Contents / Page
Results of the Budget Consultation with Authorised Agents / 1
Changes to the Vulnerability Thresholds / 2
Memorandum of Understanding / 3

Result of the budget consultation with Authorised Agents

We would like to thank everyone that responded to the Local Assistance Fund budget consultation. There were 43 respondents across a range of organisations and vulnerability groups providing feedback that helped inform what changes should be made to the Fund.

One of the questions in the survey asked respondents to rank 5 options on measures to reduce spend from ‘most wanted’ to ‘least wanted’. Respondents overwhelming voted for limiting the number of non-emergency items applicants can apply for from 3 to 2 as the most wanted change, receiving double the votes of the next highest option.

In light of this feedback as well as analysis of demand for three items and the saving implications, the Local Assistance Fund has reduced the number of non-emergency items that applicants may apply for, from 3 to 2 within a rolling 12 month period.

Emergency awards for food and/or utility are unaffected, as is the limitation to one white good item as part of the 2 non-emergency items. Applicants may still apply for their maximum entitlement on more than one occasion, and remember that multiples of food, clothing, and beds and bedding only count as 1 award.

The consultation also asked respondents to select items that they felt could be removed from the Local Assistance Fund.

A number of changes have been made and they are outlined below:


This is the item that the largest number of respondents suggested could be removed. Rugs are the newest item supplied by the Fund and were specifically added in after a request from authorised agents at the Stakeholder Workshop in October 2015. For this reason we have not removed rugs from the list of items but we are restricting applications for rugs to households with a child or children up to the age of 5.

Tumble Dryers

In light of comments from respondents, applications for tumble dryers are now restricted for medical or disability reasons only.

Built-in Items (hob and oven)

These items have been removed from the list of available items. Built-in items now fall under the category of ‘other’ items. Other items can only be awarded by the Fund where a specific case for the item can be made (usually for a medical reason, but also depending on need). There are no guarantees that other items will be awarded.

Convection Heater/Oil Radiator

The concerns of some respondents who highlighted the cost to run these itemswere acknowledged. These items are on the list as an emergency option for households that use oil to heat their homes, as oil cannot be provided under the Fund. There have also been a number of requests for these items from the Travelling Community. For these reasons, convection heaters and oil radiators have not been removed from the list.

All changes will be in effect from 1st July 2016.

Changes to the vulnerability thresholds

The budget consultation also asked authorised agents to review the vulnerability thresholds for the Fund. The thresholds were last reviewed 3 years ago and it is essential that they remain relevant.

The Fund has limited resources and as such support needs to be restricted to the most vulnerable groups within North Yorkshire. The vulnerability thresholds determine when an applicant meets one of those vulnerable groups. To ensure that support is prioritised it is essential that authorised agents rigorously apply the vulnerability criteria when determining if a household would be eligible.

Key changes by vulnerability category:


“At risk of homelessness” was removed from the category. The measure was deemed too subjective and no guidance had previously been offered to determine the criteria for “at risk of homelessness”. The category is now clearer and easier to verify when the threshold is met. ‘Resettlement’ was changed to ‘support’ in point three.

Learning Disability:

No change.

Physical Disability:

Format change - separated threshold into two parts for clarity in response to a comment on the survey.

Mental Health:

No change.

Recently Released from Prison:

“Supervised on a community order” removed from threshold. Probation Trust changed to Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Companies added. Requirement removed that applicant satisfies another vulnerability category.

Domestic Abuse:

Format change.


Removed key qualifying conditions for the carer threshold in light of a survey comment noting that it was hard to validate if someone was a carer for 35 hours a week; and that the Government guidance indicates that you can be paid so long as it is under £110 a week after costs. Due to the removal of the key qualifying text it was agreed to remove the second part of the final sentence which again referred to 35 hours of care.

Drug/Alcohol Dependence:

Removed requirement that applicant satisfies another vulnerability category.

Families under Exceptional Pressure:

Removed penultimate paragraph which duplicated what had already been said and was aimed at assessor rather than agent.

The updated thresholds have been set out in the document below, they can also be found on the online application form or email for a copy of them.

Memorandum of Understanding

As stated in the Year 3 Annual Report, we need to introduce a short partnership agreement between authorised agents and the Council which sets out what each organisation can expect of the other while working to support vulnerable individuals and families through the NYLAF.

This agreement; or ‘Memorandum of Understanding’, has now been drafted and aims to formalise best practice between the Council and authorised agents as well as bringing the NYLAF into line with other agreements with partners in other areas of work. You can read the draft Memorandum below. If you have any comments please email 1st July 2016.



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