The mission offering collected during the month of November will be used towards our 2nd “Rise Against Hunger” event to be held in 2018. (The month and day of the event will be decided at a later time.) Checks may be made payable to Trinity UMC with a notation on the memo line for Rise Against Hunger.

Come to the “Hanging of the Greens”thisevening@5:00. A light evening meal will be provided and decorating the church for the Advent and Christmas seasons will follow. You and your family are invited to be a part of this special time of preparation.

Trinity UMC offers a Young Adult Small Group (college age thru 40± yrs.) on Sundays from 5:30 to 7 pm, led by our student pastor, Andrew Flower. Please join us for snacks, fun, and fellowship. If you are interested, sign up on the clipboard in the Welcome Center or email Andrew at . If you would like more info., contact Andrew. Looking forward to seeing you!

Volunteers for childcare are needed at the church during times of various activities, Adult Small Groups, etc. To volunteer, please sign up on the chart in the Welcome Center.(To do childcare, copies of successful police background checks and clearances are required to keep on file at Trinity.) Contact Ken West for info./questions regarding these requirements.

You Are Invited to Trinity United Methodist Women’s Annual Christmas Tea on Saturday, Dec. 2 @ 1:30 pm in the Welcome Center.Bring your own teacup.You may purchase tickets from any UMW Leadership Team member. Donations are $7.00 for adults, $3 for children 4-11, and 3 & under are free. After the delightful tea sandwiches, cookies, and other goodies are consumed, the Hobbs Sisters will be our entertainment. Contact Gail Brunson, 724-941-3863 with any questions you may have.

Christmas Cards for Asbury Heights Residents and Patients - We will again send Christmas cards to Asbury Heights patients and residents this year. We have collected and signed between 300 and 500 cards each year. We are collecting unused Christmas cards (with envelopes, please) and will be signing them through Dec. 10. You can recycle them by donating those cards to be used for people that sometimes never receive a Christmas card.

Trinity’s annual Christmas Musical Celebration will be held at both services on Dec. 10th. Christmas Celebration Choir rehearsals are @ 7:30 pm on Thursdays through Dec. 7.For more information, contact Robert Agnew at 724-745-0296 or .Come Join Us!

Advent & Christmas Schedule

Tuesday, December 5

“Jubilee Ringers” Bell Choir Christmas Performance

at the Peters Township Library @ 7:30 pm

Sunday, December 10

Christmas Celebration Worship Services

@ 9:30 am & 11:00 am

Sunday, December 17

Regular Worship Service @ 9:30 am

Children’s Christmas Program @ 11:00 am

Sunday, December 24

One Morning Worship Service @ 10:00 am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services @ 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm

Sunday, December 31

One Morning Worship Service @ 10:00 am

"2018 will be the first year the Endowment Committee will be providing grants up to $750 for special projects at Trinity Church. These grants may be used for anything that will advance the ministry of Trinity Church that is not part of our current expense budgets. The emphasis for the Endowment fund is for long term development and for special projects. For more information or to apply, please complete an application form and return it to the church office by Feb. 1, 2018. Forms are available in the Welcome Center as well as on the website (

Giant Eagle Gift Cardsare on sale in the Welcome Center each Sunday between services and in the Church Office during the week. Trinity earns 5% of the price of each card sold as a fundraiser for the “Find Us Faithful” building program. These cards can be used the same as cash or your personal credit card and fuelperks still apply.

Sarris Candy Bars areon sale on the counter in the Welcome Center throughout the week to help support Appalachia Service Projects.


This Week’s Schedule

This Sunday, Nov. 26 Worship Services9:30 & 11:00 am

“World Thank Offering” at both services

Small Group Bible Study 8:30 am

Children & Youth S.S. Classes, Confirmation Class, and Youth not meeting.

“Hanging of the Greens”5:00 pm

Young Adult Study Group 5:30-7:00 pm

Monday, Nov. 27 Bible Study, Grades 7-12(Starbucks, McMurray)3:30 pm

“Kingdom Kids” Christmas Program rehearsal6:00 pm

Band Practice (Sanctuary)7:30 pm

Tues.-Thurs. Weekday School Reg. Classes:9-11:30 am & 12:45-3:15 pm

Tuesday, Nov. 28 UMW Leadership Team (Welcome Center)7:00 pm

Small Group Bible Study7:00 pm

Wednesday, Nov. 29 “Day Timers” (Welcome Center)9:30 am

“Kingdom Kids” Christmas Program rehearsal6:00 pm

“Jubilee Ringers” rehearsal7:15 pm

Thursday, Nov. 30 Small Group Bible Study (Welcome Center)10:00 am

“Christmas Celebration Choir” rehearsal7:30 pm

Friday, Dec. 1 “Mom’s Day Out”9:15-11:30 am/1:00 pm

“Friends Together” (Welcome Center)10:00 am

Saturday, Dec. 2 United Methodist Men (Welcome Center)8:00 am

“Kingdom Kids” Christmas Program rehearsal10:00 am

United Methodist Women’s “Christmas Tea” (Welcome Center)1:30 pm

Next Sunday, Dec. 3 Worship Services w/Holy Communion9:30 & 11:00 am

Small Group Bible Study 8:30 am

Children’s S.S., ages 3 yrs.-Grade 3(dismissed during 9:30 service)9:45 am

Confirmation Class (Youth Room, downstairs)10:45 am

Troop 1320 Eagle Scout Ceremony at Trinity2-5:00 pm

Youth Groups (event, time & place t/b/a)

Young Adult Study Group5:30-7:00 pm


Again this year we will have an opportunity to share Christ’s love to support CURA (Women’s Care Clinic) and the Prison Fellowship Ministry.

CURA is an organization created to promote and celebrate human life in crises pregnancy situations by providing Christ centered spiritual, emotional and physical support to the child, parents and the associated families. The gifts we provide help new mothers care for their babies.

The Prison Fellowship program works by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners. The program works by connecting parents in prison with the children through the delivery of Christmas gifts.

Gift requests in the forms of stars and angels for each organization are on the Christmas tree in the Welcome Center and will need to be returned no later than Dec. 17th. Gift requests for CURA will be stars, and for the Prison Fellowship Ministry will be angels.

Please take one or more stars or angels and purchase the suggested gift(s). For the CURA gifts, do not wrap the gift, but be sure to attach the star to the gift. For the Prison Fellowship Ministry gifts, please wrap and attach the top portion of the angel to the wrapped gift. Any gift cards should be given to Eileen in the Church office.


Our sanctuary will be decorated for Christmas again this year with poinsettia plants. Members of the congregation are invited to order a plant (or plants) in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. Your dedication information will be listed in the December 10th bulletin. The plants come in 6” pots wrapped in foil. The cost is $7.50 per plant. Please place your order by December 3rd by completing the form below and placing it with your payment in the offering plate or on the desk in the Church office.


Poinsettia Order Form

In Memory of______


In Honor of______







No. of plants:______($7.50 per plant) Total: $______
