Minutes of the first meeting of the

Tibetan Terrier Health & Welfare Foundation

May 30,2007

Meeting was called to order by Robert Kreis at 6:55PM. Directors in attendance were Pat Nelson, Alice Smith, Sue Carr, Brenda Algar, and Anette Ohman. Absent were Directors Brenda Brown and Jacob Herschler. Also in attendance was guest, Jackie Faust.

The meeting started with a reading of the purpose of the Tibetan Terrier Health & Welfare Foundation (also referred to herein as the Foundation), from Article I of the Bylaws.

The first order of business was to elect Officers and Directors, and to decide terms for the Directors. A discussion regarding terms of office for each Director followed. It was decided by consensus that: the TTCA Health Chairman Brenda Brown and TTCA Rescue Chairman Anette Ohman will each serve a 1 year term; Alice Smith will serve a 1 year term; Jacob Herschler and Brenda Algar will each serve a 2 year term; and Sue Carr and Robert Kreis will each serve a 3 year term. Robert Kreis nominated Jackie Faust to serve as Secretary and Jacob Herschler to be Treasurer.

Sue Carr motioned to approve the nominations of Jackie Faust for Secretary and Jacob Herschler for Treasurer. Brenda Algar seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously. Jackie Faust agreed that her home address will be the Foundation’s correspondence address.

Robert Kreis nominated Pat Nelson for Vice President, and so motioned. The motion was seconded by Sue Carr, and passed unanimously.

Alice Smith motioned to elect Robert Kreis President. Anette Ohman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Robert Kreis spoke regarding the IRS conflict of interest policy, that non-profit organizations will not do business with ourselves.

Sue Carr motioned that the TTHWF adopt that policy. Brenda Algar seconded, amending it that a copy of the policy be circulated and signed by Officers and Directors. Motion passed unanimously.

A discussion followed that Jac Hersheler find a bank and open an account in the name of the Foundation. It was decided by consensus that two signature lines be printed on checks, and that one signature be sufficient for checks under $5000. Two signatures would be required on checks of $5000 or more. The signers authorized will be President and Treasurer. Research regarding bonding for the Treasurer was delegated to Jac Herschler. Brenda Algar will research Director & Officer liability insurance.

Robert Kreis spoke that the priority of the Foundation during the first year is to raise funds. He anticipated that the balance of funds earmarked for a Tibetan Terrier DNA Trust would be transferred to the Foundation.

Sue Carr said that she will encourage those hosting TTCA Regional Specialties to support the Tibetan Terrier Health & Welfare Foundation.

Brenda Algar suggested a letter campaign, and that mailing lists come from the CHF/DAF pledge list, the TTCA membership list, and the AKC New Titleholders list. A sales effort could be supported with a website. Brenda stated that estate planning, including assignment of life insurance policies, is an excellent fund raiser.

Sue Carr suggested we bring other clubs into our reach. Anette Ohman volunteered that other countries’ breed clubs are a source of donations.

Jackie Faust was asked to set up a closed Board discussion group on Yahoo Groups. Anette Ohman volunteered to check on website addresses for our Foundation.

Sue Carr motioned to adjourn. ? seconded and motion unanimously passed at 8:??PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Faust
