PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, president and Cheryl Cotner-Bailey, member. Mickey Thompson, member, was not present.
OTHERS PRESENT: Police Chief Bailey, Assistant Police Chief Fudge, Fire Chief Juliot, Fire Marshal Koehler, Brandon Sailings, David Hall, Courtney Lewis, Larry Summers, Alicia Meredith, Chris Gardner, Bryan Slade, Jessica Campbell, Linda Moeller, and Mindy Milburn
Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
1. Mohammad Nouri re: Curb cut at 108 Daisy Lane
Mr. Nouri explained that this is a new development on the corner of Daisy Lane and Green Valley Road that was approved with four conditions. He stated that those conditions relates to a curb cut on Daisy Lane and that is what he is asking the board for today. He gave a brief background of the project and stated that he owner has abandoned the access road off of Green Valley after the board expressed their concerns. He stated that he has met with Mr. Wood and Mr. Summers regarding this project and provided the board with the latest copy of the site plan.
Mr. Thompson asked about the access showing on the map from Green Valley
Mr. Nouri explained that it is an existing access and they have asked that it be an entrance only. He stated that they will be tightening one of the curbs and they will have do no enter signs within the property for it.
Mr. Nash stated that the entrance is under water quite a bit of time.
Mr. Nouri explained that they don’t think it is going to be use very often so they don’t foresee it being an issues.
Mr. Nash clarified that the entrance would be on the west part of the property line.
Mr. Nouri replied yes and explained that they are abandoning the old entrance and shifting it 50 feet west at the suggestion of Mr. Wood and Mr. Summers.
Mr. Summers stated that this curb cut is for the new development and as part of the plan review they are aligning the entrance with the one that is across the street. He asked that if the board approves this today he would ask that they make it contingent upon some assurances from the developer that he has requested from them.
Mr. Nash stated that the board isn’t thrilled with the entrance on Green Valley.
Mr. Summers explained that the Plan Commission has stipulated that they can use that as and entrance only and they will be adding asphalt.
Mrs. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve contingent upon approval from the City Engineer, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
2. Vectren re: Cut request for 1629 E. Market St. (13321095) – street cut
Mr. Thompson stated that he went out to look and it looks like a retirement for the old Tommy Lancaster’s building.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.
3. IN-AWC re: Street Cuts for 224 Green Street (replace service)
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.
Richard Otey thanked the city for taking care of the houses on Grantline Road. He presented photos of a body of water that has been there since the property was torn down and explained that it attacks mosquitoes and would like to get it taken care of.
Mr. Nash stated that they would be happy to get that to the appropriate people.
Mr. Otey asked if there is someone in particular he could communicate with so he doesn’t have to come back to the board.
Mr. Nash stated that he would need to see Mr. Rosenbarger.
Mr. Hawkins explained that he is here to discuss the new potholes that are on Main Street that have developed over the last few months. He stated that the surface condition of the street has degraded and MAC has been out there two time already to fix it. He asked if the question has come up with the administration regarding why their quality of workmanship is less than acceptable. He asked what the city’s intention is to address the potholes and other surface failures.
Mr. Nash stated thanked Mr. Hawkins for bringing it to their attention and stated that they would look into it.
Mr. Hawkins asked if any of them have been out on State Street going towards the hospital and explained that it reflects poorly on the city to have streets in this condition.
Mr. Nash stated that the council took some action on paving last night and they should be seeing some improvements shortly.
1. Warren Nash re: M. Fine and Sons Building
Mr. Nash read into the record a letter from the Historic Preservation Commission regarding an application from M. Fine and Sons at 1420 East Main Street to be considered for a nomination to the National Register of History Places. Said letter is on file with the City Clerk’s office.
Mrs. Cotner Bailey moved to accept the application, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
Courtney Lewis informed the board that on April 23rd from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. the city will be hosting a neighborhood beautification day from Scribner Drive to Vincennes.
Mr. Nash asked if they will need dumpsters.
Ms. Lewis explained that they are working on that plan right now and she will come back and request them when they know for sure.
Mr. Nash asked if they are soliciting volunteers
Ms. Lewis replied yes and explained that they have issued a press release and have a couple of sponsors that will be providing food for the volunteers.
Mr. Nash suggested that she contact the Boy Scout troops and 4-H for more volunteers.
Chief Juliot presented a letter to inform the board that Firefighter Chris Swarens was promoted to the rank of Sergeant effective April 3, 2016. He explained that Sergeant Swarens will be on probation for 1 year after which he will submit another letter asking that the rank be made permanent.
Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mrs. Cotner-Bailey second, motion carries.
Mr. Nash presented a letter from Dr. Al Knable on behalf of George Gillmore regarding several areas of concern/suggestions including a right turn issue at Charlestown Road & Beechwood, intermittent lanes on Elm and State, the stop sign at Elliott and Nelson, and the stop sign at Charlestown Road & Florence.
Mr. Thompson stated that he thinks the Charlestown Road issue is the no right turn on red sign that the board had the city install and they have to sit and wait.
Mr. Nash asked if there is a rule regarding that.
Mr. Thompson stated that he thinks what they did was the safest thing.
Tom Schellenberg explained that when there is a south bound left they would want a no turn on red but when people are turning off Beechwood there is nothing keeping the cars on Charlestown Road from turning right except for that sign. He stated that they could solve that by putting an arrow signal on Beechwood and southbound on Charlestown Road if they wanted to allow them to turn right.
Mr. Nash asked if he sees anything wrong with the signal the way it is because he travels it daily and never sees any backup.
Mr. Schellenberg stated that if there isn’t a lot of traffic it isn’t an issue but people don’t like to sit and wait if they don’t have to.
Mr. Thompson stated that he travels that road quite a bit as well and he doesn’t see any real issue with traffic backing up so he thinks it is more of people complaining because they don’t want to sit and wait.
Mr. Schellenberg stated that you don’t see the arrows a lot with old intersections but they do put them in to all modernized intersections when they do their designs because it makes it better for the public and improves the capacity of the intersection.
Mr. Nash stated that the intermittent lanes are already being addressed.
Mr. Thompson stated that he would look at the stop sign issues. He explained that the wind this weekend blew some bricks off the building 213 East Main Street so they have the alley barricaded to make it safe until the owner can get it fixed and he has informed emergency services.
Mr. Brewer stated that the building is starting to get in really bad shape and they are hoping this will help force those issues to be addressed.
Mr. Thompson stated that Lithocraft came to the board asking for the equipment to be loaded in to their building and they need to reschedule with the 11-13 because they needed a different piece of equipment to unload the new equipment. He explained that he has spoke with the residents there to update them.
Mrs. Cotner-Bailey stated that last week John Kraft came before the board to notify them that Holy Family would be making some sidewalk repairs and asked if the city needed to do anything with the other parts of the sidewalk. She explained that Mr. Thompson and Mr. Summers went out to look at the location.
Mr. Summers stated that he went out to look at those particular locations and the city doesn’t have any right-of-way or easement so they belong by the property owners. He explained that he would not recommend this project for the city and the sidewalks are in decent shape.
Mr. Nash stated that his recollection of this area is that the sidewalks are in good shape.
Mr. Thompson explained that the only complaint he has received was on the house that belongs to the church from a resident on the other side of it.
Mrs. Cotner-Bailey moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes for March 29, 2016, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.
There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Warren Nash, President Mindy Milburn, Deputy City Clerk
4 Board of Works
April 5, 2016
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office