


March 3, 2013

The Annual General Membership meeting was called to order by Jeanne Jeffery at 2:10 pm in the Spring Mills Elementary School gymnasium.

Jeanne Jeffery welcomed residents and district representatives. She introduced the current officers: President – Jeanne Jeffery Secretary – Janine Sturm

Vice President – Don Hogaboom Treasurer-Amy Schmerer

Roll call of officers and district representatives. There was a quorum with 8 representatives

(District 3, 4, 4 Alternate, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16 and 17) and 6 residents present.

Don Hogaboom read: The Note of Proof of Mailing: According to Article VIII of Axford Acres by-laws regarding membership meetings, it states that at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting, a written notice of time, place and purpose of said meeting shall be mailed to each member entitled to vote at said meeting. On January 2012 a notice was mailed to all Axford Acres residents included in your dues bill. It was mailed from the Highland Township post office. Residents should have received them by the end of January or early February, which is in excess of the 10-day period prior to our annual membership meeting. Therefore, we have met the by-law requirements. Please note: You must be current on your dues in order to vote at this meeting.

MINUTES – Jeanne Jeffery presented the minutes for the March 4, 2012 meeting. A discussion followed.

A motion was made to approve the March 4, 2012 minutes. M/D. Hogaboom S/J. Augustyn

The Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Amy Schmerer presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2013-2014.

Note: Amy Schmerer stated that there is $1,000 in outstanding checks; $2,860.78 in the new year.

A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report for 2013-2014. M/J. Sturm S/R. Bierl

The Motion Carried.

APPROVAL OF 2013-2014 BUDGET – Jeanne Jeffery presented the 2013-2014 proposed budget to the general assembly. A discussion followed.

The 2013-2014 budget is a follows:

COMMITTEE / 2009-2010
ACTUAL / 2010-2011
ACTUAL / 2011-2012
ACTUAL / 2012-2013
ACTUAL / 2013-2014
Income / $25,135.00 / $23,085.00 / 23,072.50 / 25,283.63
Ski Show
Garage Sale
Christmas Party
Christmas Party
Easter Egg Hunt
Labor Day Party
Total / ______
$1,572.12 / ______
$3,085.15 / ______
$3,687.00 / ______
$2.701.97 / ______
Beach Maintenance / $7,272.49 / $5,738.03 / $6,354.93 / $13,556.01 / $7,000.00
Beach Special Project / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Beautification / 4,207.81 / 4,290.49 / 2,843.98 / 3,175.33 / 3,300.00
Communication / 1,492.95 / 1,209.52 / 1,423.01 / 1,138.74 / 1,200.00
General Fund / 2,858.05 / 3,513.92 / 3,520.38 / 3,126.43 / 3,100.00
Legal Fund / 4,119.42 / 2,788.50 / 2,791.00 / 2,328.25 / 4,000.00
Safety (snow plowing) / 1,500.00 / 2,650.00 / 750.00 / 1,500.00 / 2,200.00
Security / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Total / $23,022.84 / $23,275.61 / $21,370.30 / $27,526.73 / $24,600.00
Ending Balance / $4,372.21 / $3,810.00 / $5,919.58 / $4,134.55

Note: Dues were set in 1970 at $20; increased in 1988 to $40; and, increased again in 2004 to $60.

A motion was made to approve the 2013-2014 proposed budget. M/D. Hogaboom S/R. Bierl

The Motion Carried.

There was a discussion regarding the depth of snow for requesting plowing. The general consensus among residents and district representatives was 5” or more.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Jeanne Jeffery stated that Tony Durand had a triple bypass and was unable to put signs out at this time. She indicated that Howard Zimmerman put out cardboard signs with an incorrect time but was able to fix it. She went on to say that it was an uneventful year.

She wanted to thank the following residents for their help in making our subdivision a better place to live.

·  Don Hogaboom – vice president , handles website

·  Janine Sturm – secretary, creating and sending out newsletters, postcards, preparing meeting minutes, etc.

·  Amy Schmerer – treasurer

·  Jim King – keeper of the keys

·  Tony Durand – for painting the entrance signs and handling many of the little projects for the sub

·  Stacy Hess – for volunteering to help chair and coordinate a family Labor Day Party

·  Gary Krimmel for clearing our drains

·  Committee chairs:

o  Marie Hewitt, Beautification – handles new planting, water, etc. For the sub entrances

o  Don Hogaboom, Antoinette Christopher and Byron Carter, Beach – beach maintenance and security

o  Ron Rinkinen, Architecture-a thankless job to keep home improvements within deed restrictions

o  Carla Moore, Garage Sale – taking care of ads for the sale, as well as maps and flyers at the entrances

o  Jeff Augustyn and Ann Taylor, Deed Restriction-a tireless and thankless job–they have been instrumental in making sure deed restrictions are followed–liasons with our attorney in handling continued violations–setting up procedures for deed restriction violators, etc.

o  Hannah Jeffery for stepping up as chair of the annual Christmas Party – she coordinated and executed a successful and well attended Christmas Party, delivering collected books to the Good Fellows

o  Bob and Deb Jess, who came forward to handle the Spring Egg Hunt, along with the Simonich family – giving us a wonderful event this year.

o  Lisa DeFalco for coordinating and making signs for the Holiday Lighting Contest

Jeanne stated that the beach sand project was successful. She felt that this coming year will be the true test to its continued success, as we are holding the ski show at the beach in June.

Jeanne stated that she feels our subdivision has never looked better and things are going well. She is looking forward to this coming year. She reported the following tentative dates for this year’s events:

®Mid April – Spring Egg Hunt ®May 11 – Spring Clean-up ®June 8 – Garage Sale

®June 29 – Ski Show, Theme: James Bond (rain date will be June 30th)

®July 26 – Movie Night ®September 1 – Labor Day Party ®December 7 – Christmas Party



Spring Egg Hunt – Jeanne stated that it would be the Saturday, April 14th at 1 pm. She indicated that Bob and Deb Jess will be chairing the event with the help of the Simonich family.

Garage Sale – Jeanne stated this event is always the 1st Saturday of June. It will be held June 8th this year. She reported that the Moores will again be chairing this event. She indicated that South Bay Shores along with the church would like to tag along with our sale. A discussion followed.

BEAUTIFICATION: NO REPORT It was noted Marie is doing well and that the association has the nicest entrances around.

BEACH: It was noted that beach clean-up will be May 11th, 9-11 am. A discussion took place regarding dregging the boat launch.

COMMUNICATION: Janine Sturm stated that she planned to produce a spring newsletter by the end of the month. She asked that any articles be given to her in the next two weeks.

Doug Hogaboom reminded everyone about our website: www: axfordacres.org. He indicated that important dates, deed restrictions, newletters, district reps, etc., can be found at the site. It was again suggested that we put the wesite on our announcement signs at the entrances.


LEGAL: Jeanne Jeffery stated she is looking for a new lawyer, who is close to our subdivision.


DEED RESTRICTION: Jeff Augustyn explained what the deed restrictions are in Axford Acres subdivision. He especially mentioned the deed restrictions requiring resident to keep garbage cans out of sight; commercial vehicles with advertising signage on them; trailer storage/utility trailers/boats. He thanked everyone for responding to any violations quickly. He indicated that he believed that educating residents on the deed restrictions has played a large part in the subdivision looking so good.

Jeanne Jeffery wanted to thank Jeff and Ann for their deligience in keeping up with deed restriction violations. She indicated that Todd D’Angelo and Mark Geis, as well as several other residents over the last ten years, have kept the subdivision residents in compliance. She went on to again remind all those present that all deed restrictions are posted and available on our website.



Jeanne stated the election of district representatives and officers usually is a very formal procedure. She would like it to be an informal event. She indicated that district representatives would be elected first.

Don Hogaboom read the district representative’s responsibilities, which are as follows: A district representative should inform their district of association’s activities, meetings, and discussions. He/she should review and be familiar with the deed restrictions in your district, so you are able to direct inquiries to the appropriate people. You shall receive suggestions, recommendations and grievances that pertain to your district and report them to the board of directors. A district rep can be voted in any time of the year. If a district rep is absent each district should have elected alternates to represent the district at monthly meetings.

Jeanne added that if a district representative attends 6 of the 8 meetings held each year, then his/her yearly association dues would be waived. She noted that this does not apply to alternates. She indicated that there are 17 subdivisions and the association needs nine (9) districts represented for a quorum.

2013-2014 Board of Directors

District 1
District 2
District 3 / Jeanne Jeffery / District 9
District 10
District 11 / Don Hogaboom
Linda Smith
District 4
District 4, Alternate / Jim King
Betsy Geis / District 12
District 13 / Janine Sturm
District 5
District 6 / Debbie LaRose / District 14
District 15 / Rhonda Bierl
District 7
District 8 / H
R Rich Kavanda / District 16
District 17 / Amy Schmerer
Jeff Augustyn


President / Jeanne Jeffery / M M/R. Kavanda S/R. Bierl / Treasurer / Amy Schmerer / President Appoint
Vice-President / Don Hogaboom / M/J. Jeffery S/J. King / Secretary / Janine Sturm / President Appoint

Jeanne stated that all new representatives will get an association notebook with their deed restrictions, a map of the subdivision, the by-laws, the district rep list, and dividers for monthly minute etc.


NEW BUSINESS- Jeanne stated that Lakeland High School has started a huge athletic boosters fundraiser for the coming year. She indicated that they plan to host a drive through light show—the theme is ‘Christmas Winter Wonderland’. She reported that the boosters are looking for donations of Christmas lights and decorations, as well as anything you can build with (paint, wood, nails, etc.). She went on to say that all donations should be taken to the Lakeland High School main office. A discusssion followed.

NEXT MEETING- Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7 pm, Spring Mills Art Room

ADJOURNMENT – Jeanne Jeffery adjourned the meeting at 3:30 pm.


Janine A. Sturm
