Elvin H.O.M.E., Inc. Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary

Meeting Minutes for July 9, 2017 @ 1 pm

Voting Stewards Present: Conney Freese-Posthuma, Lily Freese-Posthuma, Jack Benge, Jef Stelzner, Aaron “Bonedaddy” Campbell, Dan Henline, Isaac Forrest, Jill Kleinpeter, Wendi Davies, Patrick Davies, Tom Beymer

Non-Voting Members Present: (moderator) Janie Van Buskirk, Julie Cisne-McGuinn, (Elder Emeritus) David “Tree” Alsup, (staff) Brittan Blackwell, Herman Strumpf, Lisa Daugherty, (staff) Kimi Summers, (staff) Arika Harris, Rachel Williams, Raymond Todd Kelley.

Opening: Happy Birthday to Herman Strumpf, 70 years young.

Proxy Submission: Chuck Grimmett, Jacob Freese-Posthuma, Anthony Horton, Robin Tomlin.

Janie V. requests that proxies be submitted per our policy, which is a physical form that is signed. Also, she suggested reviewing proxy submissions to better mirror Robert’s Rules of Order.

Consent Agenda: Motion to pass the June 11, 2017 minutes with changes. Wendi D. first; Lily F. second; approved with nays=0.

Volunteer Commitments: Secretary absent, postponed to August.

Financials: Final numbers unavailable, postponed to August.

VP Address: Ideas brought forth by members, Julie M. and Kevin Pilsen, for building an earthen oven outside of Radiance Hall kitchen patio. Written plans are to be presented at the August meeting.

Event Review: Solstice; Jill K. will speak with Shell Needler regarding children left with a guardian not having paperwork. The Labyrinth ritual had nearly 200 attendees. The “Wicker Man” was burned. A $700 income was recorded from Friday night campers and new memberships; plus over $100 in ice. July 4th; claim of a stolen wallet. Upcoming Events; WMG. Lily F. requested Altoids tins for use in 1st aid kit kid project.

Follow-up: Grievances; Lily F. & Wendi D.’s issue was resolved through mediation.

Dan H. issue with Thunder’s load out/in site vehicle (PJ Chambers) still pending correspondence. Thunder’s load out/in site was corrected by moving the center post closer to the circle drive, and gravel added. Kitchen Stoves; need purchased, old stove removed, and new ones installed by WMG. Old stove will be listed on line for sale (to be hauled out by buyer). Isaac F. will enlist Xander Legg to post. Dan H can help trailer out the old stove to JB Salvage for scrap value, if unsold. Radios; Anthony H. has purchased and were used at Solstice. Need to keep better track of users and returning to chargers.

DNR visit report; We’re not developing the land, nor hurting the trees. Some invasive species need controlled, like: Japanese Stilt Grass in lower land areas, Autumn Olive, Bush and Vine Honeysuckle. Garlic Mustard is present but not overtly. Ash trees are a concern. If the beetle destruction continues, fallen trees opening up sunshine will promote invasive plants. VP Election Change Committee; as per the passed vote amongst the membership in May 2017 to move the V.P. election to Wild Magick Gathering weekend (September 2018), the by-law (Article 4, Sec. 4) needs amended. A committee has been formed and they are: Janie V., Conney P., Chuck G., Jill K. Other by-laws maybe reviewed. Parking; current N. road parking changes and need maintenance to smooth the flow of traffic. Work to improve lost spaces before making new ones. Clearing out mulch and wood piles will create new spaces. Some wood can move to the boiler area. Abel B. would like to work on parking troll etiquette. Equipment Rental; Isaac F. wants to rent a walk behind excavator @ $750/week. This will be used on root issues from Bamboo and Autumn Olive, and as needed. VOTE: Lily F. 1st, Wendi D. 2nd, approved with nays=0. Isaac F. will inform council of timing.

Personal Requests: Davies clan residency continues with plans. Some confusion arose regarding Isaac F. RV placement for residency. Isaac F. agreed to move his RV from its’ current location to festival road across from Staff Camp (VOTE: passed, nays=0). Davies clan continues their plan to move onto the North Rd between the Labyrinth and Robin’s Wood Trail. They want to build a semi-permanent, off-grid, 16’ x 24’ platform with canvas covering. They have 2 cats, and 1 dog. Water use by jugs purchased @ store. There will be personal privy and composter usage. VOTE: Jef S. 1st, Jill K. 2nd, 8 yeas, 3 nays, 4 nays by proxy. This passed by majority.

New Business: Rachel W. discussed her behavior from Solstice Reunion. She apologized for her abusive behavior towards her husband. They are working through these issues. No formal complaint had been addressed with council.