” costume! If you have any questions please contact Lauren McLaughlin 977-2744.
Let Lauren McLaughlin at (618) 977-2744 if you can walk with us. We’ll line up on Market St. between Dewey St. and Ash St. at 5:45pm. Look for the big St. Paul’s banner!