MARCH 2014



Evolutionary behavioral sciences

Journal of social, evolutionary & cultural psychology

Journal of threat assessment and management


Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (1972)

Applied and environmental microbiology

Clinical and vaccine immunology

Clinical microbiology reviews

Eukaryotic cell

Genome announcements

Infection and immunity

Journal of bacteriology

Journal of clinical microbiology

Journal of virology

mBio (American Society for Microbiology)

Microbiology and molecular biology reviews

Molecular and cellular biology


Ecclesial practices


Climate law


African studies review

Asian journal of law and society

ASTIN bulletin

Australasian journal of organisational psychology

Australian and New Zealand journal of organisational psychology

Australian educational and developmental psychologist

Australian journal of environmental education

Australian journal of indigenous education

Cambridge journal of postcolonial literary inquiry

Canadian journal of law and society

Congress on Research in Dance ... conference proceedings

Early China

Greece and Rome. New surveys in the classics

History in Africa

Horizons (Villanova)

Iraq (London)

Journal of experimental political science

Journal of law and religion

Journal of linguistic geography

Journal of management and organization

Journal of relationships research

Journal of smoking cessation

Journal of wine economics

Language and cognition

Libyan studies

Network science

Political science research and method


Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement



ASTIN bulletin

Australian educational and developmental psychologist

Australian journal of rehabilitation counselling

Behaviour change

Brain impairment

CNS spectrums

Disaster medicine and public health preparedness

High power laser science and engineering

International journal of disability management

Irish journal of psychological medicine

Journal of Pacific Rim psychology

Journal of relationships research

Journal of smoking cessation

Journal of tropical psychology

Language and cognition

Microscopy today

MRS energy & sustainability

Netherlands journal of geosciences

Network science

Publications (Astronomical Society of Australia)


Spanish journal of psychology

Twin research and human genetics


Academic radiology

Acta otorrinolaringologica española. English edition

Actas urologicas españolas. English edition

Advances in anesthesia

Advances in chronic kidney disease

Advances in integrative medicine

Advances in pediatrics

Advances in surgery

Allergologia et immunopathologia

American journal of geriatric psychiatry

American journal of ophthalmology

Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine

Annales d'endocrinologie

Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine

Archives of cardiovascular diseases

Archivos de bronconeumologia

Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering

Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy


British journal of medical & surgical urology

Cancer genetics

Cardiac electrophysiology clinics

Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America

Cirugia española. English editio

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology

Clinical ovarian & other gynecologic cancer

Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology

Clinics in plastic surgery

Cor et vasa

Current opinion in immunology

Current opinion in pharmacology

Dental clinics of North America

Diabetes & metabolism

Endocrinologia y nutricion. English edition

European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases

European geriatric medicine

European psychiatry

European review of applied psychology

Experimental hematology

Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America

Foot and ankle clinics

Gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics of North America

Hand clinics


Heart failure clinics

Heart rhythm

HIV & AIDS review

Interventional cardiology clinics


Joint, bone, spine

Journal of acute medicine

Journal of arrhythmia

Journal of bone and joint surgery. A: American volume

Journal of cataract and refractive surgery

Journal of clinical densitometry

Journal of heart and lung transplantation

Journal of medical imaging and radiation sciences

Journal of men's health

Journal of minimally invasive gynecology

Journal of neuroradiology

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Heart failure

Journal of the American College of Certified Wound Specialists

Journal of the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists

Journal of the American College of Radiology

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists

Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

Journal of urology

Journal of visceral surgery

Lancet global health

Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America

Medical dosimetry

Medicina intensiva. English edition


Neuroimaging clinics of North America

Neurología. English edition

Neurophysiologie Clinique

Neurosurgery clinics of North America

Ocular surface

Ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.: 1978)

Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America

Orthopaedics & traumatology: Surgery & research

Osteopathic family physician

Pediatrics & neonatology

Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America

Radiología. English edition

Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy

Reproductive biology

Respiratory investigation

Revista de psiquiatria y salud mental. English edition

Revista espanola de cardiologia. English edition

Revista española de medicina nuclear e imagen molecular. English edition

Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. English edition

Seminars in colon & rectal surgery

Seminars in diagnostic pathology

Seminars in hematology

Seminars in nephrology

Seminars in oncology

Surgical pathology clinics

Surgery for obesity and related diseases

Thoracic surgery clinics

Trends in anaesthesia and critical care


Centro journal

International journal of testing

Journal of food and drug analysis

Pennsylvania literary journal

Phytopathologia mediterranea

Scottish studies review


Cartographic perspectives

Centro journal

Chronicles of young scientists

European journal of psychology of education

International journal of testing

International research in geographical and environmental education

Journal of food and drug analysis

Nuclear physics and atomic energy

Scottish studies review


International journal of transpersonal studies


Recherche et applications en marketing


Journal of forensic social work

Social dynamics

Social sciences in China



Advances in pharmacological sciences


Apalachee review

Arc poetry magazine

Centro journal

Chariton review

Clinical medicine insights: Blood disorders

Economic and labour relations review

EPMA journal

European English messenger

Immunology and immunogenetics insights

Journal of advanced studies in topology

Journal of dental biomechanics

Philosophy & public policy quarterly

Virginia Woolf miscellany

Worcester review


Aeronautical law journal

American colonial tracts monthly

American taxpayer's quarterly

Annual survey of English law

Antioch law journal

Baltimore law transcript

Bar examination papers, questions and answers

Bulletin de l'Institut juridique international

Bulletin of the National Tax Association

Caiete de drept penal

California law journal

Chicago law journal weekly

Citizenship bulletin

Citizenship quarterly bulletin

Commercial law bulletin

Commercial law world

Consumer journal

Cornell law review online




Docket (St. Paul, Minn. : 1942)

Drake law review discourse

Esprit international. International mind

Federal law journal

Fordham law review res gestae

Grove City College journal of law and public policy

Historical magazine

In defense of the alien

Industrial property quarterly


Luzerne law journal

Mental health law & policy journal

National College of Probate Judges probate law journal

National Jewish law review

Northwest law journal

Old New York


Poor law magazine

Poor law magazine and journal of public health

Probate law journal

Revista de ştiinţe juridice

Revista digital de derecho administrative

Revista la propiedad inmaterial

Revista românǎ de jurisprudenţǎ

Soviet Union review

Texas law reporter

West coast reporter


Annuaire de la Commission du droit international

Jewish yearbook of international law


IEEE internet of things journal

IEEE transactions on control of network systems




British journal of Canadian studies

International journal of Canadian studies

Journal of individual psychology (1998)


International data privacy law


Advances in bioscience and biotechnology

American journal of analytical chemistry

Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Juridical Sciences Series

Applied mathematics

Applied medical informatics

Canadian pharmacists journal

Centro journal

Clinical medicine insights: Blood disorders


German studies review

Heart views

Humanities research

Immunology and immunogenetics insights

International journal of advanced biotechnology and research

International journal of chemistry

International journal of environmental research and public health

International journal of geosciences

International journal on humanistic ideology

Journal of agricultural science

Journal of biophysical chemistry

Journal of craniovertebral junction and spin

Journal of critical realism

Journal of integral theory & practice

New labor forum

Pennsylvania literary journal

Proceedings of the ... Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

Revista Estudios de filosofa

Systematic reviews in pharmacy



Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Juridical Sciences Series

Economic and labour relations review


Centro journal

Economic and labour relations review

Humanities research

Journal of critical realism

Journal of integral theory & practice

Pennsylvania literary journal



British journal of medical & surgical urology


Acta otorrinolaringologica española. English edition

Cancer genetics

European geriatric medicine

Pediatrics & neonatology


Sexuality & culture


Anthropology Southern Africa

Asian Englishes

Art bulletin (New York)

Art journal (New York)

Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies

Diaspora, indigenous and minority education

Evidence-based communication assessment and intervention

Geografisk tidsskrift

Health psychology review

Housing policy debate

Innovation in language learning and teaching

International journal of African renaissance studies

International journal of performance arts and digital media

Jewish culture and history

International journal of psychoanalytic self psychology

International review of public administration

Journal for maritime research

Journal of information & optimization sciences

Journal of intelligence history

Journal of children and media

Journal of digital learning in teacher education

Journal of intellectual and developmental disability

Journal of intervention and statebuilding

Journal of landscape architecture

Journal of library and information services in distance learning

Journal of media practice

Journal of research on technology in education

Journal of school choice

Journal of the Indian Ocean Region

Journal of the philosophy of sport

Journal of visual art practice

Journal of web librarianship


Philippine political science journal

Post-Soviet affairs

Revista española de financiación y contabilidad

South African theatre journal

Studies in Australasian cinema

Studies in documentary film

Studies in European cinema

Studies in French cinema

Studies in Russian & Soviet cinema

Studies in theatre and performance


Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry

Canadian journal of remote sensing

Frontiers in life science


GIScience & remote sensing

International journal of construction management

International journal of fluid power

International journal of sustainable transportation

Journal (Canadian Society of Forensic Science)

Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics

Journal of location based services

Journal of nonlinear mathematical physics

Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

New Zealand entomologist

New Zealand veterinary journal

Tropical zoology


אדם ועבודה

אסיף (אגוד ישיבות ההסדר)

ארחין דאורייתא


דו"ח שנתי של שרות בתי הסהר

העיקר במחקר

חוק חופש המידע (המוסד לבטוח לאמי)

חוק חופש המידע (משרד לאיכות הסביבה)

הטיול ככלי חינוכי ערכי

כנישתא חדא

כעת : כתב עת לענייני חינוך חברה ומורשת


מבוטחים ומקבלי גמלאות לפי ישוב

מדד הדמוקרטיה הישראלית

מטאורולוגיה בישראל

מרי"ח ניחוח

נשים וגברים בטכניון: סגל וסטודנטים

נתונים עיקריים על המשק הישראלי

נתונים על פעילות משרד ראש הממשלה


עת מקרא

קרוב אליך

תיקון עולם

19: interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century

Agrárne právo EÚ


Annales philosophici

Annual of Urdu studies

Archaeologia lituana

Asiatic: IIUM journal of English language & literature

Baltic journal of law & politics

Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering

Canadian pharmacists journal

Caucasus survey

Colloquy: text theory critique

Communications in mobile computing

Composition forum


Florida Atlantic comparative studies journal


Foucault studies

Foundations of management

Genes & cancer

Human IT

Humanities research

Indian folklore research journal

International journal of transpersonal studies

International review of economics education [-2012]

Journal of advanced research in law and economics

Journal of behavioral optometry

Journal of Bhutan studies

Journal of dental biomechanics

Journal of nutritional science

Journal of tissue engineering

Lancet global health

NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy


Other voices

Pertanika journal of social science & humanities

Public reason

Respectus philologicus

Scandinavian journal of surgery



Vietnam journal of computer science


בדלתיים פתוחות (BAR)

דין ואמר (לשכת עורכי הדין. מחוז חיפה והצפון) (BAR)

דין ודברים (אוניברסיטת חיפה) (BAR)

דיני ישראל (BAR)

זהויות (BAR)

חוקים (BAR)

חוקים בקצרה (BAR)

מחקרי משפט (BAR)

מעשי משפט (BAR)

משפחה במשפט (BAR)

המשפט (BAR)

משפט העבודה (BAR)

משפט וממשל (BAR)

משפט ועסקים (BAR)

משפט וצבא (BAR)

משפטים (BAR)

משפטים על אתר (BAR)

עיוני משפט (BAR)

עלי משפט (BAR)

פלילים (BAR)

הפרקליט (BAR)

פרשת השבוע (ישראל. משרד המשפטים) (BAR)

קרימינולוגיה ישראלית (BAR)

קרית המשפט (BAR)

רפואה ומשפט (BAR)

שנתון המשפט העברי (BAR)

תיאוריה וביקורת (BAR)

American educational research journal (BGU)

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (BGU)

Applied mechanics reviews (OBC)

Attachment (TAU)

Baltic journal of law & politics (TAU)

Biochemical journal (IIBR)

Biochemical Society symposia (IIBR)

Biochemical Society transactions (IIBR)

British educational research journal (HAI)

British journal of psychotherapy (TAU)

Clinical science (IIBR)

Essays in biochemistry (IIBR)

European property law journal (COLMAN)

Cuadernos hispanoamericanos (HUJI)

Harvard business review (BGU)

International journal of cross cultural management (BGU)

International journal of robotics research (BGU)

International political science review (BGU)

Journal of applied mechanics (OBC)

Journal of biomechanical engineering (OBC)

Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics (OBC)

Journal of computing and information science in engineering (OBC)

Journal of conflict resolution (BGU)

Journal of contemporary ethnography (BGU)

Journal of contemporary history (London) (BGU)

Journal of defense modeling and simulation (BGU)

Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control (OBC)

Journal of electronic packaging (OBC)

Journal of energy resources technology (OBC)

Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power (OBC)

Journal of engineering materials and technology (OBC)

Journal of fluids engineering (OBC)

Journal of fuel cell science and technology (OBC)

Journal of Jewish studies (BGU)

Journal of health and social behavior (BGU)

Journal of heat transfer (OBC)

Journal of hospitality & tourism research (BGU)

Journal of learning disabilities (Austin, Tex.) (BGU)

Journal of manufacturing science and engineering (OBC)

Journal of mechanical design (OBC)

Journal of mechanisms and robotics (OBC)

Journal of medical devices (OBC)

Journal of micro- and nano-manufacturing (OBC)

Journal of nanotechnology in engineering and medicine (OBC)

Journal of offshore mechanics and Arctic engineering (OBC)

Journal of peace research (BGU)

Journal of pressure vessel technology (OBC)

Journal of solar energy engineering (OBC)

Journal of special education (BGU)

Journal of thermal science and engineering applications (OBC)

Journal of travel research (BGU)

Journal of tribology (OBC)

Journal of turbomachinery (OBC)

Journal of vibration and acoustics (OBC)
Linguistische Berichte (HAI)

Logos (Vilnius) (TAU)

Mäetagused (TAU)

Narrative inquiry (BGU)