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Evacuation Annex

This checklist is intended to be a guide for regional coordinators in evaluating each hospital’s EOP. The goals and objectives provided by KDHE are elements recommended to be included in an EOP based on NIMS and industry standards and best practices.

Regional Coordinator:
Date Received:
Date Evaluated: / Evaluated By:
Date Evaluation Sent Out: / Evaluation Sent To:
Suggested Elements / Completed? / Comments
GOAL #1: Include an Evacuation annex to the hospital EOP.
Objective #1:
The annex describes authority and decision to activate the plan, both during immediate and no-immediate danger. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #2:
The annex describes different types of evacuation (vertical and horizontal) and when each should be ordered. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #3:
The annex follows HICS organization structure and describes activation of HICS roles and Command Staff job assignments during an evacuation. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #4:
The annex describes types of communication systems and external partners who should be notified of the evacuation. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #5:
The annex describes internal communications system (primary and secondary). / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #6:
PLAN- annex
1. Includesattached Routes/ Maps.
2. Identifies Department area assignments. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #7:
Annex identifies a list of evacuation equipment and resources for each department or floor. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #8:
Evacuation of Non-Patient areas:
  1. Identifies Staff Duties.
  2. Provides detailed evacuation procedure.
  3. Provides evacuation procedurefor specific non-patient areas.
/ Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #9:
Evacuation of Patient areas:
  1. Identifies Staff Duties.
  2. Provides Prioritizationof Patients
  3. Provides a detailed plan for evacuation
  4. Provides Plan for evacuation of specific patient care areas
/ Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #10:
Evacuation of Patient areas:Annex Plans for-
  1. Movement of patient records, medications, and belongings
/ Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #11:
Annex identifies patient tracking process including transportation tag and tagging process / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #12:
Annex identifies location of Alternate Care Site and expected level of care. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #13:
Annex has transportation resources identified and provides plan to utilize transportation resources. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #14:
Annex includes a detailed recovery plan including roles and responsibilities following an evacuation. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #15:
Annex includes-
  1. List of MOUs provided
  2. Location of MOUs provided
/ Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #16:
Annex provides plan for training staff on evacuation procedures and plan for conducting exercises. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
GOAL #2 Include a Bomb Threat Attachment to the Evacuation annex of the hospital EOP.
Objective #1:
Attachment includes procedure for person receiving a written or phone threat and procedure for reporting the bomb threat. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #2:
Attachment includes security procedures including search plan and response communication for a bomb threat. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #3:
Attachment includes criteria for decision to evacuate facility due to a bomb threat. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
GOAL #3: Include a Fire Attachment to the Evacuation annex of the hospital EOP.
Objective #1:
Attachment identifies possible hazards and control measures for fire prevention plan within facility. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #2:
Attachment describes location, type, and activation offire alarms. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #3:
Attachment includes location of evacuation maps and a list of fire equipment and their locations. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #4:
Attachment describes general fire evacuation procedures. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #5:
Attachment describes fire recovery. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #6:
Attachment describes fire evacuation training and planned exercise schedule. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
GOAL #4 Include an Internal Flood Attachment to the Evacuation annex of the hospital EOP.
Objective #1:
Attachment describes activation procedure for an internal flood incident. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #2:
Attachment describes evacuation procedure for an internal flood incident. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #3:
Attachment describes recovery for an internal flood incident. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #4:
Attachment identifies interoperable communication for an internal flood incident. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #5:
Attachment identifies available resources. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Objective #6:
Attachment lists Mutual Aid Agreements with companies that can provide repairs/assistance for flooding events. / Yes, Complete
Yes, Partial
Not Observed / This section will be filled out by the evaluator.
Overall issues/comments:
Received by due date: / Yes No
Easy to read / Yes No
Easy to implement / Yes No

Hospital EOP Evaluation Tool

October 2008