April 21, 2015
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Scoil Naomh Pádraig Measc
Co. Kerry.
U.Rolla: 16917T
27th March 2015
Dear Parents,
Please note the following points
Enrolment: I want to emphasise again that we still need new enrolments for all classes and especially Junior Infants, for next September.. If you are aware of any children that are due to start school and have not yet registered, or of children coming to live in the area, please encourage the parents to contact the school.
Resource Rooms: We now have two extra new resource rooms in place of the pre-fab. This is a great facility for the school and the children and many thanks to Malachy Walsh and Associates for their expertise.
Confirmation : The Ceremony will take place in St John’s Castle St on Friday 24th April.
Easter Holidays: Please note that school will re-open on Monday 13th April.
Parking: It is good to see the improvement in parking during drop off and collection times of late. However, the situation could be further improved if everyone parked closer the vehicle in front, without taking up two spaces. Also, I ask again if you could free up spaces as soon as possible after you drop or collect the children from the gate. The local community garda visited the school last week to talk to the children about road safety and will be present at the gate after Easter to give guidance and direction to parents in this regard. Again, please do not drop off or collect children in front of the main gate.
Science: As part of our school self development program, we have chosen to put an emphasis this year on Science. Previously, we have covered Maths and English. During this year, we will be placing far more emphasis on practical projects and experimentation. If there is a particular skill of interest you have that you could share with the children, please contact the office.
School garden and tidy up: Immediately after Easter, I would like to organise a community “Meitheal” for parents who would be willing to give us 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon to re-organise the school garden and flower beds. I will write again with more details
Zumba: The Parents association are providing free Zumba classes for all children from April onwards. They will begin immediately after Easter. The teacher is Linda Flanagan.
Circuit Training: Circuit training for Ladies and Gents will take place on Monday nights from now on under the supervision of Alan Laide who is a personal trainer. If you wish to have a go, Alan is giving a free taster for all of our parents.
Canopies: We are presently awaiting the go ahead to place shelter canopies at the front and side entrances.They should be finished before the summer.
Primary On-Line Database (POD); The department of Education are currently implementing a central database for schools to replace current system of holding information in each individual school. Information such a PPS number Date of Birth Address Demonination etc are required to be input before the end of April. I will send you a consent form for each individual child when we come back. You can read about this here
Pantsing: Finally, you may or may not be aware of term “Pantsing” which we had a few incidences of, in recent times. It involves the pulling down of pants as a prank for the amusement of others. I am told it is becoming a trend amongst teenagers. Needless to say, the results can be devastating for children and their families. Children, being children, do not often consider the consequences of their actions beforehand. I have had a serious talk with all senior classes about this today. However, I am now asking all parents to talk with and advise, your children individually about this over Easter to prevent any re-occurrence.
Easter Art: We would like to congratulate all of the children who contributed are for our Easter exhibition. They were truly amazing and the effort and time they put into it must have been considerable.
Le meas
Donal O’Connor P.Oide