To:All Staff


Date:Thursday20th September2012

Re:Autumn Term 2012: Week 4briefing

This week’s briefing includes the following:

-News, updates and reminders.

-Briefing for Autumn Term Week 4

-Advance notice of important events in AutumnWeek 5

-Minutes of the SLT meeting of Monday 17thSeptember

-Allocation of Teachers for Appraisal

News, Reminders and Updates:

Read the meeting minutes:

A reminder to everyone to take time to read the meeting minutes attached to your weekly briefing. These minutes contain information and reminders about the business and direction of the school. SLT and Leadership team minutes ensure that all employed in the school are kept informed about plans, concerns and priorities that will impact on the school as a whole.

Teacher Appraisal:

We intend to launch the next round of Teacher Appraisal, using the new format discussed at the end of Summer term, during Week 6. I presented a number of documents relating to this at the SLT meeting on Monday and intend to discuss them with staff at our meeting on Tuesday 25th September. In the meantime please read through the SLT minutes attached below as they relate to Teacher Appraisal (item 3). Please also refer to the attached Teacher Appraisal Allocation which shows Appraisers and the teachers allocated to them.

We shall plan and discuss Performance Management for support staff at our next SLT meeting prior to briefing staff.

Please note the following extract from the SLT minutes which reflects our desire to make Appraisal a supportive process aimed at helping staff to develop their professional skills and competency whilst meeting the needs of the children:

“The focus of appraisal in our school will rest firmly on supporting staff to achieve consistent Good/Outstanding teaching and learning in order to further raise standards and achieve the best for our pupils”

Whilst preparing this information I noted the following in a letter received this week:

“Inspections can now be distilled into a single question; Is this school using robust Performance Management to drive School Improvement?”

Nurture Group and the Parental Involvement Team:

Nurture Group and the Parental Involvement Team aim to have moved into their new location in the portacabins by the end of this week with the intention of being fully operational during Week 4.

WholeSchool Review:

Please refer to the SLT minutes for further information regarding the Autumn Whole School Review which involves lesson observations, scrutiny of work and pupil interviews.

Responsible use of social media:

The NUT has recently drawn attention to the fact that in 2011 43 teachers were referred to the GTC for unprofessional conduct related to the use of social media sites e.g. Face book, Twitter etc As a result the union have advised schools to make it clear to teachers what they should and should not do in virtual space. In essence teachers should ensure that their usage of social media:

  • Does not bring the school into disrepute
  • Does bring the teacher into disrepute
  • Does not expose the school to legal liability.
  • Reflects safe internet practices
  • Minimises risks associated with the personal use of social media by professionals.
  • Reflects the staff school’s standards of behaviour and staff code of conduct

Tell the office:

Please, if and when you place an order with a company by phone, post or online do tell the office and if possible give them a copy of the order. Without this information they will be left unsure as to whether to pay an invoice or not which may result in delays both to payment and delivery.

No parking Thursday:

The swimming bus picks Y4 children up from the main entrance each Thursday morning. In order for the bus to manoeuvre safely into position and depart without delay we need to ensure that cars are not parked in the area outside the staff room window on these mornings.

Autumn Staff Meetings:

Staff meeting time for this term is rapidly becoming fully booked with only a small number of slots remaining for any additional training or presentations. If you or your working group do require some staff meeting time please let me know without delay.

The Autumn programme as booked and agreed thus far is as follows:

Tuesday 25th September:Curriculum Themed Weeks – 20 minutes (Rae & Lisa)

Teacher Appraisal – 10 minutes (Rob)

Revisiting Speaking & Listening – 1 hour (Sue & Gina)

Tuesday 9th October:Subject Assessment – 1 hour (Roger, Lisa & Rae)

Tuesday 11th October:Guided Reading Feedback – 1 hour (Sue & GIna)

Tuesday 1st November:Espresso training – 1 hour 20 minutes (Roger)

Tuesday 20th November:Writing Workshop – 1 hour 20 minutes (Sue & Christine C.)

Tuesday 4th December:Follow up to Writing Workshop – 30 minutes (Sue)

Tuesday 18th December:-

Autumn 1 Pupil Progress Meetings:

Please note the following revised times for Autumn 1 Pupil Progress Meetings (PPMs).:

Monday 5th November: Y6 at 13.30

Tuesday 6th November:Y5 at 13.30

Y3 at 14.00

Wednesday 7th November:Y2 at 13.30

Nursery at 14.00

Thursday 8th November:Y4 at 10.00

Y1 at 13.30

Friday 9th November:Reception at 10.00

Most of these times are different to what is stated in the Autumn Term Events Schedule circulated at the start of term. Do make sure you amend your diary if necessary.

Close the doors!

This is just a reminder to everyone to please make sure that external doors to the building are closed securely whenever children come back into school from break, lunch time, PE etc. Doors that are left open compromise the security of the building and create a safeguarding issue. So, if you see an open external door whilst moving around school do close it, unless of course a class or group of children are working just outside with a member of staff.

Briefing for Week 4(24/09/12to 30/09/12):

Monday:-Gina and Adam attending Named Person training at Future House

-Debbie attending First Aid training

15.30:Y5/6 parents meeting re Robin Wood residential visit.

15.45:S7 Superheroes assembly – see Riz for details.

15.40:Leadership Team meeting

Tuesday:-Gina and Adam attending Named Person training, Future House

-Debbie attending First Aid training

P.M:Rach and Scott working with Fiona Beevers to review RE & CW

15.40:Staff meeting

Wednesday:-Jemma and Susanna involved in School Linking Network meeting

-Debbie attending First Aid training

-Michelle attending Talking Maths training.

-Helen attending Land Art course.

13.30:Photographer to photograph new Reception pupils

Thursday:-Rob attending Headteachers BPIP Strategic Conference at

Craiglands Hotel, Ilkley

A.M:Sue at LAP SENCO meeting at Delius Primary

A.M:Yasmin attending Guided Reading course

Friday:-Rob attending Headteacher’s BPIP Strategic Conference at

Craiglands Hotel, Ilkley

-Liz attending NQT induction conference at Future House

P.M:Rachel covering Friday Afternoon Club

Advance notice of important events in Week 5 (01/10/12 to 07/10/12):


Monday:-KS2 test orders web site opens until 30th November

-Y5 visit ThackrayMedicalMuseum

14.15:Y4 Water Safety talk

15.40:Maths Working Group meeting

15.40:SLT meeting

Tuesday:09.00:Headteacher Performance Management – start of new Teacher

Appraisal cycle for 2012/13

15.40:Development Working Groups meet.

18.00:Governors A.G.M.



Friday:P.M:Adam covering Friday Afternoon Club

Saturday:A.M:School/Madrasa Partnership Child Protection & Safeguarding

Conference at Killinghall Primary – see Rob for details.

N.B: The SLT meeting minutes and the allocation of teachers to an appraiser follow below.


Type of Meeting:SLT Meeting.

Dates:Monday 17th September 2012

Present:Adam, Sue, Rachel, Rob, Gina, Rae and Lisa


Agenda Item / Action by:
  1. Apologies for absence:
Sally not required for this meeting.
Gina, Lisa and Rae co-opted to attend as Base Leaders.
  1. SLT meetings in 2012/13:
Given the deletion of our SLT this year due to Eileen changing her role and Rachel’s maternity leave SLT will take a different format this year which we hope will support the school as a whole and the development of middle leadership.
The SLT core group will consist of Sue, Adam and Rob from Autumn half term following Rachel’s taking maternity leave until July 2013. Base Leaders, Rae, Lisa and Gina, plus other TLR post holders, Roger, Jenny, Eileen and Kathryn when not on maternity leave, will be co-opted into SLT meetings and to carry out SLT roles on an “as needed “basis. Rob will ensure that each TLR post holder is informed as to what is expected of them and when and how they will be required.
The SLT has responsibility for the strategic leadership and management of the school and for monitoring and reviewing performance and progress. / Rob
  1. Teacher Appraisal:
Headteacher Appraisal will take place on 2nd October. The new teacher appraisal cycle will follow, beginning in Week 6 starting 8th October 2012.
Rob circulated the following documents for discussion prior to presentation at our next staff meeting:
-Appraisal cycle and process for 2012/13
-Teacher appraisal allocation
-Teacher appraisal monitoring form
-Summary of expectations for teachers on MPS, NQT and UPS scales taken from the Pay & Conditions document.
-Classroom observation monitoring form revised to reflect new teacher appraisal format.
Performance management of support staff will be discussed at our Leadership Team meeting on Monday 24th September. Sue will review the process and procedure followed in 2011/12 in preparation for this.
The focus of appraisal in our school will rest firmly on supporting staff to achieve consistent Good/Outstanding teaching and learning in order to further raise standards and achieve the best for our pupils. / Sue
  1. School and Locality Data 2012:
Rob presented school and locality end of KS data for 2012. Key outcomes were as follows:
-KS2 results were our best ever and compared well with other local schools.
-KS2 threshold targets were exceeded by a wide margin and 2 levels progress in maths and in English were above the national average for 2011.
-The percentage of pupils achieving L5 was up and compared well with the locality. We were one of only 2 local schools to have pupils achieve L6 in maths.
-The gap with the national average at KS2 was narrowed by a significant margin in all areas including L4 maths and English combined.
-FFTD was exceeded in English and maths and in both subjects combined at both L4 and L5.
-KS1 results, in contrast to KS2, show a 3 year declining trend in maths, reading and writing and compare poorly with other local schools. The percentage attaining 2b as opposed to 2c is particularly low.
-However, KS1 progress is accelerated and exceeded targets for 2012.
-Results of the Y1 phonics test were very poor indeed, the lowest by a significant margin of all the schools in BD3.
-FSP data is also low whilst showing accelerated progress from a low on entry base.
-Whole school data reflected the above, showing attainment in most KS2 year groups to be in line with and in some cases above other local schools whilst KS1 and FS attainment was largely below.
Discussion around this data resulted in the following:
-We must focus on maintaining and building on the improving attainment in KS2 – Rachel to identify with Rae and Lisa what works and must be retained and developed as well what else can be done to improve further. Writing through the workshop approach being developed with the support of Christine Crowther is expected to have a very positive impact and will be implemented and monitored during 2012/13. Gina and Rae/Lisa will also work with Christine to develop a model for writing across the curriculum and disseminate to staff.
-The standard of phonics teaching across FS and KS1 must be improved and we must ensure seamless transition from Reception to Y1 - Sue and Adam to discuss leadership and management of this now that Eileen has stepped down from her role. Kathryn to lead on phonics up to and following her maternity leave in liaison with Sue, Lisa and Adam
-We must arrest the decline in end of KS1 outcomes. Whilst it is recognised that this decline is happening despite accelerated progress being achieved from Reception through to Y2 and that we have lower ability cohorts following expansion to 3 form entry, we must develop strategies which will accelerate progress further and ensure a much higher proportion of children leave Y2 having secured L2b+. Improved and more rigorous phonics teaching plus targeted interventions are in place for the start of the new year and will be monitored for positive impact by Sue, Adam and Lisa through observation and scrutiny. They will also meet to discuss what more may be done to raise standards and will feedback to our next meeting.
-Rob explained that Rachel and Kathryn’s absence through maternity leave will make some additional funding available which should be used to support strategies for raising standards. SLT were asked to give consideration to this and feedback their suggestions at our next meeting bearing in mind the information gained from the data analysis. / Rachel, Rae and Gina
Gina, Rae and Lisa
Sue, Adam and Kathryn
Sue, Adam and Lisa.
  1. SATs 2013:
Rob presented information received from The Standards and Testing Agency re the timetable for and changes to the KS1 and KS2 SATs
  1. WholeSchool Review:
On this occasion our whole school review will have a Guided Reading focus.
Whilst the review was scheduled to take place in Week 5 KS2 will begin lesson studies from next week.
Sue will identify when Guided Reading is timetabled so that we can prepare a schedule for observations.
Rachel will organise pupil interviews during Week 8 (22nd to 25th October). These will focus on application of the calculations policy and use of Maths Passports.
A scrutiny of writing will take place during Autumn 2. Sue will organise and invite Christine Crowther to be involved. / Rob to draft schedule
  1. School Self Evaluation:
Rob reminded everyone to let him have any further information, data etc to add to the school self evaluation. He will add the 2012 data and completed the latest up to date version to SLT at our next meeting. / Rob
  1. School Improvement and Action Plans:
The deadline for all Base, subject and working group action plans to be submitted is Autumn Week 8. Rob will draft a monitoring schedule for the year. / Rob
  1. A.O.B:
-Sue briefed the meeting on progress with Nurture Group and establishment of the new Learning Mentors/Parenting area. Staff will move into their new location on Wednesday.
Referrals have already been invited for small group support for Upper KS2 pupils and from Lower KS2 and KS1 for Nurture Group.
Mumtaz is setting up a parenting skills course for parents and is developing parental involvement.
It is expected that all will be ready and operational by Week 4.
-Sue and Rachel will identify resources to support spelling, grammar, punctuation and phonics. / Sue and Rachel
  1. Next meeting:
Leadership Team: Monday 24th September 2012 at 15.40
SLT: Monday 1st October 2012 at 15.40

N.B. Teacher Appraisal Allocation for 2012/13 follows below.


2012 - 2013

Appraiser:Rob Freeth

Will appraiseSue Evans, Rachel LePelley, Adam Bagherian

+ NQT appraisal of Liz Wilkinson and Scott Greenwood

Appraiser:Sue Evans

Will appraise:Lisa Woollard, Gaynor Thompson, Linda Lambert

Appraiser:Rachel LePelley

Will appraise:Rae Shoulder (RF*), Gina Williams (SE*)

* Will take over appraisal when Rachel departs for maternity leave

Appraiser:Adam Bagherian

Will appraise:Rachel Eastell, Byron Davies, Eileen Devaney, Kathryn Walker, Pat Tillet

Appraiser:Lisa Wollard

Will appraise:Haj Kaur, Roger Kullar, Liz Jackson, Andrea Sheridan

Appraiser:Gina Williams

Will appraise:Jemma White, Susanna Walters, Neesha Pal.

Appraiser:Rachel Shoulder

Will appraise:Rach McGregor, Caire Pendery, Nicola Wilkinson, Jenny Stones