Gravity by Howard Ratcliffe

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Gal 6:7

“...the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved” Psalm 93:1

“...the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved” 1 Chr 16:30

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7

“So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.” Josh 10:13

“The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.” Ecc 1:5

“The sun and moon stood still in their habitation” Hab 3:11

“Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.” 1 Tim 6:20

“And God called the dry land Earth...And the evening and the morning were the third day...And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also...And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.” Gen 1

Gravity as a “Force” of nature was first proposed in 1687. To produce a “Force” and transfer that force over distance requires “Energy”. Where is the energy source for Gravity? Suppose for a moment Newton was correct. Imagine 2 objects suspended in proximity to each other without friction. The “Force” of Gravity would necessarily cause motion of the 2 objects according to Force=Mass times Acceleration. In the case of the Earth and Sun, the smaller object is subjected to greater acceleration than the larger one, so at this point one can easily see a contradiction with the bible passages quoted above.

Consider this: Without “Gravity” defined as a “Force” there would be no possibility of a Big Bang, Matter creation from a Big Bang, Black Holes, Worm Holes, Space-Time Warping, Time Travel, Antimatter, Antigravity, Gravity Waves, Light Speed Travel, Geologic Time Scale, Immense Size of the Universe, Chaos Theory, or Aliens traveling to earth. Reducing God to the theoretical smallest particle of His Creation “God Particle” might not be a good idea! The rest of this article will examine proof of Gravity, Mass and Acceleration.

The CERN Large Hadron Collider was severely damaged trying to prove Gravity exists in the smallest pieces of matter called “God Particles”; so-named because they give “Mass” to everything in the Universe. Of all the sub-atomic particles, the Graviton is considered the smallest and highest energy.The “Dark Knight” was a portrayal of Jesus Christ as the Joker; Masons make similar jokes abut Jesus, portraying Him as the Jester. NASA’s Genesis Rocket crashed in the Utah desert trying to prove the Sun is the source of Atomic Number 6 “Carbon” which forms the basis life on earth. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life…” Jesus said God existed as a Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and that these 3 are one. Carbon also exists in 3 states: Amorphous Carbon, Graphite and Diamond. CERN tried and failed to prove the existence of a particle of pure energy which travels instantaneously everywhere in the Universe. You don’t suppose God is trying to tell us something do you?What did CERN hope to find? Why does it use a logo with 3 6’s?

Jesus said He is Alpha and Omega; Alpha particles are Helium nuclei. The Sun combines Hydrogen to form Helium in the process of Nuclear Fusion and Coronal Mass Ejections send these particles from the Sun’s nucleus to Earth. Auroras form when these charged particles contact the Magnetosphere and are guided through the atmosphere to the Polar Regions. The probability that a Photon of Light is either emitted or absorbed is 1/137, so in theory a material with Atomic Mass 137 will absorb 100% of Light. Einstein said any object with Mass traveling at the speed of light attains infinite Mass and infinite energy. Infinite “Gravity” would then attract Light to the point where none escapes in a “Black Hole”. Is that what is meant by Dark Knight? Before moving into a more scientific definition of Gravity, notice 3 groups escape the grasp of the biblical Antichrist; Edom, Ammon and Moab (ref Dan 11:41) does this mean people aligned with them will also escape?

An endless attractive force emanating from all matter, the warping of 4-dimensional “space-time” fabric, infinitely long yet infinitely small, massless super-strings vibrating in 11 dimensions, gravity waves, self annihilating photons, Dark Matter, Aether, small mass less particles called “gravitons” also called the Higg’s Boson “God Particle” are all equally viable, yet equally ridiculous scientific options for answering why we don’t float off the earth and why the earth stays near the Sun. The most basic physics equation used to describe motion is F=MA which means a force applied to anything with mass will result in an acceleration. The other basic physics law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed which essentially means you don’t get anything for nothing. Big Bang Theory violates this for sure. Work is defined as the transfer of energy according to the equation W=FD. In other words, applying a force over some period of time will result in moving something with mass some distance. Since force production requires energy, where did the energy come from?

Albert Einstein proved mass could be converted into a lot of energy by the equation E=MC2 where C is the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). The subject of another article, the speed of light has not proven to be constant, but nonetheless, converting mass to energy has been demonstrated to people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki or in the several thousand nuclear tests conducted by countries possessing these weapons. The so-called “Force” of gravity is a transfer of energy causing work, so in any of its many forms requires some kind of mass or other power supply. Isaac Newton was the first to declare the existence of this force of gravity. He assumed the moons of Jupiter were held in their proximity to the planet by an invisible force, and the idea of gravity gained traction (pardon the pun) within the scientific community. Question: Why did he do it?

An element with Atomic Mass of 137 would theoretically absorb light; if light had mass it would therefore attain infinite energy and its electrons would also move at light speed. Physicists call this “Dark Matter” but there are a few problems. Einstein said “We don’t understand the number 137”. Werner Heisenberg said “Problems with Quantum Theory disappear when 137 is explained”. Father of Nuclear Energy, Edward Teller said he could develop “Alpha” from Gravitation. Wolfgang Pauli said Grand Unified Theory depends on 137 and knew he would die when he was rushed to hospital room 137. Peter Higgs called Gravity the “God Particle”. Recall, the Serpent told Eve she would be as gods and never die; Oops!

Element 137 “Graviton” is called the DNA of Light. 137 is the 33rd Chen Prime Number; Chen means Grace. Remember, Carbon exists in 3 states: Amorphous (Without Form), Graphite and Diamond as God does in Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Creation had God the Father similar to Amorphous Carbon; God the Son as soft Carbon. Pencil lead is Carbon; Jesus said He is the Word and the Book of Life; Why Pencil? What is written in the Book of Life can be erased; what is written in the Word in Stone cannot be changed. Diamond is Carbon lacking impurities produced by high temperature (energy), high pressure (force) and water. Element 137 is infinite energy, infinite force and like the Holy Ghost, free of impurities. Like Water changing State by becoming Steam, Carbon changes state into Diamond. This hardening was put on display in the latest X-Men movie where Wolverine experiences re-birth clad with Adamant, the same material Jesus as the Holy Ghost uses to Harden a person’s heart. The Gravamen of such weighs down a person’s Soul with infinite Gravity Are we getting any closer to seeing Gravity Theory is really God Theory?

Chlorophyl absorbs Light, converting Carbon and Water into life bearing plant proteins and oxygen; it has 137 atoms in its molecules. Everyone knows about the Pale Horse bringing Death and Hell with him; Chloro means Pale Green. The Revelation is a book written via the Holy Ghost, completed after physical death of Jesus Christ. Creation took 7 days, and occurs 137 times in this book. His last admonition is to not change His book under penalty of being erased from the Book of Life. Make any more sense yet?

Kabbalah assigns numbers to Hebrew letters in Gematria. 137 is Kabbalah written in Hebrew. Is this why 137 is called Alpha? Carl Jung said “Probabilities in Quantum Physics, Laws of Nature, Patterns in the Cosmos, Space and Time relate to 137 t form Alchemy” (paraphrased) Alchemy is Transformation which for Kabbalists occurs by liberating one’s Soul from Matter. How does one do that? Overcoming Gravity. Aristotle said “Everything has a Soul that is drawn off with Sulphur leaving a blackish residue as the Corpse”. I mean not disrespect here as I was once in the Military but the “Corp” refers to drawing off one’s soul; although forgivable, Love God and Love our Neighbor is not possible in conditions of War.

In Kabbalah, Wisdom=73, Prophecy=64; added equal 137. Father=58, Mother=79; added equal 137; the theoretical number of Gravity. It may seem like Gravity Theory has been proven from simple observation, but this is not the case. Gravity unifies Religion, Science, Gematria, Gnosticism, Pythagorean and Greek Philosophy and I-Ching into a “Theory of Everything”. It is the Alchemical Stone that leads to the solution of the Great Mystery. The Father of “Hermetic Wisdom” is the mythical Hermes Trismegistus “Thrice great Hermes”; the Emerald Tablet of Toth attributed to him generated the axion “As above, so below”. His equally mythical female “Mother” counterpart, Maria Prophetissa generated the axiom “One becomes 2, 2 becomes 3 and out of the 3rd comes The One as the fourth”. The Theory of Gravity is the biblical 4th Beast. It is the root of Zionism and the end of the Tree of Knowledge, whose axiom was “Ye shall be as gods…and never die”. I say let’s hack at the root of Gravity and all its branches will die with it; its Lie stems from Gen 1:3 and ends with Rev 19:7 when the real source of Infinite Energy “Light” arrives to remove impurities from Creation. 13 is the number of Rebellion; Satan becoming the Light God said was Good in Gen 1:3 is described in Rev 13 as the 4th Beast. You don’t suppose 19+7=26 by accident too?

Reading history texts covering the last 4500 years, no mention is made that I can find concerning gravity or any other force resembling it. One can find Ka, the Life Force of the Sun, but nothing about Gravity or a Force moving the Earth. Think what you want, but Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, and Greek astronomers were pretty smart and made no mention of forces causing what they saw. Here is how Webster’s Dictionary defines Gravity. Force of 2 sufficiently massive bodies, proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Alternative definition: Importance and serious consequence. Oh, gravity only applies to sufficiently massive objects, great! I’d go with the 2nd definition because if it weren’t for gravity, the Big Bang Theory would have never been proposed, nor would any of our current physics theories like Space-Time fabric being warped by gravity into Black Holes and/or Worm Holes, orTime Travel. Black Holes violate the most basic thermodynamics and physics laws and nobody will ever see one because they suck up any light they would theoretically create; scientists claim they create elements such as carbon, iron and other heavy elements, but even Nuclear Fusion theoretically ends with Lithium and nature only proves the creation of Helium. Don’t you think we should prove the existence of Matter with Infinite Gravity first? If we don’t do that, production of heavy elements by them is a moot point. Gee, scientists might have to admit God created them; I’m sure they shudder at the thought of giving Him credit!

Let’s look at a few more definitions. Graviton: Hypothetical particle having no electric charge and no rest mass. Physicist Peter Higgs calls this the “H” Boson, the cause of gravity, and of course “Higg’s Boson” is supposed to be discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (read big money pit) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. Oh, I see, when you accelerate this hypothetical particle with no mass, it acquires some. Since Gravitons are God Particles, does this mean God is also merely hypothetical? Besides being another violation of the most basic physics laws, and how do you prove a hypothetical anything?If it has no mass or charge; good luck accelerating it! It’d be like boxing a ghost, so I’d have to say this must be a Fig Newton of somebody’s imagination! The reason why the Gravitron is called the Higg’s Boson is very simply because without gravity, every scientific theory opposing the bible falls completely apart; Big Bang, Mass,Luminous Aether, Warped Space-Time, Black Holes, Worm Holes, Orbits, Matter production in collapsing stars, Antimatter, Antigravity, Time Travel, Alternative Universes and the Magical Material with Atomic Number 137.. Without gravity we would have to take God’s Word for Creation; now wouldn’t that be a novel idea?

One may recall the Starship“Enterprise” was powered by Antimatter on Star Trek. Did you notice everyone’s name on the “Bridge” was a name of Satan? Ohura (Ahura Mazda is Persian fire god), Spock (Vulcan is Canaanite fire god), Kirk (Scottish for Priest or Church), Checkov (Russian for son of the devil). The opposite of Creation (Matter) is destruction (Antimatter); when the 2 come in contact, scientists claim it may result in a release of Infinite Energy; maybe that’s why Chaos is another name of Satan too!“…avoiding vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.” 1 Tim 6:20 KJV Consider yourself warned; science is falsely so called, but God Particle? God is a Spirit existing in a 4th dimension Paul referred to as “Height”. Exactly how does God become some hypothetical 3 dimensional particle? Answer, you did notice the 3 6’s in CERN’s logo, right?

Gravity Wave: Gravitational Wave. Boy, that clears it up Mr Webster! Let’s look at Wave: A disturbance propagated in a medium. Sound and Sonar fine; boat waves too, but just what is the medium in space that conducts these waves of gravity? In space, there is nothing to push against to propagate any waves, let alone hypothetical mass less ones. Space has been proven to be a vacuum; now if scientists want to start talking about Firmament, I’ll be right there, but for now I’d be happy if just one of them could tell me why the atmosphere is not being sucked away from the earth!“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7 Even Job said there is nothing out there and his book is perhaps the oldest book in the bible (ca 1500 BC). Gravity is similar to Tension. Pulling anything requires Friction. What is in space that could generate friction? Can’t Scientists at NASA see Satellites travel in a near frictionless environment?

“Gravity” is the Force that theoreticallyaccounts for orbits and travels instantaneously across the Universe. Astronomers guess it to be about 13.7 billion light-years across from observing the current speed of light and light’s apparent “Red Shift”. “Gravity” does this with enough force to make stars millions of times larger than our Sun travel in elliptical orbits and when in the form of a Black Hole it absorbs 100% of its own light. Go ahead, ask one of these geniuses to prove how it’s done by these hypothetical particles with no mass!

Force (weight) is acceleration multiplied by mass; in the case of Earth this acceleration is 32 ft/sec2. If matter expanded continuously(God may have made it this way wherethe internal energy of its mass would cause it to exert outward pressure), the acceleration of the Earth’s surface would explain what we have come to call “Gravity”. How about proof? Newton regarded space as a sea of energy called “Luminous Aether”. In 1887, Michelson and Morley tried to prove the existence of an “Aether Wind”, but their experiment failed to prove the existence of the Aether or any proof of Earth motion.The Word of God states Earth is fixed and not moving;.the scientific community assumed that the Earth was moving. 2 light sources, 900 apart aimed at a mirror, reflected their light into a prism. The idea being one aided by this assumed motion would show a velocity difference, but none was observed. In this experiment, the Word of God proved correct.