Dr. Elaine Melrose
Senior Vice President
Dr. Kevin Hanretty
Southern GeneralHospital

Junior Vice President

Dr Stein Bjornsson
Southern GeneralHospital / /

Senior Secretary

Dr. Marjory MacLean

Junior Secretary

Dr. Vanessa Mackay
Southern GeneralHospital


Dr. Marco Gaudoin

Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society

111thSession 2011-2012

The society will meet in the

RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons

234-242 St Vincent Street, Glasgow


Wednesday 18th January 2011

Trainees’ Night and Annual General Meeting

Dr GaleaRetrospective audit on use of aspirin in patients at risk of pre-eclampsia

Dr HaworthAnAudit Into The Investigation and Management of
Women Diagnosed With PCOS At Outpatient Gynaecology Appt

Dr BowronA Review of Outpatient Medical Management of Miscarriage at Ayrshire Maternity Unit since its introduction in March 2011

Dr TeohIncreased perinatal loss in D6 deficient mice

The best presentation will be awarded the Matt Carty award.

Supper and viewing of posters from 6pm, meeting 7pm

Grateful thanks to our sponsors – please visit their stands & show your support

Annual General Meeting of

Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society

111th Session 2011-2012


  1. Apologies
  2. Annual report -Dr Elaine Melrose
  3. Secretarial Report – Dr Marjory MacLean
  4. Treasurers' Report –Dr Marco Gaudoin
  5. Honorary Fellowship - Council recommends Dr J L Crichton & Dr R C L Low
  6. Council for 2012/2013

Council recommends

  1. President –Dr Kevin Hanretty
  2. Senior VP –Dr Stein Bjornsson
  3. Junior VP –Dr Ian Ramsay – proposed by Dr Bjornsson
  4. Senior Secy –Dr Vanessa Mackay
  5. Junior Secy –Dr Morton Hair
  6. Web master –Dr Stewart Pringle
  7. Council members - Dr Mahesh Pereraup to 3 vacancies
  8. Trainee rep – Dr Ellie Jarvie
  9. Past president – Dr Elaine Melrose
  1. Ratification of Constitution
  2. Award of prizes to Trainees and Students


  1. Aliya Naz: Utilisation of high dependency care beds in a newly designed labour suite.
  2. Aliya Naz: Physiotherapy – does it work for stress and mixed urinary incontinence?
  3. L Santangeli:Contraceptive choices in women seeking repeat termination of pregnancy: what women say & what women do.
  4. E Stoyanova: Contraceptive choices women make following termination of pregnancy: does wisdom come with age?
  5. H Richardson:Audit of current practice of trial of vaginal delivery in theatre.
  6. N Ratnavelu:Laparoscopic Subtotal Hysterectomy: Implications and Cost-effectiveness, Our First Experience
  7. H Richardson:Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in Pregnancy
  8. Sagarika Basu:Cervical length measurement in pregnancy at the PRM; why and what?
  9. C Neill:Labial reduction surgery in a district general hospital from 2007 to 2010
  10. Veenu Tyagi:Treatment for pelvic organ prolapse: repair, mesh or nothing?

Student Submissions

  1. Angela GillanAudit: Management of women with perceived reduced fetal movement
  2. Catriona Kerr-Wilson: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe
  3. Caroline Toye:Local Audit of Referrals for OGTT according to SIGN Guideline 116
  4. Stella Stanford-Wood:An Audit of Women with Cervical Cancer in the West of Scotland Gynaecological Cancer Network Who Have Had Dual Modality Treatment Out with Trial Purposes