Multi-Grade Planning Organizer - Phys. Ed. K-9
Step 1 – Looking at the Curriculum
Big Ideas
What do we want students to really remember?
Physical Education Goals K-12
Active Living - Enjoy and engage in healthy levels of participation in movement
activities to support lifelong active living in the context of self, family, and community. / Skillful Movement - Enhance quality of movement by understanding, developing, and transferring movement concepts, skills, tactics, and strategies to a wide variety of movement activities. / Relationships - Balance self through safe and respectful personal, social, cultural, and environmental interactions in a wide variety of movement activities.
Unpacking the Outcomes/Indicators: Circle the verbs (skills), underline the nouns (knowledge)
What the students will come to understand as a result of learning. / Essential Questions
Questions for deeper understanding that promote deep thinking about what is learned in the unit.
Students will understand that…
Students need to know:
The essential knowledge students need in order to demonstrate their understanding of the outcomes. This is what you underlined in the outcome/indicators. / Students need to be able to do:
What the students should be able to do in order to achieve the outcome. This should reference the indicators. This is what you circled in the outcome/indicators.
Step Two – Assessment of Student Learning
Pre- Assessment Plan
Tools to find out how much the students know before we start. / Formative Assessment
Multiple sources of evidence in which students demonstrate their understanding on a daily basis. This is the practice for the big game. / Summative Assessment
This is game day where the students demonstrate what they know and are able to do in relation to the outcome. It is a snapshot in time, used for reporting purposes.
Step Three – Planning
Your lesson/unit plans should guide how you teach the material. They should include strategies, activities, resources, and opportunities for differentiation that would allow all students to achieve the outcomes.
Include plans for combining grades for instructional purposes.
DI Strategies
Step Four – Thinking Back …
How did my plan transfer to practice? Did my unit meet the needs of the students? Were the students engaged in the learning? Did the students achieve the outcomes? Did things go as planned? What do I need to change for next time? Suggestions for future planning.