Blackpool Council

Development Control Committee:

Planning Application & Enforcement Reports – Update Notes

Listed below are changes to the planning reports made as a result of additional information received since the publication of the agenda for this meeting.

Case: / Address: / Update:
Year: / Ref:
09 / 1069 / 255 Church Street / The relevant policies in the ‘Reasons for Recommended Decision’ on page 39 should read BH3, BH19 and AS1
A supporting statement has been submitted by the Council for Voluntary Service confirming the Thomas clients are always polite and respect their surroundings when they visit CVS. Some have been coming for over 2 years and there has been no known trouble arising from these visits.
Thomas are a well established organisation and when they have been unable to be accommodated fellow organisations have been more than happy accommodate them and to let them return again. Thomas wouldlike to remain where they are but the move to a more suitable building can only encourage further rehabilitation.
09 / 1081 / Site of former Belle Vue Garage, Whitegate Drive / Letter received from 86 Portland Road – additional ground of objection raised relating to the possible grant of an alcohol licence and the increased anti-social behaviour that will result. In response, it is normal for supermarkets to sell alcohol and it is a matter for the Licensing committee rather than the Development Control committee to restrict this if they consider it necessary.
The Head of Environmental Protectionhas requested acondition restricting the hours of opening to 08:00hrs and 00:00hrs Monday to Saturday and 10:00hrs to 22:00hrs Sunday and delivery and service vehicles restricted to between 07:30hrs and 20:00hrs. However, Sainsbury’s are adamant from a commercial viability point of view that they need to be open from 07.00 to 23.00, seven days a week. Sainsbury’s rely on twenty percent of their trade on a Sunday, so it is important to them that the opening hours are not restricted (other than Sunday trading hours). One of the two nearby Tesco’s (to which Sainsbury’s is particularly sensitive) trades twenty four hours and the closest one’s advertised opening hours are 07.00 to 23.00. In addition, the closest Co-op’s hours appear to be 07.00 to 22.00.
Since this is a main road location and servicing is proposed from the Whitegate Drive frontage rather than from within the site, I do not feel that 7am opening will have a significant impact on residential neighbours (who are mainly to the rear), and I recommend that condition 4 is amended accordingly.
With regard to highway works, it has been agreed with the Head of Transportation that the proposed layby be removed from the scheme and servicing will be direct from the highway, with an unloading zone marked out and restricted to non-peak times. The applicant has agreed to fund the provision of a quality bus stop outside 69/71 Whitegate Drive, and relocate the taxi rank as part of the S278 Agreement. The wording of condition 6 has been altered to read –
No development shall be commenced until the developer has submitted a scheme of works on the public highway as required by the development hereby approved. Those works shall include principally :-
  • reinstatement of the footway at the north end of the site
  • improve the vehicular access into the site, including dropped kerbs
  • appropriate road markings
The approved scheme of works on the public highway shall then be carried out prior to the first occupation of the development.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
The car park within the site has been reconfigured to accord with the Head of Transportation’s requirements (now showing 12 spaces and motorcycle and cycle parking) and amended plans have been submitted to reflect the changes detailed above.
The recommendation remains for approval.
Reasons for recommended decision do not appear in the agenda but are as follows -
The proposal has been considered in relation to Policies BH3, BH4, BH11, BH13, LQ1, LQ2, LQ4, LQ8 and AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001 - 2016 and is in accordance with those policies and there are no other material considerations which weigh sufficiently against the proposal such as to warrant refusal.
The developer has paid the required financial contribution and if committee is in agreement with the recommendation, the decision notice canbe issued.
09 / 1015 / 22 Willshaw Road / The layout plans have been amended and now fully comply with the floorspace standards in SPG10.
The inclusion of a condition requiring the removal of the signage is referred to in the report but is deemed unnecessary.

File name: Update Template01

Updated: 27/09/2018