Katie DeRosa

56-6453 Colborne Street,
Niagara Falls, Ontario

L2J 1E7


Professional Achievements and Education

  • 2013 finalist for the Canadian Hillman Prize recognizing journalism for the common good
  • 2012 inaugural recipient of the R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellowship
  • 2011 Jack Webster award winner for Best Print Reporting for feature on police oversight
  • 2011 Jack Webster award nominee for Best Print Reporting for a four-part series on regional policing, completed as a team with five other Times Colonist reporters

Bachelor of Journalism and Law September 2004 to April 2008

Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario

  • Dean’s list student at Carleton University, graduated with highest honours, 2008
  • Marjorie Nichols Memorial award recipient for exceptional promise as a journalist, 2008
  • Recipient of the John Chenoweth award for outstanding residence involvement, 2005
  • Carleton University entrance scholarship recipient, 2004

Media Experience


Victoria Times Colonist Dec. 15, 2008 to present

Victoria, British Columbia

  • Strong focus on investigative journalism and analysis of complex or underreported issues with a national or international angle
  • While reporting on the week-long series for Travers Fellowship, showed ability tohandle a major project overseas;Gained access to often restricted areas such as Australia’s detention centers, secured key interviews and analyzed documents, presenting it to readers in an in-depth and informative package with engaging multimedia and social media content
  • During the news gathering process, kept readers engaged through a regular blog on the Times Colonist website, my own website which I created, as well as Twitter and Facebook
  • As police reporter, set a consistent standard of getting the story before any other news outlet, producing well-researched and accurate stories, often exclusive to the newspaper
  • Consistently exposed the larger implications of a seemingly simple hard news story
  • Showed strong news-gathering techniques by filing Freedom of Information requests, applying for coroners reports and obtaining leaked information from a variety of sources
  • Developed an expertise in complex matters by forging strong connections with sources and doggedly following the story after most other reporters had moved on to other news

St. Catharines Standard May 8 to August 30, 2007

St. Catharines, Ontario

  • Worked independently during nights and weekend shifts, juggling several stories at once
  • Took photos, filed stories for the web and collaborated with reporters on longer features
  • Regularly pitched feature ideas and news stories on a daily basis

Beyond the Hill Magazine May 2007 to April 2008

Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians Ottawa, Ontario

  • Produced in-depth, magazine-style articles for the quarterly that covers parliamentary affairs
  • Forged strong connections with several prominent former politicians by demonstrating a thorough understanding of Canadian federal politics

Volunteer Experience

Victoria Street Soccer March 2011 to August 2012

Founder and head coach Victoria, British Columbia

  • Started a non-profit soccer team for street people, including the homeless, people in transition housing or the hard-to-house, youth at risk or people with addictions/mental illness
  • Recruited players, travelled with the team to tournaments, hosted well-attended community events and acted as the media liaison, promoting the team in TV, radio, print and online
  • Organized fundraisers, securing donations to send a player to the Homeless World Cup
  • Built and managed the website and social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr

Help Without Frontiers, NGO working with Burmese refugees February 2013 to April 2013
Volunteer Mae Sot, Thailand

  • Revamped the social media strategy and website news content for the non-profit organization working with Burmese refugees and migrant children.
  • Wrote press releases and updated the website quickly following an unexpected tragedy and organized a fundraiser in response
  • Helped Burmese migrant youth produce documentaries, using my proficiency in shooting photos and video as well as editing skills with Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier and Photoshop


Lucinda Chodan Stephanie Coombs Chris Waddell

Edmonton Journal Edmonton Journal Carleton University

former Times Colonist E-in-C former Times Colonist city editor Faculty of Journalism

1 (780) 429-5201 1 (780) 429-5499 1(613)520-2600 ext 8495

1 (780)902-6592 1 (780) 619-5176 1(613)850-2313