College of Arts & Sciences Annual Report Form for Adjunct Faculty

(Part-time Faculty)

Current Reporting Period (terms & years)
Name: / Department: / Years at Winthrop
(Include current year)
Highest Degree Completed: / Year Completed
Indicate additional degrees, certificates, licenses, and honors received during the reporting period
TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Indicate institutes, courses, workshops, etc. in which you have participated during the reporting period
TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.

Teaching Assignments

Course Designator & Number / Enrollment / Course Designator & Number / Enrollment
Summer / Fall

Reflection on Teaching

Evaluate your teaching in each course taught. Note significant changes and/or innovations, strengths and weaknesses, class interaction, rapport with students, etc. Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations. Append, if available, summaries of student evaluations.
TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.

Report of Scholarly Work (Optional)

List and describe specific scholarly activities. Include research, creative activities, publications, grant submissions, etc. When appropriate include bibliographic citations and attach reprints, reviews, etc. (You may request that these be returned to you.) Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations.
TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.

Report on Professional Service & Academic Responsibility (Optional)

Professional Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations. /
Memberships in professional organizations. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Offices and committee assignments in professional organizations. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Attendance at and participation in professional meetings, not previously reported. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Talks to professional groups and unremunerated consultations. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Service including consultation for which remuneration was received. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Institutional Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations. /
List committee, task force, or working group; specify level (i.e. departmental); and briefly describe involvement. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Service to students not previously noted. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Other institutional service. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Community Activity and Service
Discuss progress toward goals identified in previous annual reports and/or evaluations. /
Indicate activity, agency, and briefly describe involvement. / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Winthrop University

Research and Scholarship

Individual Faculty Summary Form

Note: This form should be attached to your annual report and submitted to your department chair/dean. Content will be used to compile the unit’s annual report and a university-wide report on faculty service activities. Thank you for your assistance.

Faculty Member:

Department/Unit: / Reporting Year


/ Number of
Completed / Number of Students Participating
Grants / External grant proposals submitted
External grants funded/conducted
Internal grants conducted
Papers / Presentations / National/international papers/presentations
Regional/state papers/presentations
Performances / Exhibitions / Artistic performances, exhibitions, etc.
Repeated artistic performances, exhibitions, etc. in the same venue
Publications / Books/monographs (or electronic equivalent)
Chapters in books/monographs
Published poems/stories/editorials (public media)
Articles in professional journals and magazines
Technical articles/abstracts/compositions published
Reviews of performances/books/recordings/software
Other Research / Scholarship / Program evaluation
Ongoing research/scholarship activity—no product to date
Other Specify: / TRIPLE CLICK & TYPE. Box will expand as needed.


1.  List the number of different faculty activities/products completed during the present reporting period beside the most appropriate category. In case of multiple “authorships” each Winthrop faculty member who participated should list the activity.

2.  The number of undergraduate and/or graduate students actively participating in/assisting with each type of activity should be listed. Do not include students who served as subjects in research or who were members of an audience.

3.  Report only presentations, clinics, workshops, and seminars that involved an audience that predominantly consisted of professionals. Performances, exhibitions, productions, and/or readings may include public audiences.

Faculty/Undergraduate Student Collaborative Research/Scholarship

Please provide a brief description of any research/scholarship projects conducted collaboratively with undergraduate students during this reporting cycle. The description should include the names of all collaborators (including the names of all faculty and student collaborators), position/affiliation of faculty, the main goal or focus of the project, and any associated scholarly outcomes (e.g., presentation/performance, publication, etc.), if any. Descriptions organized by department/college may be edited and disseminated to interested internal and external parties. Sample descriptions appear below.

Example 1: Dr. Mary Jones, Associate Professor of Education, collaborated with students William Smith and Samantha Moore in a study of the effects of parent involvement on the academic success of preschool students. They presented their findings at the South Carolina Head Start conference.

Example 2: Dr. Mark Walter, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Dr. Joanne Minton, Assistant Professor of Sociology, supervised the undergraduate honors thesis of Betty Strong. The thesis focused on political and social trends in rural southern communities.

Example 3: Professor Linda Martinez of the Department of Art and Design held a joint photography exhibit with her PHOT500 students. The exhibit was held at the Charlotte Gallery of Art and received special recognition by the Carolina Society of Art.

Example 4: Dr. Dan Johnson, Professor of Business Administration, and Dr. Susan Spann, Associate Professor at the Dacus Library, conducted research with student Shareka Kennedy on the efficiency F various approaches to inventory control and analysis. The research was conducted in cooperation with Wingspan Corporation.

(tab through table to add a line for each example) /

Winthrop University

Community/Public/Professional Service

Individual Faculty Report Form

Note: This form should be attached to your annual report and submitted to your department chair/dean. Content will be used to compile the unit’s annual report and a university-wide report on faculty service activities. Thank you for your assistance.

Faculty Member:

Department/Unit: / Reporting Year

Type of Community/Public/Professional Service Performed

Place an “X” beside each type of activity performed this year.
Consultation or similar assistance in planning, implementing, and/or evaluating a project or activity
Giving a presentation, workshop, demonstration, or performance
Member of a committee, task force, or similar group
Executive leadership position (e.g., board member or officer, committee chair)
Other. Specify: / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.
Please indicate to whom service was provided (if no service provided, go to next section).
Place an “X” beside each type of organization/group to whom service was provided.
Governmental (Local/State/Federal)
Health/Human/Social Service
National or international agency, group, or professional association
State or regional agency, group, or professional association
Other. Specify: / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.

Service Collaboration with Students or Required of Students

Place an “X” beside each item that applies.
Collaborated with students in one or more service activities
Required service learning in one or more of my undergraduate classes
Required service learning in one or more of my graduate classes
Other. Specify: / TRIPLE CLICK AND TYPE INFORMATION. Box will expand as needed.

Descriptions of Selected Faculty Service Activities

Please briefly describe any service activities which you believe might be particularly noteworthy. Be sure to include any activities in which you collaborated with students; which may have impacted the economic and/or human development of the community or state; or which may have impacted your profession or national groups, agencies, and/or organizations. If you required students in one or more of your courses to complete service learning activities, please cite the course by designator/number and describe the requirement and types of activities performed.

Name of Project and/or Agency Involved / Brief Description of Activity/Project /