Delaware Reformed Church

Reverend Gary Hegstad

December 24, 2017


Gathering Song “We Have Come Into His House” Hymn #588


Call to Worship

Praise & Worship LIFE “O Come All Ye Faithful” Hymn #145

“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” Hymn #152

Opening Prayer

Advent Reading John and Jen Hauck and family

Hymn “Angels We Have Heard on High” Hymn #132

Children’s Story Tammy Adney

Hymn “O Little Town of Bethlehem” Hymn #141

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Luke 1:26-38

Message “Here am I, the Servant of the Lord”

Worship in Tithes & Offering

Doxology & Offertory Prayer

Hymn “O Holy Night” Hymn #148


Closing Song “The Birthday of a King” Hymn #162

Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

Birth-4 Nursery is available throughout the service. Serving today is Breanna & Jennifer.

This Week:

Tonight: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:30pm. Come and join us!!

***Women of our church: There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for committees and programs. This will help us plan for next year. Thank You!

We encourage you when you sit down in church to sit in the middle of the pew so that others can more easily find a place to sit. Thank you for this consideration.

Congratulations to Richard Hyronimus who was elected to the office of Elder and James Westra, who was elected to the office of Deacon. Installation will be Sunday, January 7th.

Prayer Concerns:

-Jo Westra had surgery this past week.

-Andy Van Kekerix is home from the hospital.

-Tracia Morren and the Morren family

-Jim, father of Jo Westra, who is recovering from gall bladder surgery

-Tanner Larson, 25 yr. old cousin of Maizy Baldwin, pancreatic cancer.

-Dave Richter's cousin Dan Koch's granddaughter, hospitalized and in a coma at Rochester following a brain bleed

-Shannon Voegele, recovering from a farm accident

-Linda Duncan, wife of Robin Duncan, doing well with cancer treatments

-Rhonda Wiebers, Gladys Wiebers’ granddaughter, cancer treatments

-Brent DeKok, son of Pastor Don/Sue DeKok, continues chemo treatments

-Bev Vande Vegte, Rock Valley, battling cancer

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 12/17/2017 / $6,756.00 / $3,328.34
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,884.62 / $748.08
Difference / $3,871.38 / $2,580.26
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $137,714.21 / $22,591.34
Budgeted Offerings / $147,115.38 / $38,151.92
Difference / -$9,401.17 / -$15,560.58

Children's Ministry: December’s offerings will go towards the Lennox Food Pantry.

Upcoming Ministries:

-January 7, 9:30 AM Installation of Elders and Deacons

-January 9, 7:00 PM Consistory Meeting

-January 16, 6:30 PM GriefShare Ministry begins at the church

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, Dec 31st is Char & Julie Heeren. Praise and Worship is the Adney family. Children’s Sermon is Jo Westra. Nursery is Dianne & Jan. Usher is Andy VanKekerix. Projector is Tanner Tipton.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, Jan 7th is Joy & Dianne. Praise and Worship is the Highway 18 Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Pastor Gary. Nursery is Jen & Mike. Usher is Sy DeVries. Projector is Jonathan Hagena.

Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or office by Thursday at 9am.