Challenger Elementary

Team Leader Minutes

November 4th, 2015

* SES Visits - 12/2 @ 9-11 am-(How did we get here?-Extended Day, AR, overall work ethic, collaboration with team sharing lessons, master teachers teach lessons to more than one class, Study Island, LAFS and MAFS books, and administration’s open door policy)

* learning goals/scales – started last year – more to come-

* rigorous instruction/text– article on Rigorous Classroom Settings(see Instructional LEADER article).

* differentiated centers-(Get with teams to see what manipulatives you have and what you need. If you have boxes you want out of your room please let Brightman or Z know.)

* accountable talk - “Accountable Talk refers to talk that is meaningful, respectful, and mutually beneficial to both speaker and listener. Accountable talk stimulates higher-order thinking—helping students to learn, reflect on their learning, and communicate their knowledge and understanding.-( Use “Accountable Talk Toolkit” packet. It will be e-mailed to you.

* authentic learning-(Students can create their own version of what the teacher has guided them to learn, it is authentic to the student. Teacher guides not dictates. The basal is a resource not the tell all.

~ Stability balls vs. chairs.

~Whiteboard paint used to cover tables so students can write on the desk and erase it.

~Chalkboard paint to cover walls.

~Math games with cups.

~We need to get more volunteers to help us.

~Standard based composition notebook journals vs. workbooks.

* Thanksgiving / Holidays

  • Holiday Activities – Keep everyone involved in holiday activities. It’s about respect. (Discuss with your teams and email administration what you would like to do for holidays.) You can send home a letter letting parents know what you would like to do. Winter celebrations will be on Thursday Dec. 17th.

*PTA Holiday Shop in December

* Field Trip Black Out Dates – Do not schedule field trips during blackout dates. Dates will be forthcoming.

* The Continuum of Literacy Learning – Order for all teachers- will purchase for all teachers, book study during PLC

*Field Day- K and 1st is 1-4-16, 2nd and 3rd is 1-5-16 and 4th and 5th is 1-16.

*Field Day T-Shirts will be more generic and each class will have a different


* Centers-(See under differentiated centers above.)

* If you attended any family night please sign roster so you get credit for your observation tics.

* Red Safety Bags –Please make sure they are hanging by your front door.

* Data Chats - GREAT Job knowing where your kids are

* Preparing successful students -

1 – Build stamina – uninterrupted reading, Daily 5

* Math – HANDS ON, small group, cooperative learning

* Writing – DAILY modeled, shared and independent

~ writing for a purpose and audience

~ Writing (editing, rewrite, and completing)can continue into reading block as part of center rotation

~ Argumentative

* I-Observation - We will be doing formal observations between now and winter break.

~ Pre-Conference Form – There is no need to attach a lesson plan with the pre conference form. You can do the Pre-Conference form on I-Observation or you may submit a hard copy of the pre-conference form.

~ What you would like more info on??Review with your teams the Learning Map and let Ms. Zdanowicz know what your team would like clarified as soon as possible.

* Formative Assessments – Copies of the Formative assessments are in the front office. Students may not write on the tests. Teachers will share the sets of copies.

* RTI Assessments – Let Mr. Brightman know if you have any questions or need materials or Joy Solomon if you need assistance with the packets.

* ESE – ESE students need differentiated instruction and accommodations and supports.

*Challenger Elementary Critical Success Factors- (See all factors from handout related to our school. Please follow this. It will be copied for everyone)

*AR-(Maybe we will have a training to help ease tensions with implementing helpful hints. ESE and ELL students will be earning their stars based on younger grade scales. Only Ms. Howlandand teachers will know this, not students.

* Report Card Questions-Teams will be emailing report cards to leadership team with notes if needed. If students are going to McEwen, she will let the teacher and let you know what level that student should receive. Student levels and grade discrepancies should be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Also, concerns about students who have not been here for 25 days will be addressed.

* Honor Roll – Letters will go home for students receiving awards. Assembly will be at 9:15. Student may dress their best, uniform optional. Teachers are encouraged to follow the same lead. Parents can come but they need to know about the new time. Honor roll assemblies will be the week of November 16th. 5th 11-17th, 3rd 11-18th and 4th 11-19th.

*Safety Folders- New bags are complete and will be assigned to teacher by their room number. Put current classroom information in new bag if it is current. If a new teacher does not have any current information let Ms. Z know. Team leaders will let administration know of teachers who need something else in their new bag.

*Code Yellow Drills-Do not leave your room. Make sure door is locked, and keep teaching, limited movement. Do go out if there is a fire alarm or other evacuation is called. Code Red DO NOT LEAVE for any reason, FULL LOCKDOWN,~ ACTIVE KILLER.

*Conference Nights- Please check with Ms. Goodman and Ms. Z for the day you are scheduling this night for if interested.

* Brightman – (Fidelity Tool- Small Group Guided Reading 3-5 handout will help with your small group instruction. Copies will be made for team leaders.)

* Galbo - (The RTI graphs for eligibility are looking good. Make sure you reviewed the RTI graphs with parents about a student’s progress, tier levels during a conference. Students should be put on BASIS if they are in the RTI process.)

* Solomon – Still waiting on Cloud Nine

* Questions /Concerns-

2nd Grade-(Can we have more copies, roll them over, give team leaders more copies. Maybe we can by the math reteach books to avoid making extra copies.)

4th Grade-(Bus duty concerns, what to do after 3pm. Teachers should leave at 3pm and Ms. P will get extra assistance if needed.)

Specials-(When you lose or get a new student, have a student who does not get a grade, please let specials teachers know prior to them giving grades.