The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1730 Hours.
- New Membership Secretary
It having been moved and passed by electronic means that Linda Lander be installed pro tem as the new Membership Secretary until such appointment can be confirmed by the Membership at the Annual General Meeting, Ms. Lander was welcomed by the President (BEAUVAIS). Subsequent discussion focused on issues dealing with updating and maintaining the Membership database and communication with the Membership. The Membership Secretary (LANDER) and the Treasurer (CAVE) will take steps to investigate access issues relating to the database and take steps necessary to allow fullest possible access. With respect to communication matters, the Committee notes and recognizes that a variety of issues relating to failures to maintain communications jeopardize the Association’s relevance to and relations with its Members. The Committee directed that select members of the Committee whose work touches on the communications aspect investigate this matter and report back.
- Honorary Members
The Committee discussed the granting of Honorary Membershipto various individuals. A request from 22 Wing, North Bay, for Honorary Membership in the Association to Master Sergeant Scott McCon (USAF) was considered. Given his work in assisting the work of 22 Wing Intelligence and, by doing so, furthering the professional ties between the Canadian and US defence intelligence communities, it was decided to grant MSgt McCon Honorary Membership. The Committee also discussed contributions from other notables, upon which it was decided that MGen Rousseau be granted Honorary Membership for his work as CDI and MGenHewsonbe granted Honorary Membership for his work as the past Colonel Commandant of the Intelligence Branch.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee will grant Honorary Membership in the Association to MSgt McCon (USAF), MGen Rousseau, and MGenHewsonfor services rendered to the Canadian defence intelligence function.
Moved by BEAUVAIS, seconded by CAVE and approved unanimously.
The Treasurer was directed to develop draft certificates and circulate them secretarially for review.
The President requested that Members of the Committee consider names for the annual award of Honorary Membership at the Anniversary Dinner for services rendered to the Association.
- Professional Design Services
The Committee discussed engaging the services of a professional design firm to develop a common design standard for CMIA products. The President discussed two firms whose work may meet the approval of the Committee. Upon discussion, the Committee decided to review the work of the two firms and recommend the preferred agent and would allow the President to engage the selected firm.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee will engage a professional design firm to provide for common branding of the Association to a maximum of $2,500 Canadian, subject to review and secretarial agreement on the firm to be so engaged.
Moved by BEAUVAIS, seconded by CAVE and approved unanimously.
- Constitution Rewrite
The Committee commenced a review of the new draft constitution. Subject review was not completed and the remainder of this review was deferred until the next meeting of the Committee.
- CFSMI Flags
The Committee discussed the matter of the provision of flags to CFSMI. Given the number being requested (four per year) and the concerns about the provision of flags to units, the Committee was not inclined to meet the request of CFSMI for these flags. It was discussed whether the Committee could consider the annual presentation of one to two flags per year to CFSMI in its representational role as the Home Station of the Intelligence Branch. The matter was also discussed on the disposition of said flags and whether they were to remain the property of the Association or CFSMI for subsequent presentational purposes. The Treasurer, in his role as Kit Shop Proprietor, indicated that he was prepared to provide the Association with up to two flags per year at cost for use by the Home Station.
The Committee decided to investigate further whether it would be appropriate to present one flag per year to the Home Station each year, in 2014 and 2015, upon the anniversary of the Branch. In particular, it directed that the President investigate the status of CFSMI as the Home Station to determine if this was an official designation. The President was requested to report, either secretarially, or at the next meeting, on the results of this investigation.
- Change in Banking Services
The Treasurer briefed the Committee on a requirement to make some changes to our current banking accounts, to wit:
-Formally change the name on the accounts to that of the current Association;
-Request a change of Branches from Kingston to Ottawa to ease paperwork;
-To request new cheques; and
-To ensure that those who require the ability to do so can deposit cheques.
The Committee directed that the Treasurer conduct initial discussions with the bank and report back secretarially.
The Meeting terminated at 2100 hours. Next meeting is tentatively set for mid- to end-August.
……………………………………. Chairman
Michel Beauvais
……………………………………. Treasuer (acting as Secretary)
Trevor Cave
June 29, 2014