Lesson Plan
Title: Chicken Sunday
Author: Patricia Polacco
ISBN: 0-399-22133-6
Grade: 2nd grade
Trait: Awareness of others
Anticipatory set:
What do some of you do on Sunday?
Who goes to church on Sunday or knows someone who goes to church?
Listening Focus:
How do the children show they’re not guilty of throwing eggs at Mr. Kodinski’s shop?
Method for Sharing:
1) Read through to p.6
Raise your hand if you have wanted to do something special for someone you care about?
2) Read to p. 9 and have the children make predictions what they think the children will do to change Mr. Kodinski’s mind
Instruction and activities:
Do an interactive writing activity. Have the students discuss ways to be aware of others needs and have them come up with an idea to write about.
Concrete Object:
A picture of chicken. As the class is discussing ideas for writing have them take turns sharing their ideas when they have the picture of the chicken (it is like the talking stick).
1) Have the children tell there partner two new things they learned about “Chicken Sunday”
2) What can you do to show someone you’re aware of their needs?
Have the students keep a journal for 1 week documenting situations when they were aware of others needs.
Awareness Game:
Game Cards “OTHERS”
Today you noticed your classmate
was sad and you gave them a hug.
Move forward 5 spaces.
When you went home from school
you saw that your mom
needed help cleaning and you
jumped in and helped.
Move forward 4 spaces.
At recess you noticed a classmate
in a corner by themselves
and you went over and played
with them.
Move forward 3 spaces.
At lunch time a friend of yours dropped
their food and they started to cry.
You comforted them in their time of need
by helping them clean up
and you shared your lunch with them.
Move forward 4 spaces.
In class during math time you noticed
a classmate was struggling with a
subtraction problem. You kindly helped
explain how to do them problem.
Move forward 3 spaces.
Today at recess a classmate was being
bullied by some other children and you
stuck up for them.
Move forward 5 spaces.
You passed by a classmate who
was crying without saying anything.
Move back 2 spaces.
At recess you did not include
everyone who wanted to play
with you.
Move back 3 spaces.
At lunch time you saw a classmate
sitting by themselves and you did not
move over to sit with them.
Move back 4 spaces.
In class you accidentally stepped on
another classmates foot but you did
not apologize.
Move back 3 spaces.
In class during reading time you
talked the whole time with a friend
and disturbed all your other classmates.
Move back 5 spaces.
When you went home from school you
ran in the door and threw your stuff down
and started to watch T.V. Your mom had
to pick up all your stuff because you did
not put it away.
Move back 3 spaces.
6 Activities Cards:
1) Draw a picture that shows you or someone else
being kind to a friend in need. (evaluation)
2) When you get home from school you ask your
mom or dad how you can help them (application)
3) List five ways you can show awareness
of others (knowledge)
4) Discuss with your family ways you can show
your aware of each others needs (comprehension)
5) Explain to a classmate how you have felt
when someone showed kindness to you and
were aware of your needs (analysis)
6) If a classmate was not being kind to
others, how could you show them how to
be aware of others? (synthesis)