The data supplied in this document will be used to process your application to be included on the Register of Contractors for Building Activities. As part of this process we may be required to share your information with other Hampshire County Council departments and some external third party organisations to verify information given such as insurance details and references. If successful your application details will only be used for internal administrative purposes whilst you remain on the Register. If removed from the Register your information will be retained for 5 years from date of removal and then destroyed. If unsuccessful information will be retained for 12 months before being destroyed.

Section A - Health and Safety Charter

To be applied to construction works undertaken on Hampshire County Council Premises

The County Council is committed to provide, as far as reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy environment for its employees and all persons affected by its undertaking.

Creating an environment which encourages a sound and effective health and safety culture will be the cornerstones of the County Council’s commitment. All employees will support the culture by working with due regard to the health and safety of themselves and others as an integral part of the County Council’s activities. The County Council expects similar support from its contractors.

The County Council undertakes:

  • to comply with all current health and safety legislation;
  • to assess the competence and resource of contractors in a fair and equitable manner and not to exclude contractors from its register with justification;
  • not to award contracts on the basis of cost alone, but to give due consideration to other factors including quality of work and health and safety;
  • to ensure that the County Council provides adequate resources to discharge its health and safety responsibilities;
  • to provide information where practicable to contractors on significant hazards to health and safety;
  • to actively promote a positive health and safety culture on its sites;
  • to encourage the achievement of high standards of health and safety on its sites;
  • to consider safety as an asset not a liability;
  • to support initiatives intended to improve the health, safety and welfare of its own employees and those of its contractors;
  • wherever possible only to award contracts to those companies/firms on its register/frameworks;
  • to implement safe systems of work and practices;
  • to promote an environment for learning and development, and encourage feedback, to secure long term confidence;
  • to provide and maintain appropriate protective equipment for employees to use.


Name:David Corcoran

Position:Strategic Manager – Programmes and Performance, Property Services

For and on behalf of:Hampshire County Council

Date:June 2011

The Contractor undertakes:

  • to comply with all current health and safety legislation;
  • to implement an effective management structure for health and safety and monitoring to ensure that the required quality of work is achieved;
  • to commit adequate resources for the provision of health and safety advice;
  • to only use employees who are competent to undertake the works and provide adequate training;
  • to invest in a positive safety culture throughout all levels of its organisation;
  • to show respect for the health, safety and welfare needs of its workforce on site and to provide and maintain good quality welfare facilities;
  • to employ only those sub-contractors who are competent to undertake the work and have adequate resources to do so and manage them effectively;
  • to implement safe systems of work and practices which at least meet the County Council’s minimum health and safety requirements and performance standards;
  • to implement working practices which take due regard of the continued occupation of premises and the proximity of the general public and comply with local rules;
  • to react promptly to concerns raised on health and safety issues and to implement corrective action as soon as reasonably practicable;
  • to carry out risk assessment and ensure that adequate safety method statements are drawn up prior to any work activity commencing on site;
  • to ensure that relevant information on risks to health and safety is passed to other contractors and to employees;
  • to encourage learning, development and feedback;
  • to provide and maintain appropriate protective equipment and ensure that employees and sub-contractors use it

For and on behalf of:

Contractor Approval – cpcs property application

Last Updated:October 2014

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Section B – Company/Firm Details

To be completed by all applicants

B1 / Registered Name:
B2 / Trading Name (if different):
B3 / Office:
(1) / Registered Office address:
(2) / Main address for correspondence (if different):
Telephone number:
Facsimile number:
B4 / Contact:
Person dealing with this application
Telephone number:
Facsimile number:
B5 / Company/Firm Details:
(1) / Date of formation or registration:
(2) / Registration number where limited company:
(please enclose a copy of the Certificate of Registration)
(3) / VAT number:
B5a / Bank Details:
Account holder:
Account number:
Sort code: / --
B6 / Company/Firm Business:
Please provide brief description:
B7 / Directors, Partners, etc:
(1) / Please state the full names and addresses of the Directors, or the Partners, and the Company Secretary (attach list if space below is insufficient)
(2) / Please state the name and position of any Director or Partner or Company Secretary who has been an employee of the Employer during the last five years
(3) / Please state the name and position of any Director or Partner or Company Secretary who has a relative(s) who is an employee of the Employer a senior level or is a Councillor or Committee Member of the Employer.
(4) / Has any Director or Partner or Company Secretary been bankrupt or involved in any company/firm that has been liquidated or gone into receivership?
Yes: No:
If yes, please state full details:
(5) / Has any director or Partner or Company Secretary been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of the company/firm?
Yes: No:
If yes, please state full details:
(6) / Has the company/firm ever had a public sector contract terminated or had its employment determined?
Yes: No:
If yes, please state full details:
B8 / Staff Information:
Total number of staff:
B9 / Group:
Is the company/firm a member of a group of companies?
Yes: No:
If yes, please state the names and addresses of the Group or ultimate holding company and any other subsidiaries involved in building construction or associated fields who have or may apply to be registered for work for the Employer (please attach list if space below is insufficient). State relationship clearly (eg parent or holding company, subsidiary, wholly or partly under common control).
NB The group or ultimate holding company must guarantee the contract performance of its subsidiary
B10 / Finance:
Please enclose copies of the company’s/firms full audited accounts for the last two financial years.
It is only essential to provide these where the company/firm wishes to undertake works in excess of £25,000 or any one works order/contract.
Please also enclose copies of any ultimate holding company’s full audited accounts for the last two financial years (these must be consolidated).
B11 / Unique Tax Reference (UTR):
Does the company/firm hold a current UTR?
Yes: No:
If yes, please provide the number below:
(1) / UTR Number:
If no, please specify reason for exemption:
B12 / Insurance:
Please specify the following and enclose evidence:
(1) / Employers Liability Insurance and extent of cover
Policy Number(s):
Limit of Indemnity:
Expiry Date(s):
NB Minimum limit of indemnity £10,000,000
(2) / Public Liability Insurance and extent of cover
Policy Number(s):
Limit of Indemnity:
Expiry Date(s):
NB Minimum limit of indemnity £10,000,000
(3) / Products Liability Insurance and extent of cover
Policy Number(s):
Limit of Indemnity:
Expiry Date(s):
NB Minimum limit of indemnity £10,000,000
(4) / Professional Indemnity Insurance and extent of cover
Policy Number(s):
Limit of Indemnity:
Expiry Date(s):
NB Only applicable in connection with Contractor Design
Minimum limit of indemnity £5,000,000 but subject to project evaluation
(5) / All Risks Insurance and extent of cover
Policy Number(s):
Limit of Indemnity:
Expiry Date(s):
B13 / Environmental Policy:
Does the company/firm have an environmental or environmental management policy?
Yes: No:
If yes, please provide a copy of the policy statement.
B14 / Equality and Diversity:
There are statutory obligations on Hampshire County Council under various pieces of legislation relating to equality and diversity. As a contractor acting on behalf of the County Council your organisation needs to demonstrate that it is operating within the spirit of this legislation whether required by law or not, in all aspects of your activities as an employer and service provider, and that it is promoting fairness and equality of opportunity.
(1) / Does the company/firm understand its legal duties and take active steps to ensure it complies with statutory obligations under various Equality and Diversity legislation?
Yes: No:
(2) / Is the policy of the company/firm on Equality and Diversity set out:
a) / in instructions to those concerned with recruitment, training and promotion?
Yes: No:
b) / in documents available to employees, recognised trade unions or other representative group of employees?
Yes: No:
(3) / Have you taken active steps to ensure your employees have been trained?
Yes: No:
(4) / In the last 3 years, have any findings of unlawful discrimination been made against the company/firm by any court or employment tribunal?
Yes: No:
(5) / If the answer to question 4 is the affirmative what steps have been taken as a consequence of the findings?
(6) / Please provide a copy of the company/firms Equality and Diversity policy or statement.
B15 / Licences and Certificates:
Does the company/firm hold any licences/certificates for specific categories of work?
Yes: No:
Licence Number:
Expiry Date:
Licence Number:
Expiry Date:
B16 / Construction Turnover:
Indicate the annual construction turnover (£’000) during the last three years:
Design and Build:
Other New Works:
Repairs and Alterations:
B17 / Contract 3 Years
Please state the approximate number of contracts completed in each of the ranges set out below in the last three years.
(1) / Under £5,000
(2) / £5,000 to £25,000
(3) / £25,000 to £100,000
(4) / £100,000 to £250,000
(5) / £250,000 to £750,000
(6) / £750,000 to £2,000,000
(7) / £2,000,000 to £5,000,000
(8) / £5,000,000 to £10,000,000
(9) / Over £10,000,000
B18 / Contracts 3 Years/Current:
Please provide examples below for each category of work that the company/firm wishes to be registered (see Application Form Guidance Notes for categories of work). Please duplicate this section (including parts 1, 2, & 3) for each category of work you wish to be considered.
NB It is preferable that the contracts named should be public authority work excluding housing
Category of Work Type
(1) / Three contracts completed during the last three years
Type of Work:
Type of Work:
Type of Work:
(2) / Three contracts now being carried out
Type of Work:
Completion Date:
Type of Work:
Completion Date:
Type of Work:
Completion Date:
(3) / Any additional comments
B19 / Referees:
Give contact names and full addresses of three Referees for each category of work that the company/firm wishes to be registered (other Local Authorities or Architects/Contract Administrators) from who references may be sought for contracts competed within the last three years.
Please duplicate this section for each category of work you wish to be considered.
Category of Work Type
B20 / Experience:
Please enter below the lowest and highest value of works that you have completed in the last three years. These should only be completed for the type of works that you have stipulated in section B18.
Please not this refers to main contract works only and not sub-contractor works.
Type of Work / Value in the last 3 years / Values now sought
Lowest (£) / Highest (£) / Minimum (£) / Maximum (£)
New Build
Alterations and Refurbishment
Painting and Decorating
Mechanical Services
Electrical Services
Other specialist types of works (please specify below).
Type of Work / Value in the last 3 years / Values now sought
Lowest (£) / Highest (£) / Minimum (£) / Maximum (£)
B21 / Tendering
What type of contracts does the company/firm wish to tender for (if yes, please state capacity in each category)?
(1) / Single Stage Selective / Yes: No: £:
(2) / Two Stage / Yes: No: £:
(3) / Design and Build / Yes: No: £:
(4) / Framework/Partnering / Yes: No: £:
(5) / Measured Term / Yes: No: £:
B22 / Operational Areas
Please indicate below, by ticking the appropriate box(es), the area(s) in which the company/firm would wish to operate (see map below).
Area 1 – Basingstoke & Deane / Area 8 – Southampton
Area 2 – Hart / Area 9 – Eastleigh
Area 3 – Rushmoor / Area 10 – Fareham
Area 4 – Test Valley / Area 11 – Gosport
Area 5 – Winchester / Area 12 – Portsmouth
Area 6 – East Hants / Area 13 – Havant
Area 7 – New Forest / All Areas

Contractor Approval – cpcs property application

Last Updated:October 2014

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Section C – Health and Safety Details
To be completed by all applicants
We strongly advise the person responsible for Health and Safety (H&S) completes the questionnaire or reviews prior to submission, to ensure that all relevant information is included and current. Please enclose appropriate information where requested, failure to provide the information will result in the application being rejected.
CCBS Property Services as “Buying Members” of CHAS will accept registration or accreditation to SSIP schemes as the “Stage One” assessment for Health and Safety Management. However, membership of such schemes is no guarantee of acceptance onto the Register and other specific criteria must be met e.g. acceptable insurance cover etc.
The stage one check relies on evidence supplied by the contractor and HCC reserve the right to gain verification by physical inspections and audits of working practices to ensure policies and procedures offered as evidence are robustly implemented. This is likely to be undertaken when contractors successfully tender for work.
All applicants who supply relevant evidence of membership to SSIP schemes (e.g. copies of current registration certificates) will only have to complete Sections C 1 & C 3 of the Health and Safety section. To remain on the Register the membership of the SSIP must be maintained. This must be evidenced by sending a copy of the renewal certificates either annually or bi-annually, as required by membership, to Business Information Services CCBS Property Services. Failure to do so or notification by the awarding body that the contractor is no longer compliant will result in suspension from the Register and the contractor will need to re-apply for the Register if not rectified within 6 months.
If referring to information within your health and safety policy please ensure all cross references are shown e.g. page references.
As part of the approval process representatives from HCC may wish to visit “live” work/sites.
All questions must be answered or marked as “none”.
Please note that the HSE prosecution database may be searched. A prosecution or enforcement notice will not exclude your company/firm from consideration but a failure to include prosecutions or pending actions may prejudice your application. Where you have identified RIDDOR reportable incidents and/or details of HSE action please provide further information.
You must return with your application:
-Details of your arrangement for the management of Health and Safety (e.g. Policy)
-Evidence where requested e.g. risk assessments, method statements, accident data
Applicants information / HCC use only / Result
C1 / Information about your company
Please provide details of your company’s activities and the type of work you would wish to be considered for.
1.1 / A Director, Partner or other Senor Manager of the company responsible for H&S must sign this form. / Name:
Position: / Approve
1.2 / Give name(s) and details of health and safety qualification(s) of competent advisor(s) or external specialist company used for advice and assistance. / Approve
1.3 / How many employees do you employ directly?
1.4 / Please give details of any industry recognized bodies with whom your company is registered.
C2 / H&S policy
2.1 / Provide a clear statement of commitment towards your employees and others. (Health and safety policy statement) / Approve
2.2 / Describe the key roles and responsibilities for the management of Health & Safety within your company. / Approve
2.3 / Describe the arrangements for review of your health and safety policy. / Approve
2.4 / Describe the arrangements for implementing the policy and updating staff following review. / Approve
2.5 / Describe your arrangements for inducting your staff on the contents of your policy. / Approve
C3 / Accident reporting procedures
3.1 / Provide accident and enforcement statistics for the last five years along with relevant details as an enclosure. / Year / Year / Year / Year / Year
Number of fatal injuries / Approve
Further info:
Number of reportable non-fatal major injuries and incidents (RIDDOR)
Total Number and type of RIDDOR reports
Prohibition notices
Improvement notices
HSE guidance notices
3.2 / Provide details of any H&S convictions. / Approve
Further info:
3.3 / Describe your in house accident reporting procedures. / Approve
3.4 / Describe your procedures/arrangements for reporting accidents/incidents to the relevant enforcing authority:
  • HSE
  • Environment Agency
  • Fire Authority
/ Approve
3.5 / Describe how you share safety issues with your employees to continually improve practice. / Approve
C4 / Training (please attach any relevant evidence)
(The company/firm may be required to provide written confirmation of applicable training provided to people who are employed on or invoiced in specific HCC contracts).
4.1 / Describe how you ensure that all new employees receive H&S induction training to the company and sites on which they are working. / Approve
4.2 / Describe your procedures/arrangements for recording all H&S training provided to your employees. / Approve
C5 / Sub-Contractors (please attach any relevant evidence)
5.1 / Describe your selection procedures/arrangements for ensuring the competence of your appointed sub-contractors. / Approve
5.2 / Describe your procedures/arrangements for induction, information and training for sub-contractors. / Approve
5.3 / Describe how you assess the performance of your sub-contractors. / Approve
C6 / Consultation with employees
6.1 / Describe your procedures/arrangements for health and safety consultation with your employees. / Approve
6.2 / If you employ migrant workers or non-English speaking employees, describe your procedures/arrangements for ensuring they are fully aware of their responsibilities and understand your policy. / Approve
C7 / Risk assessments (please attach three examples of recent risk assessments and method statements).
7.1 / Describe your procedures/arrangements for carrying out risk assessments. / Approve
7.2 / Describe your procedures for developing safe systems of work to manage risks identified in 7.1 above. / Approve
7.3 / Describe how employees and other persons are made aware and understand the risk assessments and safe systems of work to be employed. / Approve
C8 / Monitoring of Health and Safety
8.1 / Describe your arrangements for monitoring health and safety on site. / Approve
8.2 / Describe what actions you have taken in the past as a result of the monitoring procedures/arrangements. / Approve
C9 / Special arrangements
9.1 / List the work that your employees/subcontractorsundertake that requires health surveillance. / Approve
9.2 / Describe how you undertake health surveillance. / Approve
C10 / Waste
10.1 / Describe your arrangements for storage and carriage of controlled and hazardous waste. / Approve
10.2 / If applicable, provide a copy of your application for registration and certificate of registration. / Approve
10.3 / If applicable, provide the name(s) and address(es) of the companies who transport controlled and/or hazardous waste for your company/firm. / Approve
10.4 / Describe your arrangements for site waste management plans where these are applicable in line with 2008 SWMP regulations. / Approve
C11 / Asbestos
11.1 / Where your work activities are likely to result in disturbance of asbestos containing materials, please describe how you manage your responsibilities under the regulations. / Approve
11.2 / Are you a licensed Asbestos contractor? If yes, please provide a copy of the company’s/firm/s License for work with Asbestos and schedule if appropriate. / Approve
11.3 / Provide the name and position of the person responsible for the control of asbestos as required by the control of asbestos regulations 2012. / Approve
11.4 / Describe arrangements to ensure that all employees who control, supervise or may come into contact with asbestos have appropriate training. / Approve

Contractor Approval – cpcs property application