The Open Door

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” _ Jesus Christ – John 10:9

Volume 17, No. 38 Published by Cedar Key Church of Christ

24 September 2017 Editor: David Binkley, Gospel Minister

Today’s Worship Plan

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “...Whoever sows sparingly will also reap also sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”… Please notice the offering box in the entranceway; where we cheerfully place our offerings in the collection box. Your contributions to God help us preach the Gospel here in Cedar Key, around the world and carry out works of benevolence to the glory of Christ our Lord.

Welcome Visitors and Members! We hope that your experience today will add something meaningful to your life in Christ Jesus. If you are new to the area and would like more information about this church, let us know. If you are just visiting our island community, then we hope to see you again. Would you like to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins today? Come forward during the last song and we will assist you in obeying Christ as Lord – or let us know your desire some other time. We can arrange a time for your baptism into Christ. If you are a Christian and wandered away from home with the Lord, you may make your desire known and we will pray for God to forgive your sins, and fully restore you to Jesus Christ and joyful fellowship with other Christians.

Share the Good News! Free Bible studies and much more are available at our congregation’s web site Cedar Key Church of Christ. We also have the church’s weekly Bulletin on our web site.


Our church meets for mid-week Bible study on Wednesday, 5pm.

We meet together to study God’s Word, sign cards have

wonderful Christian fellowship while having coffee and snack, Please plan to come and have good experience. Last week we had 12 people. We always welcome visitors!

We are still recovering from hurricane Irma. We all appreciate efficient work of first responders. Thank you, Robert and others. Now, we have many opportunities to show the love and kindness to those who did not fare so well as us. Encourage those who are involved in taking aid and assistance to those who are suffering. The debris will be picked up during this week or so.

Our Church Pantry and clothes rack is working!

The food pantry is restocked. Thank you, Rachael for purchasing groceries and putting it on shelves.

Last week we helped provide food and clothing to 1 needy family- single mom with 2 children. It was greatly appreciated.

The church has funds available thanks to our generous donors. Thank you for your generous and loving hearts! God is good!

We continue Ladies Bible study.

Next meeting is on Friday, September 29th at 10am.

We really appreciate Rachael for your devotion in preparing and conducting study. We had 6 ladies present including visiotr. We had a chance to talk to children in Slavyansk Church of Christ (Ukraine), who had children Bible study. Ladies greeted children. We also have a snack after study (prepared by Rachael). Men are invited to join to taste and have fellowship with David.


Thank You, Will and Rachael for coming to the preachers house on you only day off (yesterday) to cut fallen trees and helping remove the wild limbs and briars at the yard. Thank you, Raegan and Charlie fort helping and encouraging.

September Birthdays:

Carol Alford – 09/14; Raegan Harris 09/23. Happy Belated Birthday!

October Birthdays:

Rachael Harris - October 24th, Laura Robinson – October 26th, Patricia Curtis – October 31st! (If you have Birthday in October or next month, please let GB know and we will include you in the next newsletter)

We plan to greet children for Trick or Treat on the porch of the church at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm on on the day that will be assigned by the city of CK)

If you want to participate, please donate candies by October 30th, so our girls from Laura’s class will have time to make a small bag for each child.

Bible question: Who arrested Jesus and sent him to Annas and Caiphas? (John 18)

What Will You Do With Jesus?

Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”They all said, “Let him be crucified!” (Matthew 27:22 ESV)

When Jesus, the Son of God humbly stood before Pilate, the Roman Prefect or Governor of the region of Judea, he confessed that he was indeed a King. Since Jesus the Messiah confessed to being king, the Jewish leaders incited the mob to loudly demand that Christ be put to death. Our Lord showed humanity how a person should behave when being put on a mock trial. Christ surrendered to the mob, and became a vicarious offering for the sins of all people.

Some people suggest that there is nothing demanded of a person who desires salvation. They may even go so far as to say that the gracious gift salvation from sin is irresistible.

Consider some things that are certainly required of any person desiring eternal life:

(John 3:16-19) We must be acceptable to God. Many people have a picture of how God should behave toward mankind.

(Romans 8:1) A person “in Christ” is acceptable to God.

(Romans 5:1) True peace of mind is available for anyone.

(1 Peter 1:8) Unspeakable joy is available to all who follow Jesus as Lord and Christ. Happiness and joy not the same.

(Matthew 10:32-33) We must make a decision to accept or reject – confess or deny, Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God and our Savior. No one can do this on our behalf.

(Revelation 3:20) Jesus wants to come into your heart today. It is plain that each individual must choose to let Jesus in or lock the door of their heart to the great love of God.

(Matthew 12:20) A person must be for Jesus Christ or against the very Savior who has power to save.

(Luke 13:3) Anyone who is sincerely interested in forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life must repent.

(Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:37-38, Galatians 3:26-27) A sincere seeker of God will see the truth that baptism is a requirement for being accepted by God.

(Revelation 2:10, Matthew 25:21) Remain faithful to the Lord.


Remember in Prayers, Cards and Visits

§  Bible Question: What effect should the miracles of Jesus have on us? (Mark 6:6)RrrrrRemember in Prayers, cards and

Cancer: Joel Baxley, Danielle Beckham, Sue Colson, Angela Daniel, Dwayne Drummond, Janice Rogers Dutcher, John Fradella, Jr., Karen Falak, Peggy & Robert Green, H.C. Henderson, Evgeny Kuznetsov, Rose McCain, Sue Raymer, Susan Roquemore, Jennie Slaughter, Glenn Taylor.

Heart, Other Health Problems & Condolences: Jan Allen, Gilbert Britton, CeCe Bullard, Jacob Carter, Bubba Castell, Edith Castell, Joyce Corley, Betty Curry, Patty Curtis, Wanda Darling, Dot Dunn, Danny King, Kay Langston – Linda Lannuier’s mother, William Leith, Patti Morgan, Mary Parker, Ricky Rains, Alice Richburg, Patsy Roberts, Tom Rooks, Bree Sakalarios, 2 year old; Doris Sheffield, Rose Ellen Sheppard, Jim Smith, Lynneth Slaughter, Fred Taylor, Romig Voyles, Bruce Whitcavitch, Sr., our local Cedar Key children;

Military: Tyler Anderson, Ian Andrek, Zack Anderson, Tim Baxley, Daniel Beans, Montana Beckham, Joseph Bishop, Nathaniel Brinkman, Matthew Brown, John Henry Collins, Quentin Collins, Chelsea Colson, Alan Crews, Jacob Crosby, Isaac Delaino, John Dusek, Thomas Felletier, Nick Gentry, Amber Haven, James Holland, Robby Ice, Adam Iovine, Crystal Jenkins, Nadya Jimenez, David Johnson, Tommy Lee, Larry McCain, Ian McNulty, Richard Moran, Shane Poole, Steven Poole, Jonathan Roque, Matthew Roque, Clay Rowland, Jared Shewey, Brock Stone, William Clenton Wasson, Jerrett Westling,

Mission Work: Magadan, Russia; Nikolaev & Slavyansk, Ukraine, Cedar Key Police, First Responders & Firefighters, Linemen working to restore power and victims of hurricane Irma; School children of Cedar Key; President Trump, others in authority, PEACE and more boldness to share our faith.

Our Record – 09/17/2017

Sunday morning worship ...... 25

Sunday morning Bible studies ...... 17

Sunday evening worship ………………………………………. 5

Wednesday 09/20/2017 …………...... 12

Friday Ladies Class.. 9/22/2017 ………………… 5

Contributions 09/17/2017 ………………… $1,670.00

Calendar of Opportunities

Sunday: Bible classes 10:00 am

Worship assemblies 11:00 am & 5:00 pm

Wednesday: Prayer and Bible study: 5:00 pm

Come and bring a friend!

Cedar Key Church of Christ

709 Third St., Cedar Key, FL 32625