English Comprehension and Grammar Class 9


I dedicate this piece of writing to my parents, who are more than my life to me and to my sincere teachers who made me able writing it.

Hameed Ali (M.A , M.ed)


Standard Public High School,


Book Contents:

§  Comprehensions

§  Grammar Unites of Exercises

§  Paraphrase of the stanzas

§  Applications

§  Short Stories

§  Letters

§  Important Proverbs

Unit:1 The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)

Q 1: When and where was our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) born?

Ans : Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) was born in 571 A.D in Makkah.

Q 2: Why did people call him ‘Amin’ And ‘Sadiq’?

Ans :The people called him ‘Amin’ because he was so truthful and “Sadiq” because he was so honest.

Q 3: What did the Arab worship in those days ?

Ans: In those days , the Arabs worshiped the stone idols .

Q4: Why were most of the people of Makkah annoyed with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?

Ans: Most of the people of Makkah were annoyed with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) when they heard his words, the message of Allah.

Q5 :Why did the enemies of the Holy prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah came to his house?

Ans: The Holy Prophet ‘s (S.A.W) enemies came to his house to kill him.

Q6 : Who accompanied the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) during his migration from Makkah to Madina ?

Ans : Hazrat Abu –bakkar (R.A) accompanied the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)during his migration from Makkah to Madina.

Q7: How did the Muslims of Madina receive the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)?

Ans: When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) migrated to Madina, the Muslims of Madina received him whole heartedly.

Q8 : How did the religion , Islam, affect the life of the Arab in medina ?

Ans: The new religion, Islam changed the life of the people of Medina. They started praying to one Allah observed the fast, stopped gambling and drinking wine and stopped fighting against each others. Islam taught them that they all were brothers.

Q9: Why did the people of Makkha turn against the people of Madina?

Ans: The people of Makkah turned against the people of Madina because they accepted the new religion Islam and helped the Muslims who migrated to Madina from Makkah.

Q10: When were the stone idols of Makkah destroyed?

Ans: After the conquest of Makkah, the stone idols of Makkah were destroyed.

Translate into idiomatic Urdu.

Q : Make meaningful sentences of the following word .

(1)  Worship: The Muslims worship to One Allah.

(2)  Wicked: We should not do wicked things to others.

(3)  Preaching: Preaching Islam is the Sunnah of Muhammad (S.A.W).

(4)  Dangerous: The snake is a dangerous animal.

(5)  Annoyed: I annoyed from him because he did not give me his car.

(6)  Conquer: Makkah were conquered by the Muslims.

(7)  Message : I received a message from Ali.

Sentence: The combination of words which makes a complete sense is called sentence.

A sentence may be of one word , two words or of many words.

Types of sentence:

1.Assertive sentence : A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called assertive sentence. Assertive sentence may be positive or negative

eg: He plays hockey.

They do not wash the clothes.

2.  Interrogative, A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence.

Eg: Are you playing cricket?

What is your name?

3.  Imperative : A sentence that expresses a command or an impression for doing an action is called an imperative sentence

Imperative sentences always start with verb .

Ø  Open the door .

Ø  Shut the window.

Ø  Speak the truth.

Ø  Don’t tell a lie.


A sentence that expresses strong feeling is called an exclamatory sentence. eg

Ø  Oh! His father died .

Ø  Hurrah ! We have won the match .

Ø  What a big palace.

Q: Write a paragraph on :

The Life of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).

The Holy prophet (S.A.W) Was born in 571(A.D) in Makah . His father died before his birth. At the age of childhood, he was different from other people of his age . At the age of forty, he got the Nabowat . He started perching the message of Allah . The people did wicked things to him but he did not wished any harm to them . The people called him “Sadiq” because he was truthful and called “Amin” because he was honest. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was not rude to anybody. He lived a simple life.


Q 1: Who was Helen Keller?

Ans: Helen Keller was a blind and deaf woman. She was not deaf and blind by birth but at the age of 2, after an illness diagnosed as brain fever she become blind and deaf. At the age of seven, she was taken charge by Anne Sullivan. When she received her B.A degree, her formal education ended. She was a remarkable woman. She showed the world that there are no boundaries to courage, hard work and faith.

Q 2: Describe the comparison drawn by the author in the first paragraph

Ans: In the first paragraph, the author compares the heroes and the criminals. The author has drawn comparison between their time that the heroes and the criminals have.

QNO 3: What kind of attitude emphasizes the value of life?

Ans : The attitude of remembering death emphasizes the value of life.

Q4: Who becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life?

Ans: A man who suffers impairment of an organ becomes more appreciative of it. This is the same case in general life that a man is more appreciative of what he losses and less appreciative what he has.

Q6 : Who is a great admirer of nature? Helen Keller or her friend?

Ans: Helen Keller is a great admirer of nature as compare to her friend.

Q 5 : why don’t we make full use of the given faculties and senses ?

Ans : We do not make full use of the given faculties and senses because we consider life as

granted and have no appreciation of such faculties and senses.

Q6 : What makes you feel that the author is sad and depressed?

Ans : The author is sad and depressed because she is of the opinions that the human nature is less appreciative in what they have . She also feels sorry that being a blind and deaf, she cannot see and hear the beauty of nature.

Q 8: How are we lethargic in the use of our facilities and senses?

Ans : We are lethargic for having the faculties and senses of sight and hearing and we do not make its full use also we are not grateful of these blessed faculties and senses.

Q 9: Which human nature she is referring to in the second last paragraph?

Ans : In the second last paragraph, she is referring to the human nature that it is the human nature that they appreciate little that they have and appreciate that they do not have . The gift of sight is merely used as a convenience rather than as means of fullness to life.

Q 10: What does she want to introduce in universities and why?

Ans : She wants to introduce a compulsory cause how to use your Eyes” in universities to establish appreciation of sight and to use it as a convenience to each student . For this purpose the professors would try to awaken their dormant and sluggish faculties.

Q 1: Use the following words in sentences.

thrilling: My grandma narrated a very thrilling story yesterday.

pleasure : It is my pleasure to meet my friends .

Mortal: Man is mortal.

Discover : Arshad discovered a new course.

situation : We should help those who are in difficult situations.

Grateful : we should be grateful of our faculties and senses.

Q : Encircle the option that relates to the text .

1 :Apparently means (a) Obviously (b) As it appears (c)Clearly

2:Condemn means (a)Impose a penalty (b) Find guilty (c)Convict

3:Doomed Means (a) Certain to fall (b)Suffer (c) Die

Translate into idiomatic Urdu.

Grammar :

Abstract Noun: The noun that can only be felt is called abstract noun.

Examples: Goodness, Kindness, Darkness, Honesty, Wisdom, Hate, Youth, Sleep, Poverty.

Gerund: Gerund is a verb that has –ing ending and functions as a NOUN.

Example: For long ago I become convinced that the seeing see little.

The underline word is “Gerund”

Present participle; it is a verb form that functions as an adjective. Present participle is a verb form that has –ing ending.

Now and than I have tasted my seeing friends to discover what they see.

The underline word is “Present participle”

Model verbs: It express meanings such as ability, Permission, Certainty, Necessity or Obligation.

Can: Is used to show ability /inability, Possibility/ impossibility

Ø  Eg: I can play Hockey.

Ø  I can not play Cricket.

May : It is used to show permission / possibility e.g.

Ø  It may rain tomorrow.

Must : It is used to show duty / obligation e.g.

Ø  You must improve your spelling.

Should : It is used to show duty / obligation e.g.

Ø  We should obey our parents.

Questions. Read the passage and give answers.

Q 1: What is 88th street like ?

Ans: 88th street is a busy street.

Q 2: Is it ever quieter then usual?

Ans : Yes, it is a bet quieter in summer afternoon and early morning.

Q3: Is it 88th street busier in the summer or winter?

Ans : Yes, 88th street is busy in summer .

Q 4: Are the two women thinking about something as they walk towards each other?

Ans: Yes, the two women are thinking about something as they walk towards each other.

Q5: Do the two woman start to speak at the same time.

Ans: Yes, the two women started to speak at the same time.

Q6: Are there usually a lot of people on 88th street, or is it usually empty?

Ans: There are usually a lot of people on 88th street.

Q 7: Why is the street never completely quiet?

Ans: Because there are a lot of people in the street.

Q 8: What sport do the kids enjoy?

Ans: Run, jump and fall are the sports which the kids enjoy.

Q 9: Did the two women had a lot to say to each other?

Ans: No, they talked only for a while.

Q 10: Do the people know their neighbors?

Ans : Yes the people know their neighbors .


Q : I identify these sentences as statement, Questions and Exclamations . Write the number of sentences in the relevant boxes

Ans : (1) perhaps you should carry the luggage home.

(2) Ahmad wanted to buy the books.

(1) can you tell me where the sports shop is ?

(2) Would you like a gift for them ?


(1)Oh! The second pair in the shelf is beautiful.

(2) We have won the match

Q: Change the following sentences into negative from.

(1)The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

The telephone was not invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

(2) The telegraph wires have been cut .

The telegraph wires have not been cut.

(3) Honey is made by bees.

Honey is not made by bees.

Q : Change the following sentences into interrogative from.

(1)  The letter was written by the clerk

Was the letter written by the clerk?

(2)They have pulled demolished the house.

Have they pulled demolished the house?

(2)  They rejected all our proposals.

Did they reject all our proposals?

Q : Insert articles where necessary.

(1)  What beautiful scene it is!

What a beautiful scene it is!

(2)  The musician was old man.

The musician was an old man.

(3)  Moon did not rise till after ten .

The Moon did not rise till after the ten.

(4)I have not seen him since he was child.

I have not seen him since he was a child.

(5) My favorite flower is rose.

My favorite flower is the rose.

Q : Underline the gerunds in the following sentences.

(1)Hunting tigers is a favorite sport in this country.

(2) I like reading poetry.

(3) Teach me swimming

(4) We saw a clown standing on the stage.

(5) The old man was tried of walking.

Q. Read the passage. How many senses are highlighted in it?

Ans; In the given passage, two senses of hearing and sight are highlighted.

Q: What does the author mean by saying “ the seeing see little “ write in 2-4 sentences

Ans: The author means by saying “the seeing see little” that those people who can see, do not feel as much beauty of the world as they should.

Q : What do you understand by the expression” gift of sight is used merely as a convenience rather than as means of adding fullness to life” : write a paragraph.

Ans : The gift of sight has given fullness to life but we use it just a facility . Thus the writer says that “gift of sight is used merely as a convenience rather than as means of adding fullness to others.

Q :Write a paragraph on “ what would do if I were the principal of the school?

Ans :If I were the principal of a school, I would take the following steps to make it an idle school.

(a) I shall take bold steps far a good discipline.

(b) There will be active learning instead of passive learning.

(c) I would try my best to create practical learning environment.

(d) I would establish a system of co-curricular activities.

(e) I would categories all tasks.

Q; Write an essay on “opportunities for special people in our country and advanced countries”.

Ans: Disable people are called special people. They are the people in need and more care. Following is the detail containing facilities for the special people in Pakistan and advance countries.
