House of Student Representatives

General Meeting Agenda

September 15th, 2015

I.  Call to Order

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

a.  Lance Owens

III.  Invocation

IV.  Roll Call

V.  Approval of the Minutes

VI.  Speaker’s Forum

a.  Brian Tonyàfaith festival

b.  Allegra Hernandezàcollege democrats/YAF/economics club sponsoring GOP debate watch party w/ analysis after (Wednesday at 7)

c.  Laura SimardàStuFo applications, can have references for applications

d.  Yannick TonaàSGA website, check it

VII.  Reports of Student Body Officers

a.  President Maddie Reddick

iv.  Zoning commissionàpassed in favor of general def., voted unanimously (student housing not affected), vote next month

v.  Campus carry debateàemail to help with report for board

vi.  Meeting w/ Drew Martin for athletics, student section being packed (no current solution, but conversation), encourage students to go to games

vii.  September 22ndàmodel of Worth Hills in BLUU Ballroom

b.  Vice President Ryker Thompson

iv.  Risk Management

1.  TCU Police #

2.  Fire Safety

3.  Behavior representing SGA

v.  Movember

vi.  Scantrons

vii.  Shuttles

c.  Vice President Katie Phillips

iv.  Coffee/Bistro in Library

1.  Provided w/ free coffee for remainder of week, promote

2.  New Bistro Oct. 1st

v.  Presidents’ Dinner

d.  Treasurer John Paul Watson

iv.  Finance Meeting

1.  24 organizations applied, $50,000 available

2.  new guidelines approved

VIII.  Reports of the Committee Chairs

a.  Academic Affairs – Katie Rettig

iv.  New meeting time: 5pm Thursdays

b.  Dining Services – Ben Taylor

iv.  Meeting time: 3pm Fridays in Private Dining

c.  Elections & Regulations – Morgan Bailie

iv.  Thursdays at 7pm

v.  2019 reps

vi.  Open seats—post on organization pages, share

d.  Student Outreach—Kelsey Ritchie

iv.  5pm on Wednesdays in SGA pit (6pm tomorrow)

e.  Finance – Drew Atkins

f.  Student Experience – Laura Simard

iv.  Wednesdays at 8:15pm

v.  First round of school supplies in library

IX.  Reports of Appointed Positions

a.  Chaplain

iv.  Quote from ViBo

X.  New Business

a.  Swear in Class of 2019

iv.  Chandler and Michael

b.  Committee Breakouts

iv.  Rules suspended to meet in committees (Blake Tilley)

v.  Absences—committee and House

c.  Emails

iv.  Missing house meetings:

v.  Committee—notify committee chair

d.  Legislation

iv.  Monday by 5pm to Abby

e.  Pro/Con and Questions

iv.  Valid pros/cons (only 2 rounds needed)

v.  Question/answer productive

f.  September last house meeting

iv.  Campus carry meeting—formal

g.  Rules reinstated (Morgan Bailie) seconded (Caroline McKee)

XI.  Adjournment

a.  Kelsey Ritchie

b.  Hudson Trent