Nobel Charter Magnet Middle School
Physical Education
I. Course Description: This course enables students to refine movement skills and provides for the knowledge and application of skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities. Students develop an understanding of the components of total health fitness with an emphasis on the physiological and social benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. All students are tested in the state physical fitness assessment. All instruction is focused around holistic learning, intercultural awareness, communication, and developing the characteristics of a globally minded individual.
II. Objectives and Standards:
Objectives / CA State StandardsDevelop:
An appreciation and understanding of the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy, balanced lifestyle
- An interest in the promotion of health and wellness
- The motivation to participate fully in all aspects of physical education
- Their optimal level of physical fitness
- Effective communication strategies, verbal, non-verbal and written
- The skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities, for example, learning, practicing, refining, adapting, thinking, interacting
- The ability to reflect critically on all aspects of physical education, including be a critical performer
- A lifelong interest in an enjoyment of physical activities as a participant
- To demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- To demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that applies to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- To assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
- To demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
- To demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that applies to the learning and performance of physical activity.
III. Units of Study:
The curriculum will enable the student to develop oneself in study skills, critical, coherent and independent thinking; and enhance the capacity for goal setting, problem solving, and learning how to make decisions and accept responsibility for learning. The physical education department will incorporate a variety of instructional units taught during the school year.
Standards Based GradingA = Greatly exceeds or exceeds the standard =90-100
B = Meets the standard = 80-89
C = Moving towards standard = 70-79
D = Beginning to move towards standard = 60-69
F = Initial attempt at the standard = 55 and below
IV. Teaching Methodology, Methods of Assessment & Grading Policy:
Student grades are based on various methods of assessment evaluating student knowledge, movement composition, performance, fitness, social skills, video assessment and personal engagement.
Teaching MethodologiesStudent Journals
Guided Practice
Peer Conferencing
Editing and Correcting
Methods of Assessment
Structured Observations
Skills Tests
Video-Taping Assessments of Skills & Performance
Performance Outcomes
Knowledge of Skills & Activities
Personal Fitness Logs
Lifetime Fitness Journals
Scientifically Based Fitness Assessment
Rules and Expectations of the Physical Education Learning Environment:
Attendance Policy: Students will be ON TIME, prepared, and will not interfere with the educational process in the classroom.
- Students must be inside the locker room by first tardy bell.
- Students must also be seated in roll call order by the second bell.
Nobel Physical Education Attire:
- Green shorts and grey shirt, elbow length t-shirt.
- Lace-up tennis shoes only; otherwise cannot play or participate and work habits and/or cooperation will be affected.
- Sweatshirt/sweatpants or plain grey sweatshirt and/or sweatpants. NO hoods, pockets, or zippers. Crew neck sweatshirts without logos will be allowed.
- Sweatpants in place of PE shorts are allowed.
- Shorts, shirt, sweats must be labeled with student first name and last name.
- Must wear PE shirt under sweatshirt.
- Anything other than the Nobel uniform, as described above will result in a non-suit.
- Shirts MUST be tucked in: It will affect work habits and/or cooperation grade
- Work habits and cooperation grades can be negatively influenced by uniform violations and not following school and department rules/policies.
- Only a Doctor can excuse a student from dressing. A parent may not give permission for a student to not dress in PE uniform. It will result in a non-suit.
Uniform Procedures:
Neatly print first name and last name using a permanent laundry marker.
- Shirt, shorts, sweats, left side-full name.
- Sweatpants: above the left knee
Any of the following violations will result in a non-suit.
- School clothes cannot be worn under PE uniform.
- Students cannot borrow or loan PE clothes.
- Shirts MUST be tucked in at all times
- Not having any part of your uniform will result in a non-suit.
Participation Requirement: Students will actively participate daily in all classroom activities.
- Students will take proper care of facilities, equipment, classrooms, and classroom supplies.
- Nonparticipation will adversely affect the PE grade.
- Non-suits are cumulative over the 20-week grading period.
- Students will remain in the designated activity area for the duration of the class until final release by the teacher.
Nutrition & Hydration: In order to avoid possible health risks, students are expected to maintain a balanced nutritional diet and proper hydration practices.
Locker Room Policy: Negative or unsafe behavior is NOT allowed in the locker room.
Lockers must be kept clean inside and out.
- No stickers, no tagging; if tagging is present, contact the teacher in charge of the locker room immediately.
- Supervising teacher is in CHARGE.
- Cell phones are NOT permitted in the locker room and will be confiscated and turned into the appropriate counselor/administrator.
- No gum, food, or drinks.
- Locker room closes at the tardy bell: After class students must be out of the locker room before the bell to next the period or campus beautification will be issued.
- Backpacks, Lunch-pails, solid bags or cell phones are not allowed in the PE area at any time! They are to be put in the hall locker before coming to PE.
- The PE department is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Absence/Medical Make-up Work: Make-up work may be provided for each excused absence/medical. Make up work due date will be according to LAUSD handbook (number of days missed will equal number of days allowed to be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with their teacher on make up assignments.
Late Work: There is no late work accepted. Missed physical fitness assessment/test will be made up by the student on the next scheduled physical/fitness test date.
Progressive Discipline Policy:Progressive disciplinary measures will be used in the classroom. Students may “work-off” one non-suit by dressing 10 consecutive days. For every 5 days after that they can “work-off” one additional non-suit.
Student Name (Print): ______Date: ______
Period______PE Teacher______
We, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that we have read and understand the course information sheet for the Nobel Charter Middle School Physical Education Department.
We also hereby acknowledge the rules and expectations of the Physical Education Learning Environment
I have read and understand the guidelines for Nobel Physical Education.
Parent Name (Print)______Telephone: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Name (Print)______
Student ‘s Signature: ______Date: ______