How To Pay for Seminar

When you have a Mary Kay business you can no longer say “I can’t afford_____”, you can only say I’m not willing to work for it.

-NSD Dawn Otten-Sweeney

Well, I’ll be honest, that’s not one of my favorite quotes in Mary Kay, but it is indeed TRUTH. I want to show you how to make the money you need to go to Seminar…debt free.

The #1 reason that I hear from consultants on why they are not attending Seminar:

Money - I can’t afford it!

First, Let’s Get A Grip on Expenses:

As of this week (5/2) we are 11 weeks from Seminar (Emerald dates: July 20 – 23).

Here is an estimate of Seminar Expenses:

$175Registration Fee (registration open: May 4 – July 4)

$350Airline Flight (approximate)

$273.50Hotel (Adolphus 5 Star hotel. Based on 3 people/room – includes Sweeney area dinner, midnite buffet following awards nite, taxes & fees included in price)

$100-$150Food, incidentals/spending moneyTotal

$898-948 total

$948 / 11 weeks = $86.20 profit per week needed

= $173 in retail sales per week needed

Second, Let’s look at the most common situation: You are probably already using the income from your Skin Care Parties & Reorders for a variety of purposes. Therefore, you can’t deny those purposes to pay for Seminar.

If I said, “Hey, just take the profit from MK sales and put it towards Seminar”…that may be like me telling you to ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’!

You might say, “I’m already using the profit from my parties and reorders to pay for my child’s sports or music lessons….so I can’t just take that $$ and put it towards Seminar”

Third, A Solution: Generate sales from other/new sources to be used solely for Seminar funds and continue using the profit from your Skin Care Parties & reorders as you already are.


Fourth, Examples & Selling Ideas:

Remember you need approximately $860-$910

Take the profit from these sales and set aside for Seminar

1. 10 STAR Client Certificates: $125 in product for $99

50% of $125 = $62.50 (wholesale) $99-$62.50 = $36.50 profit

$36.50 profit x 10 certificates sold = $365

2. 10 Sun Sets. Subtle Tanning Lotion $16

Sunscreen $14

Lip Protector $ 7.50

After Sun Replenishing Gel $12


(you could offer them ½ off a bronzer of their choice when they purchase this set)

50% of 49.50 = $24.60 profit x 10 = $246

3. 10 Lovely Legs Sets. Sugar Scrub (scent of their choice) $15

Timewise Targeted Action Toning Lotion $28

Subtle Tanning Lotion $16


(you could offer ½ off sunscreen when they purchase this set)

50% of $59 = $29.50 profit x 10 = $295

The profit from the sales of 10 STAR Client Certificates, 10 Sun Sets & 10 Lovely Legs Sets = $906 YOU JUST PAID FOR SEMINAR!!!!!!!

****Strategy Tip: Promote the Lovely Legs Set in May as women get ready for Capri & shorts. Then, promote the Sun Set in June. This way the same customers may purchase both!!*********

4. Father’s Day Sales – Men’s skin care & cologne. All profit to Seminar

5. Mother’s Day Sales – Offer $50, $75 or $100 certificates to men.

HI______, Mother’s Day is Sunday…have you gotten her a gift yet? I can totally take care of you and her! I have certificates that she can use on whatever Mary Kay products she wants and it comes with a complimentary consultation with me too. What amount do you want $50, $75 or $100?”

6. Spa Parties – host your own or book hostesses. Profits from your Spa Parties go to Seminar fund

7 Spring Fling Sale – on all color products. Or, host your own or book hostesses for Spring Fling Color Parties. Profits go to Seminar fund.

8. New Faces Strategy – all sales from NEW faces go to Seminar fund. (Reorders from existing customers to regular account)

Finally, in following this strategy not only will you create income for Seminar but you will also build “Head-to-Toe” customers!!! Many of us have Skin Care customers…but imagine introducing them to other/new products that they’ve never purchased before. Remember, Skin Care Party sales & re-orders continue being used to fund your business the way they have. These ideas are to focus you on other/new product sales.

Can you get excited???!?!?!?!!

Can you Afford it?!?!?!