PTG Team Meeting

September 19, 2017

Attendees: Elena Gomez, Caren Rocha, Sonia Desai, Amanda Boccucci, Vanessa Chiu, Leilani Pesino, Kristy Gray, Melissa Corica, Sierra Dominguez, Celia Lopez, Kristy Alexander, Jo Lawson, Shelby Perez, Mrs Carlson, Evelyn Navarro, Stacy Miller

Absent: Mireille Garcia, Rod Obligacion, Albert Garcia, Adeline Finney, Maude Samaniego

Agenda Items

Topic Presenter

o  Review approve prior meeting minutes Vanessa Chiu

o  Meeting minutes approved

o  Review any last Movie Night Details Elena

o  Sold out

o  Volunteers all set up- 5 adult volunteers, 4 7th graders

o  Need to send notification and information regarding the day of event

o  45 kids registered, but could stretch to 50

o  Review and approve 2018/2019 Budget Amanda

o  Amanda presented budget, owned by treasurer

o  September 30th is the finalization of the school budget

o  Auction is the major fundraiser of the school year

o  Fundraising is necessary, but not too much

o  Largest budget items are field trips and enrichment

o  More transparency regarding where the PTG funds go

o  Shifting newsletter budget to purchase playground equipment

o  PTG hot lunch, next year, will be an opt out

o  Budget approved

o  Board Updates

o  Update on Auction Jo/Shelby

§  9 potential venues

§  Defined the team

§  Venue selected within a week, and goal to be contracted within a couple of weeks

§  Broaden the scope of capacity to 500 and inclusive of the greater community

§  Target to have 250, with the $85/person cost vs $65/person last year

§  Theme dependent on the venue

o  Enrichment Kristy G

§  Met with principal and dates have been decided

·  October 26 – Native pride, dancers and history presented

·  November – Science and skateboard

·  December – Chinese Acrobats

·  January – TBD

·  February – African American

·  March – TBD

§  Try to incorporate technology into an enrichment presentation

§  Try to incorporate money education

§  Try to incorporate life skills

o  Newsletter Kristy A

§  Finally completed

§  Send out the newsletter and will also have room parents share via class communications

§  Add verbiage regarding parent contributions to all student activities

o  Art Docent Sierra D

§  First meeting was last week with class art docents

§  More awareness to art

§  Researching the art program that SJES has a subscription

§  Potentially have an arts and crafts event, with teacher assistance

o  Athletic Director Elena (in Rod/Albert absence)

§  Need to work with the Sports Board more

§  Uniforms are needed, and there is a shortage

§  Need more fundraising

o  Parent Coordinator/ Dine and Donate Update Leilani

§  3 different venues

·  Trabucco – 30%, no weekends

·  Pinot Palette – waiting for next year

·  Applebees – 10%

o  Allergy awareness week – October 16 Shelby

o  Shelby to work with Kristy G regarding scheduling

o  Fundraising ideas Elena

o  Babysitting services

o  Gift wrapping services

o  Pasta night

§  Try and recruit parents for this event

§  Applebees willing to donate chicken pasta

o  Promote Royal Wear, free dress day

o  Family photo sessions

o  Dine and donate

o  Action item

o  Discuss Middle School scholarships – Elena, Caren and Vanessa to meet

o  Provide wish list of what she wants in the newsletter – Kristy A

o  Research Sports team photography – Elena

o  Discuss pasta night, Kristy G to taste test – ALL

o  Research field trip travel alternatives – Kristy G

o  Playground equipment – Kristy A to work with SJES

o  Encourage parent attendance and market October 24th PTG General meeting – SJES board

o  Royal Wear, free dress day possibility– Sports board/Elena

o  Create agenda for PTG General Meeting – Elena