Meeting / Rothwell & Desborough
Patient Participation Group / Date / 1 Nov 2016 / Time / 12.00pm – 1pm
Patients / Robyn Allen (RA)
Rosemary Holden (RH) / Shirley Newman (SN)
Jean Wardle (JW) / Beryl Norman (BN)
Surgery / Nicola Warren (NW)
Item / Actions / Who
1 / Apologies / Absentees / Stella Marchant (SM), Jean Read (JR), Linda Wood (LW), Brian Chambers (BC)
2 / Minutes of the Last Meeting / Agreed. No changes
3 / PPG Action Plan / Expertise of virtual group – capture information via survey (self-care week). RA has produced a one page survey that we can use. This also asks if patients are aware of the PPG.
PPG to help at busy times – self-care week / health awareness issues for any given month i.e. Stoptober, Movember
PPG will dedicate a week a month for an event. N.A.P.P has resources + internet has resources.
January 17 – Keep Warm Keep Well campaign. w/c 9/1/17 / All
4 / Self-Care Week
14/11/16 to 18/11/16 / First for Wellbeing
Can attend all week bar Monday. Can talk about stop smoking services, weight,healthylifestyle. Can also bring a wellbeing advisor.
Our pharmacy advisor can attend during the week.
Resources available:
Self-care forum – how can a pharmacist help?, when will I feel better?, make the right call
Nicola has a couple of contacts for lay people / charity liaisons who can come in as well. RA will be the point of contact to liaise with these people, who could join us for self-care week or other events as and when they come up.
See bottom of page for PPG availability as discussed at today’s meeting.
NW will print off some leaflets and make display boards available. / NW
5 / Any Other Business / Note - Chair / Vice Chair / Secretary Elections are due Jan 17
Photo Boards
SN has researched different types of display boards for the GP photos. She has passed the information on the NW to follow up.
NW talked about a new website for the surgery and showed an example of one that she liked. PPG members to have a look at different websites for Practices and feedback anything they like / dislike about any of them. The can be local or national.
IT Lead
The practice has a new IT Lead who will be looking at various systems to support the Practice and it’s patients, including the website, TV Information Screens in the waiting room, and On-line services.
Community Board
Rambling clubs, running clubs, local support groups. – could be placed near PPG board. / NW
Next Meeting / 6 December 2016 / 12pm at Desborough Surgery

Self-Care Week

Day / Morning / Afternoon
Monday / BN, JW (D 2-4)
Tuesday / SN, RH (R 2-4) LW
Wednesday / LW
Friday / JW (D 2-4)