Internal and external retired member positions are advertised in advance of the conference so to encourage greater participation of members. Please be advised that all these positions come with a great deal of responsibility and commitment and members should be aware that not only will they be expected to attend meetings, in some cases reports will need to be produced for distribution amongst retired branches. However, assistance will be given where required.

Positions (Persons elected in 2017):

1.Advisory Conference & liaison Committee Chairperson (T Donaghey)

Name of Nominee......

Signature of Nominee...... ………......

2.Advisory Conference & Liaison Committee Vice Chairperson (N Richardson)

Name of Nominee......

Signature of Nominee...... ………......

3.TUC Pensioners Committee (R Douglas)

Name of Nominee......

Signature of Nominee...... ………......

4.NPC National Council Nominees X 4+ Sub (G Jones, T Donaghey, A Warnock-SmithN Richardson)

Name of Nominee (1)...... Signature of Nominee......

Name of Nominee (2)...... Signature of Nominee......

Name of Nominee (3)...... Signature of Nominee......

Name of Nominee (4)...... Signature of Nominee......

  1. NPC National Council EC & Working Party Coordinator( T Donaghey)

Name of Nominee......

Signature of Nominee...... ………......

  1. Age Platform Europe ( A Warnock-Smith)

Name of Nominee......

Signature of Nominee...... ………......

  1. NPC Woman Working Party (A Hansell)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Trade Union Working Party (G Jones)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. Transport Working Party (T Donaghey)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Finance Working Party (G Jones)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Structure Working Party (B Laing)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Minority Elders Working Party (Vacant)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Health and Social Care Working Party (Nigel Hyde)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

  1. NPC Pensions and Income Working Party (L Rickets)

This position is elected bi-annually and therefore not vacant until 2019

Signature of Branch Council Secretary......

Signature of Branch/Council Chair...... ……………………......


Nominations to be returned to Head Office

no later than FRIDAY 9th March 2018

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