OpenPlant ERASynBio Summer School Application form

The OpenPlant consortia (John Innes Centre and University of Cambridge) and the Synthetic Biology ERA-NET (ERASynBio) are pleased to invite applications for their advanced summer school – an introduction to synthetic biology in plants.

Up to 20 PhD students and early career postdoctoral researchers from ERASynBio partner and observer countries (see ERASynBio website for the list of eligible countries) will have the opportunity to attend this event in Norwich on 14 - 20 September 2014.

Prospective participants should complete the application form below and submit it, along with a recent CV, to: .

Participants will be selected by a panel of synthetic biology researchers and research funders based on their suitability for the event, and the opportunities for personal and professional development.

The deadline for applications is: 4pm, 30 June 2014

Contact details


Date of Birth / Gender: / Choose an item.
Research organisation
Year of Study / employment / Position / Choose an item.
Research interests
Country of residence / Choose an item. / Other
Work address

Expression of interest (maximum 300 words per answer)

ERASynBio describes synthetic biology as the engineering of biology: the deliberate (re)design and construction of novel biological and biologically based systems to perform new functions for useful purposes, that draws on principles elucidated from biology and engineering.
1.  How do your current research activities and future research plans fit within this definition?
2.  What do you believe are the greatest opportunities and challenges for synthetic biology in complex systems (including plants) in the next 5-10 years?
3.  How would you implement and disseminate the new skills developed at this event?
Applicant: I confirm that the above particulars are correct.
Signature: / Date:
PhD Supervisor / project leader: I confirm that I support the above application.
Signature: / Date: