Year: ___2017___

Passamaquoddy Joint Tribal Council Glass Eel Harvesting Application

Part A. Applicant information

Name: ______Mailing Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Physical Address; if different from Mailing Address: ______

Home Phone Number: ______Work: ______Cell Phone: ______

Weight: ______Height: ______Hair Color: ______Eye Color: _____ Sex: _____ DOB: ______

ME Driver’s License Number: ______Social Security Number: ______

Email: ______

If under 18: Parent/Guardian Name: ______Signature:______

Part B. p Election of Passamaquoddy Eel fishing area and Commercial Glass Eel Fishing Gear Type

Dip Net: ______Fee $25.00 Fyke Net: ______Fee $25

Part C. Certification, Reporting, Signature: Separate area landings reports are required when fishing in more than one Passamaquoddy Eel fishing Area.

Initial Applicants and Permit renewals: Initial applicants must obtain landings report forms with your permit and submit the completed landings report form on or before the 10th of each month, following the month in which you held a Passamaquoddy Commercial Eel fishing License/Permit.

Signature/Certification: I certify that all information provided in Part A of this application is true and correct and that I have read and understand the reporting requirements listed in part B. of this application and that I understand and agree that by signing this application I agree to submit to inspection by a Law Enforcement officer engaged in the enforcement of Marine Resource laws within any of the Passamaquoddy Eel Fishing areas and other management areas.

Signature of Applicant______Today’s Date: Mo______/Day______/Yr______

If under 18 (Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian)

*Transaction cards issued from the state have to be picked up in person, by the licensee, and must provide a photo ID. *

Please mail completed application with payment (Check or Money Order made out to PTC) to:

Tribal Fisheries, P O Box 343, Perry, Maine 04667

All questions must be answered or the application will not be accepted. Woliwon.