Kilbarchan Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held at 7:30pm on Thursday 26th May in the Steeple Hall, Steeple Square, Kilbarchan.

Members Present: Marie Alexander, David Blair,Fraser Campbell, James Curran, Angela Gillespie, Gordon Hamilton, Ives Elaine, Graeme Stockton.

Renfrewshire Councillors: Andy Doig, Chris Gilmour.

Apologies:Graham Batin, Ann Grieve, Damon Scott, Cllr Derek Bibby

Visitors:Inspector Cassie Glass of Police Scotland, John Nelson, Pauline Nelson, Fiona Stewart, Matt Turnbull.

Chair: David Blair

1. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes were proposed by Angela Gillespie seconded by Jim Curran and unanimously accepted by the Community Council.

2. Police Report

Figures for this month

Crime / Number / Detected
Common Assault / 2(1 x domestic, 1 x at house) / 2
Theft / 2 (caravans) / 0
Vandalism / 3 (1 x window, 2 x cars damaged) / 0
Road traffic / 1 / 0
Total / 8 / 2

Other points discussed:

  • Police Scotland carried out a speeding on the 2nd of May. Of the 2000 cars observed the mean speed was 28mph. The Community Council requested a survey for Barn Green in June.
  • Anti-social behaviour continues in the woods. There have been reports that there is evidence of under-age drinking and some drug taking. It appears that those involved have been displaced by police action in other areas.
  • There is increased evidence of break-ins to outbuildings, sheds etc.
  • Some bogus phone calls have been reported. The calls purport to come from Renfrewshire Council.
  • Residents were urged to phone 101 and report any suspicious activity.
  • Police will be present at Lilias Day. All present hoped for a successful day without incident.

3. Matters Arising

(a) Seat at the Bus Stop:This matter is still ongoing.

(b) Potholes: The Chair asked everyone to report them with the “App” to bring some action.

(c) Litter bins: There are plans to address the problems raised at the last meeting.

(d) Street Stuff: There are now plans for this to take place on Fridays.

(e) Burnside Gardens: Only part of the grass is being cut.

4. Treasurer’s Report

The following items were paid:

  • £500 for the costs of the Gateway Garden formal opening.
  • £235.14 for printing POAN publicity material and planning application information.
  • £1182.53 for public liability insurance.

A donation of £50 was received for the de-fibrillator bringing the current de-fibrillator funds to £1070. The grant application for 2 de-fibrillators has been successful, but there is still the cost of the cabinets and the installation to be paid as well as publicity for a formal launch. Training sessions will be arranged.

The current balance of the Community Council fund is £2542.51.

5. Reports from working groups and sub-committees

(a) Quarry: SEPA have still not given Cemex the permissions required to start the in-filling process. There is still very little other activity at the quarry.

(b) CSO: Scottish Water has not completed their planning. The sub-group has not met yet.

(c) Kilbarchan Smile:

Gateway Garden: Community Garden on schedule for launch on Saturday. Miss Lilias to officially open. Scouts hotdogs, Grow Kilbarchan, LEAP, Co-op Fairtrade are also bringing stalls. There will be music and salad boxes for kids to plant up.

Lots of work by key Kilbarchan Smile volunteers and there has been lots of support in kind from local companies such as Valspar £150, bark chippings, recycled soil. Community payback and Renfrewshire Council have supported the project. The project has been delivered pretty much on budget.

Fund raising:There has been good initial interest in the “Habbie’s Hoolie” tickets. In addition a raffle will be held on the night to raise funds. Kilbarchan Smile will also have stalls at Lilias Day and the Kilbarchan Show. The group has also joined Engage Renfrewshire.

The Litter pick:this was very successful and a great deal of useful publicity was generated by the event.

(d) Heritage Trail: The sub-group is yet to meet.

6. Planning

(a) 16/0147/PP Application to build at Branscroft.

The Community Council discussed the predetermination meeting for the application. This application will be determined by the full council and their next meeting is on 23rd June. It may be that this application does not come before the full council until it meets in September.

(b) Other applications

(i) 16/0195/PP Cartside Farm House, Tandlehill Road, Kilbarchan, PA10 2PL

Conversion of former redundant byre to form dwellinghouse andformation of access road.

The Community Council had no objection to this application.

(ii) 16/0196/AF Cartside Farm House, Tandlehill Road, Kilbarchan, PA10 2PL

Erection of agricultural shed

The Community Council had no objection to this application.

(iii) 16/0225/PP Farm House, DrygateFarm, KibblestonRoad, Kilbarchan,

Part conversion of byres, dairy and stable to form extensions todwellinghouse and erection of single storey extension to rear.

The Community Council had no objection to this application.

(iv) 16/0365/PP East BarnaighCottage,Lawmarnock Road,Kilbarchan, PA10 2PX

Erection of one and a half storey extension to side of dwellinghouse

with raised terrace to front and rear of extension.

The Community Council had no objection to this application.

(v)16/0359/PP 3 Ramsay Crescent,Kilbarchan,PA102AZ

Erection of single storey extensions to front and rear of dwellinghouse

The Community Council had no objection to this application.

(vi)16/0381/LB 6 Gateside Place,Kilbarchan, PA10 2LY

Replacement of roof slates and flashings

The Community Council had no objection to this application provided it complies with Conservation Guidelines and listed building consents.

7. Communications

(a) Engage Renfrewshire

  • E-alerts
  • Digital survey

(b) Various communications regarding 16/0147/PP and pre-determination meeting.

(c) Suggested community buyout of Barrhill Cres.

(d)Ann McNaughton:

  • papers for Community Councils’ Forum.
  • A pack aimed at encouraging organisations and individuals to formally declare their support for Paisley’s bid for UK City of Culture 2021 and join Team Paisley is now available
  • Community Councils’ website

(e) Complaint from villager about the wall at Wellstrand.

(f)Renfrewshire Councillor

(1)Andy Doig:Complaint about the wall at Wellstrand logged as a complaint.

The lamp at Gateside has been repaired.

(2) Chris Gilmour: Road closure information.

Update to road closures.

(g) Fairtrade steering Group: reminder that the next meeting of the steering group will take place on Thursday 9 June, 1pm-3pm, at Mary Russell School.

(h)Paul Sale: Renfrewshire's CLD is meeting on Monday 20 June or Tuesday 21 June to look at setting up a partners' group.The meeting will start at 2pm and finish at 3.30pm.
Link to the Strategy Document - Renfrewshire Community Learning and Development Strategy 2015 - 2018.

(i) Karen Anderson Amenity Services Manager:The HWRCs at Renfrew, Linwood, Johnstone and Erskine are being converted to self-service community “bring sites”.
At all sites you will be able to recycle:
· Paper & Cardboard
· Metal
· Cartons
· Glass – bottles & jars
· Mixed plastic
· Textiles
Other items can be taken to Underwood. This site offers all recycling and waste including facilities for the disposal of waste electronic electrical equipment (WEEE) including white goods, large appliances, monitors and florescent tubes you can also dispose of Asbestos, car batteries, green waste, wood, rubble and oil.

(j) Notification of two parades in the village at the end of June.

(a) The final document giving the new ward boundaries has been produced. It is somewhat different from some of the previous proposals. The nett effect for this ward is that Howwood will join the ward and there will be 4 councillors representing the ward instead of 3 councillors. There are no changes to the Community Councils.

(b) Brookfield Community Council has made a representation about planning application 16/0291/PP in Bridge of Weir because they are concerned about the additional traffic it will generate on the A761. The Community Council decided that they would also make representation about this, as if traffic increased on the A761 more vehicles would access the A737 by driving through the village.

(c) Problems were identified with many drains in the village, including those at the Steeple Hall steps, the scout hall, near the Co-op, at Station Road near the bridge and the drain in Church St near Merchant’s Close.

(d) The trees at the Steeple have grown very tall and branches appear to be scrubbing against the walls of the Steeple Hall.

(e) The possibility of power generation in the village was discussed with reference to generating power in the river Cart.

(f) The Community Council agreed to meet on the following dates next session:

  • Tuesday 30th August 2016
  • Wednesday 28th September 2016
  • Thursday 27th October 2016
  • Tuesday 29th November 2016
  • Monday 5th December (Christmas Lights) 2016
  • Wednesday 25th January 2017
  • Thursday 23rd February 2017
  • Tuesday 28th March 2017
  • Wednesday 26th April 2017
  • Thursday 25th May 2017
  • Tuesday 27th June 2017

9. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 28th June 2016.

Kilbarchan Community Council

Agenda: Tuesday 28th June 2016, 7:30pm, Steeple Hall

(1)Police Report

(2)Minutes of last meeting

(3)Matters arising

(4)New member

(5)Treasurers’ report


(7)Reports from working groups and sub-committees

  1. Quarry
  2. CSO
  3. Kilbarchan Smile
  4. Heritage Group



(10)Date of next meeting