Chelan-Douglas Counties

Horticultural Pest and Disease Boards

Meeting Minutes November 5, 2014

Pest Board Members Guests and Others

Will Carpenter - Pest Agent/Director Jean Postlethwaite - Recorder

Josh Koempel – Board Chair, Chelan Cathy Mulhall – Chelan Co. Financial Administrator

Len Pugsley – Douglas County

Tim Smith – Chelan-Douglas Cooperative Extension

Chuck Podlich – Douglas County

Randy Talley – Chelan County

Tim Witter – Douglas County

Open Meeting – Chairman Josh Koempel called the meeting to order at 7:00am.

Consent Agenda

Chuck moved and Len seconded a motion to approve minutes of the October 1, 2014 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Case Updates

Nona Tucker-Holtberg: This is a 1.5 acre covered with apple sprouts. Nona has health issues which have prevented her from taking responsible management actions with the property. Her daughter-in-law is now acting on her behalf.

Palisade Capital Holdings: This case was being prepared for court action, but the owner himself followed through with the sprout removal.

Collier Case, Malaga: The trees were removed and stacked the weekend after the agreement was signed. They will be burned as soon as conditions allow. Agent Will Carpenter presented photos of the existing site.

Laird Case: Will provided additional pictures of an own going case that has been cleaned up this year. Previously the owner had been issued an Order to Control and was not abiding by the Order.

Existing cases continue to be evaluated, property owners contacted if necessary and wrapping things up for the year.

Old Business

Executive Session: Agent Evaluation

Chuck Podlich moved and Len Pugsley seconded a motion to close the meeting for Executive Session to conduct the annual Agent Evaluation.

Josh Koemple closed the meeting at 7:10am.

The regular meeting reopened at 7:35am.

New Business

There was no new business.

Open Discussion


Tim Witter moved and Len Pugsley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Josh Koempel adjourned the meeting at 7:37am.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 10, at 7:00am.