Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Bay Indies Homeowners Association

November 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Hank Curran at 1:34 p.m. Roll Call as follows: Hank Curran, Tony Tremonto, Joan Sass, Carl Kruse, Bill Meiter, Paul Larsen, Pat Weis and Don Kitchel. Quentin Crouch and Richard Welch were absent.

The Minutes of the October 29, 2010 regular meeting and the Executive meeting were approved by motion of Don Kitchel, seconded by Pat Weis and carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Carl Kruse reported Certificates of Deposit Account $100,000.00 – Money Market Account of $20,303.63 and the Checking Account balance of $5,016.02 for a grand total of all accounts: $125,319.65. Joan Sass questioned how many people joined the Association at coffee hour – Carl said it was a total of 40 members. A motion to approve was made by Pat Weis and seconded by Paul Larsen and carried.

Correspondence: None was noted.

Committee Reports: Coordinating Council – Hank reported most was announcements

about coming events.

Information Coffee: Hank reported that he needed to clarify a statement he made on the stage at the last Coffee Hour concerning that he was the President and to call him rather than Tony Pinzone. He said the statement was unplanned, and misspoken and it created a rift between Tony and himself- which was not his intent. He further stated that he has written a letter of apology and has also spoken to Mr. Pinzone via telephone and is truly sorry for the outcome. He said all he could do was to wait for a response from Mr. Pinzone.

Legislative Committee: Mr. Curran reported that he received an E-Mail from the Alliance of Park Residents regarding Chapter 723. A representative by the name of William Proctor from St. Augustine along with another individual who will be appointed on the House Rules Committee may be a good sign that the House will be receptive to our proposal. He stated that we have always had support from the Senate through our local Senator, Nancy Detert.

Service Committee: Joan Sass reported the Service Committee met with AJ this past Monday and had an eight page agenda. She said that the Committee spent a lot of time on background checks for Park residents and pursuing the matter further as to the process.

Another concern was on Nogoya West, that a person who was never approved has taken up squatter rights. Another problem on the same street was that a renter who has a record of several arrests and arrested for breaking and entering into an unoccupied house on the same street. He was arrested. After he got out of jail he returned to the house where the squatter resides. AJ did get him evicted. She further stated that the Committee have been in contact with the neighbors and was pushing AJ to have a meeting with the residents to keep them updated on the eviction process of the squatter which is going through the Court system.

She further reported that once the work is complete on the Bay House spa, AJ informed them that work will start on Curry pool. The Service Committee agenda included violations of rules and regulations, the roof of Indies Hall, spotlights on fountains at the lakes, problems with dogs, signage and a few other things. She said that the Committee keeps everything on the agenda until it is resolved. The agenda and other items are being prepared for a meeting with the Regional Manager in December. The Regional Manager is also supposed to come to the January coffee hour. No other Regional Manager has ever attended any coffee hours. Smoking at the pools came up through a letter to AJ. It is doubtful that they will abide by a no smoking policy at the pools but hopefully AJ will include something in the Newsletter regarding smoking and smokers being responsible for picking up their cigarette butts.

Nominating Committee: Tony Tremonto said nothing to report at this time. Mr. Curran said there will be three spots to be filled at our February annual meeting. The Board is looking for candidates and any Board member can be reached regarding this. The people who are up for election – Tony Tremonto, Pat Weis and Quentin Crouch. These people

need to let Mr. Curran know if they willing to run again.

Communications Committee: Joan Sass reported that they are in the process of compiling a newsletter to be distributed sometime during late November or the first week of December.

Membership Committee: Mr. Curran reported he will be add people to Mr. Kruse’s committee for the membership drive.

Comprehensive Review Planning Committee: Mr. Curran will be setting up liaison with the newly elected Mayor to see if we can have an insertion in the Comprehensive Plan to include manufactured homes as affordable housing.

By Laws: The changes were all approved and they need to be taken off of bold print and into regular print and then once signed by Joan Sass, they can be printed and distributed.

Standards and Rules Committee: Mr. Curran reported our plan is to go over our present rules- section by section and hopefully in the end, the two parties will discuss their changes and agree so that the rules are up to date.

Old Business:

Park Manager: Mr. Curran said he advised AJ of the meeting and obviously he has not come.

Mr. Curran reminded board members of the coffee hour and their need to be present.

He updated us on the Alliance of Park Residents previously in this meeting.

New Business:

Mr. Curran brought up the item of dues for discussion. We have two CD’s that we could use if ELS ever accepts our offer to buy for closing costs- and also if we ever have to go into the process of litigation with ELS. Tony Tremonto and Mr. Curran attended a meeting in northern Sarasota regarding organizing all ELS parks in Florida to come up with items that as a group we can talk to management. At the meeting there were 3 of the state officers of ELS – Brad Nelson, Jeff Fanon and Dawn Rumpf. One of the Parks has a suit going with ELS but we were not told the reason.

At this point, a discussion ensued regarding decreasing the dues or keeping them as they are. We discuss them every year before the membership drive in January. Each Board member spoke regarding the dues being decreased or remain at the present amount of $50.00. Paul Larsen, Bill Meiter, Tony Tremonto, and Carl Kruse were in favor of staying at $50.00- and Pat Weis, Joan Sass, and Don Kitchel were in favor of reducing the dues to $40.00. Hank Curran was also in favor of the dues decreased to $40.00 and stated that our previous President, Dick Welch said he would be in favor of $40.00. Mr. Curran then asked the people in the public for their opinion. There was a total of eight people who all were in favor of keeping the dues at $50.00. A motion was made by Carl Kruse that we maintain at the $50.00 dues for the year 2011. Motion was seconded by Don Kitchel. Joan Sass was one vote against the motion so it passed 6-1 (with Quentin Crouch absent).

Residents to Address the Board:

Bill Clark – 446 Andros Avenue reported that two men were walking on Happy Landing road and came into the Park and turned into Cobia 409, a neighbor told AJ says that he feels there are drugs coming into 439 Andros. UPS seems to be delivering small packages daily to this address. Hank Curran asked that he put it into writing to be brought up to the Service committee.

Tony LaSpada – 904 Posada West asked about being billed for irrigation water as the prospectus says the Park provides irrigation water. Hank advised that back before the reclaimed water, the Park owner made an agreement with the HOA to put in reclaimed water and the residents would bear the cost as the Park owner was not going to pay for regular water. It was better to have the City put in reclaimed water which is less expensive than regular water. HOA has asked ELS to amend the language to reflect that they no longer supply irrigation water and they have failed to do so. Mr. LaSpada asked what are the dog rules about the common area? Hank stated that the sales staff here will sell you and tell you almost anything to get the sale thus the rules about pets in the Park has now become pets all over the Park. Previously, if you had a pet you were required to live on the Bike Path or in designated pet areas and the rest of the streets were doglegs. Now, every other house has a dog. Dogs must be walked on individual owners’ property and on the bikepath and not on resident lawns.

Lori Butler, 924 Nogoya West spoke in detail about the woman squatter “Laura” who ELS is trying to evict. She stated that now Waldo the evicted renter at 904 Nagoya is out of jail and is back living with “Laura” at 931 Nagoya. The situation has been going on for months. She stated that there is no water in the unit; the police are there all the time. Very loud at night, she said that she understood the owner of the home is now not paying the lot rent. All the people on the street are upset. It was stated that Laura is under eviction but she gets postponements in the Court system. She gets her water from 915 Nagoya W. Hank asked the people on Nogoya to put in writing everything they have seen and done so they can bring it to AJ. Joan Sass reiterated that the Service Committee Meeting asked AJ to meet with the residents on the street to keep them updated on the situation. Joan Sass asked that the residents on Nogoya to get together and call and request a meeting with AJ to discuss the issue. She said a representative or representatives from BIHOA could attend if the neighbors so desired. Hank advised that if he does not agree to meet with them then we have recourse and can go to the next level of management.

Tony LaSpada questioned why he pays a certain lot rent to the end of the year and then it goes up for the next 12 months. He was advised that if he signed his assumption agreement then he has no comeback- if he did not sign it then he has a chance to fight it. He said it would be cheaper for him to rent on the outside and tear his present house down at a cost of $4800.00 to $6800.00. He would have to pay the cost of a permit and the contractor would have to leave the lot totally bare. He will check his agreement.

Mr. Curran thanked all for coming and for their participation. A motion to adjourn at 3:24 p.m.was made by Pat Weis, seconded by Paul Larsen. Motion was carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Shepard, Recording Secretary

Joan Sass, Secretary