NUTR 4301 – Career Exploration in Nutrition & Foods


Texas State University-San Marcos

Student Name (last, first): / Student ID #
Email Address: / Student Phone #
Mentor Name: / Title:
Email Address: / Phone #
Facility Name:
Mailing Address: / City, State, ZIP
Proposed CEE Dates (Check One):
 Summer I (June/July)  Summer II (July/August)  Both (Register for Summer I)
 Fall (special approval required)  Spring (special approval required)
Mentor Signature: / Date:

(See next page for directions for writing your narrative, which includes (1) a Job Description of the CEE; (2) a Cover Letter/Letter of Application; and (3) Goals, Objectives, and Outcome Measures.)



The narrative must be completed in 3 parts. Begin each part on a separate page. At the top of each page, include an appropriate heading (e.g. “Career Exploration Experience – Job Description”) and on the next line, include your name).

1.  Job Description of CEE. If there is already a job description for this position, write the existing job description and indicate that it is the actual description. If there is no job description in place, you can either: (a) write a description and have it approved by your mentor, or: (b) work together with your mentor to develop a job description. In all cases, the mentor must sign and date the bottom of the sheet of paper containing the job description.

Examples of job descriptions can be found online. Here are some categories that are typically included in a job description from one of these sources (

·  Title of the position

·  Department

·  Reports to (to whom the person directly reports)

·  Overall responsibility

·  Key areas of responsibility

·  Consults with (those who the person works with on a regular basis)

·  Term of employment

·  Qualifications (necessary skills and experience required)

2.  Cover Letter/Letter of application. Write a professionally written cover letter indicating your interest in applying for the job description. Tips on writing cover letters can be found at the Texas State Career Services web site:

3.  Goals, Objectives, Outcome Measures. Many institutions require professionals to develop goals, objectives, and outcome measures for their institution or for units in their organization. For this course, you are required to designate 3 Goals related to your experience in the CEE, along with at least 2 Objectives for each goal and 1 Outcome Measure for each objective. Review the Goal I (required for your CEE) and develop 2 additional goals, objectives, and outcome measures appropriate for your CEE.

Goal 1: I will conduct myself as a professional in my Career Exploration Experience (CEE).

Objective 1: I will arrive at my CEE on time every day.

Outcome measure: My mentor will verify by giving me a score of 3 for punctuality on the CEE Student Performance Evaluation form.

Objective 2: I will wear appropriate attire for this CEE.

Outcome measure: My mentor will verify my ability to wear appropriate attire by giving me a score of 3 for appearance/attire on my Student Performance Evaluation form.

Objective 3: I will display a positive attitude.

Outcome measure: My mentor will verify my positive attitude by giving me a score of 3.

NOTE: Be innovative in developing the remaining 2 Goals, Objectives, and Outcome Measures, as they will vary according to the specific CEE and your individual career aspirations. For example, a goal for someone working in a restaurant might be: “I will develop managerial skills”. On objectives might include “I will create the weekly employee work schedule.”