Transport for London (TfL)Youth Panel Application

Interested in helping young people have a say and be heard on TfL’s programmes and campaigns?

Want toshare your views with decision-makers and experts at TfL and give young people a voice?

Want to help improve services for young Londoners and developyour skills?

Transport for London (TfL)is looking for young people to join our Youth Panel – a group of young people aged 12 to 25 who inform and influence our initiatives and campaigns.

What does it involve?

You will become a valued part of TfL, one of the world’s largest transport authorities, and support our goal to keep London working, growing and make life in our city better. You will also gain valuable experience in team work and leadership.

The role of a TfL Youth Panel member is to:

  • Give your views, as a young person, on our programmes and campaigns and share these with decision-makers within TfL
  • Share information with young people and your networks and champion our campaigns, such as the teen road safety campaign
  • Represent the Youth Panel at events
  • Showcase the Youth Panel’s work and support the organisation of the annual Youth Participation Day event

Youth Panel Members also appoint a Chair and Vice Chair from within the panel.

The Panel meetevery two months at our offices in central London. Travel expenses are covered and refreshments are provided. The first meeting of 2016 will be on Friday 19 Februaryfrom 4.30pm to 7.30pm.

Who is eligible to apply?

You must be:

  • Aged 12 - 25
  • Living in London or use TfL services frequently
  • Able to commit to attending Youth Panel meetings
  • Committed to getting young people's voices heard

How are Youth Panel members chosen?

Applications will be considered by the current Chair and Vice Chair of the TfL Youth Panel and the TfL staff that support the Youth Panel. Applicants will be told whether they have got a place on the Youth Panel by Wednesday 10 February 2016.

How do I get involved?

Please fill in this form and email it to by Sunday 17 January 2016.

Tell us about you

Your details

Surname: / Forename(s):
Address: / Email address:
Mobile number: / Home telephone number:
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Where did you hear about this opportunity?
Are you involved in any youth organisations or voluntary / community groups?
Are you able to commit to attending Youth Panel meetings every two months (and prepared to secure your parent’s / guardian’s consent to attend the meetings, if necessary)? Please consider this before filling in the rest of the application form.
Yes / No / Maybe / I don’t know

Please answer these three questions to help us get a better idea about you, why you want to get involved and what you could bring to the TfL Youth Panel.

Why would you like to join the TfL Youth Panel?(Maximum 250 words)

What do you feel you would bring to the role? (Maximum 250 words)

Why do you think transport matters to young Londoners?(Maximum 250 words)

To be part of the TfL’s Youth Panel, you need to:

want to improve transport services for young people

be able to work in a team

be committed to attending training and meetings

willing to listen and learn

have respect for others

Please sign below:

I understand what the commitment means and intend to do my best to carry it out to the full.

If you are under 18 years of age, please ask a parent/guardian to give their consent to your participation.


Privacy Notice

TfL uses the information supplied on this form for the purpose of administering your / your child’s application to participate as a member of the TfL Youth Panel and in providing you / them with information and regular updates in relation to the Youth Panel’s activities.

We will not disclose any personal information about you / your child to anyone outside the Youth Panel without your prior consent, unless we are required to do so by law.

The personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Please email this form toby Sunday 17 January 2016.