California Court Commissioners Association
Annual Membership/Board Meeting –September 25, 2010
Monterey Plaza Hotel
Members Present:
President: Robert Kawahara
President Elect: David Gunn
Secretary: Lynne Meredith
Past President: Robert L. Broughton
CJA Representative: Sue Alexander
Board Members: Susan Greenberg, Rebecca Wightman, Scott Harman, Gary Bloch, Steve Berman, Michele Flurer, Alan Friedenthal, Martin Gladstein, Barry Michaelson, Claire Vermillion
Incoming Board Members: Jeri Hamlin, Robert McSorley, Lori Behar, Geoffrey Carter
Guests: Marge Slabach, Christine Copeland, Jim Madden, Steve Yep, Doug Carnahan, J. Kent Omana, John Chemeleski, Lon Hurwitz, Matt St. George, David Haet, Terry Truong, Danny Hankedalu, Gayle Peron
Approval of Minutes:
Moved by Martin Gladstein, Seconded by Michele Flurer that the August 4th minutes be approved as written. Minutes of the August 4, 2010 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
(attached) Moved by Scott Harman to approve report, seconded by Martin Gladstein. Treasurer’s report approved and accepted.
CJA Representative Report:
Sue Alexander reported on a current “media report” being discussed at their most recent meeting. It is currently out for comment. The report recommends that there be a “public access presumption” and that all cameras et al be permitted in the Courtroom unless specifically excluded by the Judge. This would allow for pro pers and other litigants to tape proceedings. CJA Board has taken the position that it does not support any of the recommendations.
Also, for informational purposes there is budget concern since much of the money for extended budget is to come from fee added to red light camera vendors. Apparently many of these contracts are not being renewed between local governments and the vendors. Just an FYI.
Bob Kawahara also added that he was told that CJA was happy to see so many SJOs at the CJA convention this year…kudos to all for getting folks to the event.
Judicial Council Representative Report:
Lon Hurwitz reported that he has not seen the “media report” in discussion on the Council. In the rules and projects committee they have recently seen a proposal by DCSS for a new judicial council form which informs parties that they must file in 2 places when modifying an order entered in one jurisdiction when one of the parties has moved. Apparently this form is moving along because those opposed to it were outvoted.
Committee Reports:
Membership Benefits/Website and Chatroom: (Michele Flurer)
· See attached report
· Gift for Lowell for all of his work on the Website etc
Compensation and Benefits: (Lynne Meredith)
· Nothing to report.
Corporate Governance: (David Gunn)
· Nothing to report.
· Bob Kawahara read the mission statement for those not familiar with our bylaws.
Education: (Bob Broughton)
· Kudos to Bob and Alan for putting together excellent programs at CJA
Financial Oversight: (Bob K.)
· Barry Michaelson moved to adopt the proposed changes to the travel reimbursement policy. Martin Gladstein seconded the motion. During discussion the moving party agreed to amend the motion to state that CCCA would not reimburse for the cost of the “registration at the conference”. The motion passed. The new travel policy is attached to these minutes.
· Steve Berman agreed to devise a form for use by members seeking reimbursement.
Legislative: (Bob Broughton)
· His memo is attached to the original minutes
Membership: (David Gunn)
· Only 30% paid membership. Discussion of changing to fiscal year and if it would improve membership tabled to a future meeting.
Historical/Public Education/Relations: (Claire Vermillion)
· Nothing to report
Old Business:
· Board survey results and summary of prior discussions re endorsement of SJOs who apply for judicial appointments – Bob Harrison was not present to report on his findings
· Procedure to allow member participation in board meetings. Bob K. indicated that he sent out an email and it was on the website that anyone wanting to comment should contact their representative. He made public the agenda so that people would know what was being discussed. Elections: David Gunn reported that he was on top of the election – please give him information thru email.
· Update on CCCA Grants Program – attached to minutes is proposed grant application. This agenda item is tabled until a future meeting.
New Business:
· Recognition presentation given to Bob K for all of his work as President for the last two years. Special thanks to Doug Carnahan for all of his work on writing about SJOs for the CJA newsletter.
· Induction/Installation of incoming board and officers by David Gunn.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:00 p.m.